Your Microbiome Holds The Key To Curing Parkinson’s | Sarkis Mazmanian, PhD x Rich Roll

Publicado 2024-05-09
Rich sits down with Caltech microbiome research scientist & microbiology professor Dr. Sarkis Mazmanian to talk about how gut microbes influence neurological health, behavior, and conditions like Parkinson’s, autism, and depression. To read more about Dr. Mazmanian and peruse the full show notes, go here👉🏾

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00:00:00 Intro
00:01:29 Introduction To Microbiome Research
00:04:23 Defining The Microbiome
00:06:11 Acceptance Of The Microbiome
00:07:53 Caltech As A Research Environment
00:09:04 The Gut-Brain Axis
00:13:52 Co-Evolution Of Microbiota And Humans
00:18:25 The Hygiene Hypothesis
00:20:45 Factors Affecting Microbiome Health
00:21:35 Building The Microbiome
00:22:26 Prenatal And Early Life Microbiome
00:24:39 Flexibility Of Adult Microbiome
00:26:27 Microbiome And Potential For Disease Transmission
00:29:49 Sponsor Break
00:30:55 Genetics And Microbiome Interaction
00:32:42 Environmental Triggers And Microbiome
00:35:55 Parkinson's And Gut Microbiome
00:41:55 Autism And The Microbiome
00:45:42 The Gut-Brain Axis And 4EPS
00:47:58 Oligodendrocyte Biology And Myelination
00:49:42 Parkinson's And Alpha-Synuclein Aggregation
00:52:55 Inhibition Of Bacterial Protein As Therapy
00:54:09 The Vagus Nerve And Parkinson's
00:57:01 Challenges In Translating Findings From Rodents To Humans
01:01:31 Sponsor Break
01:02:37 FDA's Perspective On Microbiome-Based Therapeutics
01:05:14 Direct Testing In Humans
01:06:27 The Effect Size Of Drugs
01:07:35 Research Landscape Of Neurological Disorders
01:08:36 Microbiome And Depression
01:11:06 Bi-Directional Communication Between Gut And Brain
01:13:29 Future Interventions For Microbiome-Based Therapies
01:15:56 Challenges And Potential Of Fecal Transplants
01:19:05 Complexity Of Microbiome Data
01:21:35 Dream Experiment For Studying Microbiome Impact
01:26:29 Influence Of Gut Microbiome On Food Cravings
01:29:12 The Microbiome And Sugar Cravings
01:30:17 Microbiome's Potential Impact On Addiction
01:32:10 Impact Of Diet On Microbiome And Cravings
01:35:50 The Microbiome's Influence On Sentience
01:38:57 Lifestyle Factors And Microbiome Health
01:40:30 The Role Of Fiber And Plant-Based Diets
01:43:48 Challenges Of Microbiome Testing And Interpretation
01:46:27 Future Of Microbiome Research And Healthcare
01:48:16 Big Pharma's Stance On Microbiome Research
01:50:04 Big Pharma's Business Model
01:51:54 Intellectual Property And Genetic Modification
01:53:10 Challenges Of Genetically Modified Microbes
01:54:54 Axial's Clinical Approach
01:58:37 Parkinson's Intervention Development
02:01:34 Microbiology Renaissance
02:02:42 Educational Resources And Skepticism
02:04:12 Closing Remarks And Credits

* * * * *

Hi I'm Rich Roll. I'm a vegan ultra-endurance athlete, author, podcaster, public speaker & wellness evangelist. But mainly I'm a dad of four. If you want to know more, visit my website or check out these two the NY Times articles:

2630 Conejo Spectrum St.
Thousand Oaks, CA 91320

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @richroll
    Thanks for watching! Don't miss out on these exclusive offers: SQUARESPACE: Get 10% OFF with code RichRoll 👉 ON: Use code RICHROLL10 at the checkout to get 10% OFF 👉
  • @richroll
    It was an honor to host Dr. Mazmazian—truly one of the world’s leading scientists on the cutting edge of what the microbiome can teach us about well-being and disease. He is also a superb communicator, translating complex ideas into understandable concepts and actionable takeaways. I love this conversation and appreciate the incredible value Dr. M delivers in this exchange. Take notes and if this video was helpful please subscribe—it’s easy, free, and very helpful to us. Thank you!
  • @EvenSoItIsWell
    I really appreciate this interview. Especially the discussion on oligodendrocytes and myelin production. I have been living well with Multiple Sclerosis for 18 years. I went vegetarian in 2006 and whole food plant based in 2017. The gut microbiome research fascinates me and I believe part of why I am doing so well is by having a healthy gut.
  • @Yiahi65
    The FDA does a terrible job watching out for society’s safety. And does a great job of restricting access to drugs that may actually work or help.
  • @joancook5665
    Rich listens with such intensity that it enables him to ask such great questions. While listening I kept saying out loud, GOOD QUESTION! Rich may be the best interviewer I've ever listened to.
  • There is some interesting research about how walking in a rich forested area impacts our microbiome.:)
  • @janicebourdage3567
    The Dr. is a complete and utter joy to listen to and learn from. Also, hallelujah! A prominent figure in the field of research is finally speaking out about the importance of shifting from animal testing to human testing (at least in certain circumstances). It's about time.
  • @vhs10907
    There is information in every minute, much of it new to me. The discussion is worth the entire two hours.
  • @chrisnam1603
    Thank you so much Rich & guest Dr Mazmanian, this is the kind of info - knowlegde we all need to know and thank to you, you bring it to everyone who wants to heal, learn, see further than 'what we see on too many other places', the lenght is great for hearing the whole story and makes it understandable for all, bless you, from Belgium. (when people do not have the patience (?) to listen what can help, that's their choice.
  • @jayalexandertilley
    The state of the microbiome is a reflection of the sate that community in general has gotten to in the world. The take-away is that as long as we are operating in an anti-relational, hierarchal, dominating 'worldview' we will suffer needlessly and destroy the very diverse and beautiful communities we depend on for solutions, evolutions, adaptations, nourishment, care, etc. This is a call to de-capitalize and reunite in relationships that are actually about consent, care, transparency, diversity, localized efficacy, decolonized timelines and structures, redistribution of resources and experiences. The reason many different people can't, wont, don't want to or are unable/uninterested (for many legitimate reasons) in listening to a 2 hr meandering conversation is because of the very burdensome and unsustainable/unmanageable way of living that has globalized itself; an anti-relational worldview. Just like we were punished early on for listening to our intuition and trying to honour our felt intelligences, by this oppressive structure of colonial-capitalism, so to have the organisms that make up the communities within us been abused by the same 'logics' and tactics and realities of that system. It's time to come back together in deep authentic community, which requires many skills and perspectives that we are desperately lacking. Somatic abolitionism is one of the key ways back to health. Rich, you should have on Resmaa!!! Personal transformation and accountability, and deep belief in an alternative way are prerequisites to sustainability. Black and Indigenous wisdom has been offering ways back into balance for as long as the current dominant movement has been reeking havoc.
  • @user-gv6gk7of1f
    Enjoyed this conversation very much. Rich, in case you see this, my personal theory on good / bad eating resulting in my microbiome calling out for or craving the same good / bad food totally mirrors yours. You asked the question (a bit sheepishly) right as I was thinking about it again and I was super grateful (and actually a bit surprised it was not confirmed!)
  • @k.h.6991
    After 2 decades of chocolate addiction, I managed to (mostly) get off it, by replacing the milk chocolate with dark chocolate (min 70% cocoa). I can now have a tablespoon of cocoa powder in a smoothy without it triggering me buying a chocolate bar in the supermarket. I do feel that this is (in part) because I starved the microbes that craved the sugar-fat-cocoa mix.
  • @BespokeByNellie
    @richroll I am really looking forward to watching this. And I would really love to know about it’s applications in trauma and PTSD as someone with both. Thank you for all you do. 💖
  • @EcomCarl
    Dr. Sarkis insights into the microbiome's impact on health are truly eye-opening. Understanding its role in conditions like Parkinson's disease not only expands our knowledge but also opens up new avenues for more effective treatments. 🧠🔬
  • @BespokeByNellie
    Also, someone please let Michael J Fox know about this, if he doesn’t already know. This could be huge for that community.