Fire Emblem Justice and Pride 0% LTC: Chapter 17

Published 2020-07-07
This is chapter 17 of my Justice and Pride 0% LTC. It is completed in 4 turns.

Note: Due to a recording issue, the game's sound was not recorded so I included music from Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia instead. If you want to know the song, it's called "An Empty Tome."

Another way to kill the mini-boss on the upper side in time for being on his spot, is to start attacking him by turn 2 with a steel or killer bow (killer bow being better since higher hit), though this requires dodging at least one hit from the archer on the other side. I haven't done the calculations to make 100% sure this is more reliable than the other way mentioned in the video, but it definitely is better than the one done in the video.

There's not much else to talk about. I think of any chapter, this is one where I feel I probably missed some small improvements at points to improve reliability.

All Comments (2)
  • @Hanesboi
    I like this music, but I feel like midway you could've changed it a bit, maybe that's just me.