Gallavants (Part 1)

Published 2009-02-13
"Hey, get a look at this bod! Don't it kinda strike you as odd? Every time I look at this shape, I roll around the ground and I shake, shake, shake, shake, shake!"

The first part contains one of my favorite songs in Gallavants. :)

This was one of my favorite movies as a kid. Now I'd like to share it with you all. Enjoy!

I've been contacted by the co-creator and lyricist, Don E. Smith, and he is happy to see so many fellow fans of this classic film. Here's a message to the fans!

"For me, and perhaps everyone involved in the project, we always looked at it with fondness and a hope that it universal message that 'Anything is Possible!' would be the fuel for the next generation of thinkers and achievers. I, personally, am delighted to know that there are so many Gallavants fans out there and that they are continuing to share the joy and message of the film with new generations everyday. My message to you all is 'Go forth and share the film wherever and whenever you can.'"

All Comments (21)
  • @Jess3674
    Oh my god! I saw this movie when I was like three years old and haven't seen it since. For my entire life I'd remember like small bits and pieces of it but I couldn't remember, for the life of me, what it was called. I figured I'd have to root through mountains and mountains of old VHSs at Good Will and Thrift Stores abound before I ever found a copy of it ever again, but today I was at Good Will and I thought to myself, "maybe I could look a bit for it today."  I turn the corner, it's right fucking there! Right in front of me! I could not believe it! For the first time in my life I learned what it was called at last and BOOM! Gallavants! I can't believe this!
  • OMG finally!!!! i have been searching high and low for the name of this movie for so many years and here it is!!! i cant believe it. i saw it as a child and only remembered tiny bits n pieces (i.e. the main little ant not being able to grow a butt, getting lost in some kind of underground tunnels, losing his eyesight for a period of time, meeting a 2-headed worm..that's about it)..well..and the fact that it creeped me the hell out as a kid. i just thought it was so freakin weird. but here i am (25 or so years later) and im gonna give it another shot!
  • @ihatekoolaid14
    Ah! That moment when you're trying to figure out what that movie was you used to watch as a kid and then it's on Youtube! Nostalgia. Also, now I know I'm not crazy and there IS an ant movie that apparently only I, out of my entire family, can remember. 
  • @jorgesoto2076
    I was blessed to have this on VHS and I remember watching this with my sister everyday. Sometimes 2 per day because our baby brother took a nap, it’s just a great movie!
  • @humpadoop1771
    My grandfather is the associate producer and my mothers uncle basically made the movie (and one copy out there has my mothers brother in the credits) so its really cool that you uploaded it to youtube
  • @Nellynee92
    This is one of those of those movies you can watch again when your older and see all the adult parallels that seemed so innocent back then. I loved this movie, still love it, and I wish they'd come out with a soundtrack (no one of that remake stuff either, the originals) but Some of the concepts are very adult, and most people don't understand that kids get it, that that "kabump" could have been a living gallavant, and other concepts. This movie scared the living crap out of me as a kid.
  • @Bowmaj21
    This film used to drive me insane when I was a kid! For starters, I could never for the life of me remember what it was called (I had it taped and the beginning was missing), and I could never really tell if I liked it or not! The scene where he goes blind is really sad and kinda scary!
  • @nurhamidah3450
    Thank you so much so uploading this.. my child hood memories....
  • @MultiSkittles7
    Finally found it!! I'm brought to tears It took me so long to remember what the name was until i saw it in Yahoo Answers :) I'm overjoyed!!!! ^_^
  • @amandanepo92
    Oh snap! I can't believe this is on here! I used to watch this all the time growing up! Yeah, looking back, the whole "ant" puns on a lot of words was cheesy, but in a nostalgic way. GrANTS, RadiANTS, HydrANTS, SustANTce, ImportANTS, it goes on.
  • @TheWitchKing7771
    Had the images from this movie going in my head for years and I've finally found the movie. Loved this as a kid....don't know whatever happened to my VHS version.
  • So i finally re-found this cartoon after so many years of looking and reminiscing, and just how i first found this cartoon , by my parents purchasing a rundown vhs cassette for 99 cents at some random thrift store, i went looking for some used pants i can beat up and went to a random thrift store, and there i found again this cartoon but now on dvd and yet the price was 99 cents! Of course i bought it because ive been looking for this fabulous classic children.s cartoon for over 10 years!
  • @marylong4678
    I keep thinking I dreamed all this because nobody I know remembers
  • @15allrerebs
    OH MY GOSH!!!!! HAHAHA!!!! I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!! I just found this buried in my grandmas old video cabinet! When ever we visited her i would watch it... and when ever i was sick, i would have my mom call her to bring this over!!! I just about peed my pants when i saw it!!!!( not really) But I was so excited.
  • @seirensong
    Thank you for putting this up. I've been searching for it every now and then and it's finally here!
  • @FrankBlaise73
    Same here. Last time I saw this video was in '89. (sigh) Sweet memories of yesteryears.
  • @jopauley
    Oh my goodness, I was trying to explain how bad this movie was to my kids - so glad I finally found it! Thanks for posting. DEFINITELY creepy for a little kid, but my daughter used to ask to watch this movie over and over when she was two years old. She doesn't remember it. I can't wait to jog her memory!!!
  • @lmyers135
    You are my hero!!! I have been racking my brain trying to remember this movie!!!
  • FINALLY! I haven't seen this movie since I was like 7 years old and my grandpa refused to rent it from the library for the 1000th time. My favorite part was always the two-headed worm singing about how terrible it is to have two heads. It'll be interesting to see how it differs from my memories from 20 years ago...
  • @shiohongkie
    ive been trying to remember what this cartoon was called for years and i only just found out minutes ago. for some reason my family thought it was called 'kerbumps' or something like that.. I LOVE THIS MOVIE! esp 'two heads are better than one'. that was the only song i remembered from this. thanks for this!!