Sorcerer Battlegrounds vs Jujutsu Shenanigans

Published 2024-06-28
I tried to keep this video as fair as possible, however SBG is my home turf so I could talk more in-depth about that than JJS. I would like to hear your opinion as to why you play either game, so comment it down below!

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0:00 - Intro
0:35 - Sorcerer Battlegrounds
5:34 - Jujutsu Shenanigans
10:13 - Conclusion

All Comments (21)
    i’m still mad you dragged my body through a wall
  • @Zyskr..
    "if you want a chaotic and more destructive experience" exactly what jjs is, pure chaos, even if u meet random mfs and team with them for no reason, its still chaotic
  • 5:59 Buddy, the whole point of this ultimate is the fact that it's luck based, that's pretty much lore accurate, and Tze made an amzing job adapting Hakari's domain to the game.
  • @JamesBanana10
    im not saying sbg is bad but holy shit this guy glazes it like MAD
  • @johnwhite9048
    JJS ultimate's are supposed to be unbalanced, that's like...the whole point. yet you can still beat people with ult easily in base.
  • Love your vids, but I can't stand seeing my precious jjk game getting criticized like this, so DEBUNKING TIME!!! 1- Balance. (Since he only tackled the ultimates' balance, I will only talk about it.) The core/point of an ultimate is to be op. "Balance" is thrown out the window when talking about a mode that is specifically made to be OP and a game changer when fighting. Ultimates are supposed to come out ontop when against non-utltimates, no MATTER WHAT. Bonus counter point: almost every Ultimate move is interruptable, even domain expansions. the only exception to this is hollow purple, which is impossible to land at a long distance anyway. 2- Runners. Unless you're a homuncoulos sitting in your room, playing roblox non-stop with thousands of kills; You're not gonna approach them that much. Even if you do, (Unless you're yuji) All characters have a built-in move designed to counter (or at least try to) runners. Whether if it's Gojo's blue/R, hakari's/Mahito's balls, or literally megumi's entire moveset, you can always deal with runner to SOME kind of degree. 2- Teaming. Even though I DO agree teaming is a serious issue in this game, still like runners (although a bit more common), you're still not gonna encounter gang-bangers all that much. even if you do, you got things like Blue, cursed strikes, hakari's R, megumis entire moveset (again) to at least HELP you to some degree. Speaking from experience, Winning a 2v1 (usually most of them are braindead 10 year olds) is not THAT hard. If all else fails, pressing esc + L + Enter is always an option. (The teaming escape critism) I mean, if you're getting teamed on by people with basic knowledge of the game's mechanic and combat, you're basically cooked. All jjs did is delayed the dying proccess, giving you an ever so slightly margin of time to clutch up. Also, if they try to juggle you in combos, they can't. Like you said, grabs don't give you I-frames, that applies to BOTH sides. meaning if they try to hit you from one combo to the other, it will most likely hit the other person. Bonus counter point: you can still escape it even if they try to juggle combos. 3- Community. There isn't really a "CANCEROUS" side to jjs' community, mainly because it mostly consists of casuals. (no braindead clans). The people Z_Mythical address in this vid are really really small. even if they were big, they don't even harm anyone in any way. (ahem ahem sorcerer battlegrounds ahem ahem) Personal touch: I think the more fun game is JJS. That's it. The chaotic freedom that JJS offers is not only a change of pace from every single BG game out there, but is also a more fun experience due to the amount of flexibility and uniqueness it consists off. (Z_Mythich is still right, SBG is for people, and JJS is for people)
  • Bruh I wouldn’t consider the anti teaming system to be a bad thing about jjs when it’s the ONLY battlegrounds game that has a anti teaming system
  • Having gang wars in shenigans is one of the best parts Getting into a 4v4 is peak
  • I just want to point out that sb was not going to add mahoraga for megumi but as soon as jjs adds mahoraga and that gets popular. Then sb adds mahoraga.
  • @frog6145
    Half of your reasons why you said jjs is bad is just a skill issue not trying to be mean lol parkour is easy once you learn it and you can beat 2v1s if your good and the op ults are for beating teamers only valid point is the casuals and clan kids but the thing is that every game will have its sweats when you play the game more your going to get better. (This isn't dunking on sb just I wanted to put a new perspective on the game) another thing is jjs has really good teaming control if your getting jumped you can shoot out a burst to knock foes away I already mentioned the ults and the fact that most moves have i frames so its going to be hard to get teamed on if your half decent. Remember this is just my opinion and if you disagree that totally cool this is just my perspective on jjs and If this comment blows up I might do one of sb. Bye :D
  • @KarmicID
    Simple way to fix running : you run SLIGHTLY faster if someone has their back turned at you and aren't full health (not stackable). if they wanna turn back to prevent this, then they won't be able to run, just walk, and you'll catch up anyways.
  • @ReversalSoap
    if jjs adds domain clashes it will be better imo
  • @mrnoob815
    did he just complain about hakaris ult being luck based
  • I believe that the ultimates doing a lot of damage is kind of the point, every single ult move is cancelable along with the fact that it is pretty easy to escape and survive ults in JJS.
  • I love this video so much I really don’t like sbg because of the flaws lack of community engagement bad community overall and selfish devs but this video made me realize jjs has just as much flaws and the game that you prefer depends on your taste and I at predetermined. enjoyment is subjective.
  • There’s one thing I think you forgot to mention about JJS. The consistent update schedule. So far every update has taken a week, or two at most, and they aren’t low quality updates either, and most add a move or two to a character, and it really keeps the players coming back. Mahito is halfway finished and it’s been like two weeks, meanwhile for a certain green flying girl, she was just recently finished, and was first made in January.