Why Being Introverted Doesn't Make You Antisocial | Antisocial Personality Disorder

Published 2018-12-17
Introverts can often feel antisocial, but they are not always the same thing. In fact, psychologists found that they have great differences in their brain’s structure and function.

Hosted by: Hank Green
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All Comments (21)
  • I am an introvert. I always have to remind family that I am Asocial not Antisocial. Just because I find your parties exhausting and want nothing to do with them, does not mean I am antisocial.
  • @birb9147
    I like being around people, as an observer. I don't want to interact with them.
  • @Gulgathydra
    As an introvert: I refer to myself as asocial, rather than antisocial. Apart from or without society, as opposed to against society.
  • @rea8585
    "When a person's brain works differently, it just means it works differently, not that they are less a person because of it" Feels good to hear that in a world full of judgment and hate toward anything different!
  • @EtanChamare
    Great episode! It’d be awesome to see more videos about personality disorders, since lots of them are wildly misunderstood by the public.
  • @safir2241
    Cool jacket Hank! I wanted to say that being Introverted doesn’t mean one necessarily prefers being alone. It just means that they get mentally exhausted from being & interacting with people. Edit: IMHO every human needs & desires other humans. But the people who have alot of alone time & never mind it have that because of how they brought up. I think more research needs to be done & how to reverse the effects.
  • My preferred explanation: asocial =/= antisocial. Same difference for atheist and antitheist.
  • @yoonmikim5663
    c-PTSD and PTSD still need an explanation on this channel. c-PTSD was added to the ICD-11, (WHO), so it would be good to explain both... and the implications.
  • @bradywade7123
    I think it’s super important to have time to yourself. Good video!
  • @MajinSayon
    *Finally*. I hope this video will end the constant misuse of psychological term "antisocial".
  • I have run across people,who I call observers.They seem introverted, but will be out at bars, parties, what-have- you, but seldom start or add to the general conversation.
  • @prestondenby68
    The way I explain aspd to people is a guy in your home for the first time, who you've just met, is going through your fridge and cooking himself a meal. Now THAT'S being antisocial!
  • I can tell you, as an introvert, that introversion and ASPD are profoundly different.
  • @coffeegirl225
    Could you guys do an a episode on the difference between schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder? I have the latter and people are so confused when I tell them that it isn’t the same as the former.
  • @RialuCaos
    While this video deals with the actual definition of antisocial, most people seem to use the word "antisocial" when they actually mean "asocial," which introverts certainly are (in most cases).
  • @in2webelieve997
    All of the stuff on this channel has been so helpful with understanding those around me. I will be forever grateful for these videos.
  • Fellow introverts,do not be ashamed of who you are.you are who you are.and i personally feel that yall are the best.it is okay to be awkward in certain situations.it is okay to have been told to speak louder.it is okay to be mistunderstood because at the end of the day,it is your happiness that matters the most.do good for yourselves,not for others.
  • @BlaideBlack
    I was recently diagnosed with dyscalculia, and I would love to see a video on that topic from you, since it has so little research!