Impact the World - AMA With Lee (July 2022)

Published 2022-07-17
Lee answers your questions for the entire show! Ten questions with insightful and powerful answers that cover a range of topics.


00:46 - Re-entering the world in a new way - authentic, safe, and present.
04:39 - The meaning of "downloads.”
07:27 - Lee's early experience with channeling and being public about it.
14:19 - Writing Conversations with the Z's and what Lee hopes readers take away.
17:25 - Compassion fatigue and what can help.
24:45 - Finding connection to life when feeling disconnected.
32:29 - Balancing tasks and productivity with soul self-care.
38:21 - Romantic relationships and healing dynamics for lightworkers and sensitives.
43:58 - Revolutionary energy in our world now and how to navigate it.
47:26 - The Impact the World podcast and what Lee loves most.

Want to go deeper with Lee's work? Join us for Transmissions 2022: Elevate Your Vibration. This workshop features: 4 live broadcasts - July 13, 20, 27 and August 3- with channeled transmissions from Lee's guides - video replays provided, as well as guided meditations, soul-sensory music, private discussion boards, Q & A and more! This special online gathering will offer an energetic roadmap for rising into your highest purpose, as well as a deeper connection to cultivating joy, love, and peace. To learn more visit:

All Comments (21)
  • OMG Lee, those surroundings are beautiful! I hardly ever watch the videos, only listen, because the bright lights and psychedelic look is often too much for me, but man, this feels so cozy and calming, I love it! I hope you can make more videos with this soundstage.
  • @lisavolpe3772
    I have ended 40 yr friendships because I realize I was the person they came to to feel better. Had to let go of that cold turkey, my compassion tolerance has come to a brick wall. Now I'm taking care of myself and my family...period.
  • That's absolutely true! Your channeling has helped me trust my intuition more than ever. Thank you Lee!
  • Everything you’ve mentioned here is grounding, moving and full of deeply meaningful messages. Thank you and many blessings! πŸŒΈπŸŒŸπŸŒ·πŸ™
  • @AgoniesAunt
    To the young person struggling with fearful feelings: what I heard when Lee read out your question potentially you have done some formative growth during this time as we have all struggled with the pandemic. If this is correct, it is understandable you might feel as you are. If I was in my teens or early 20s right now, I think I might very well feel the same - freedom to explore without too many restrictions is core to this time of life, and who has been able to do so in the midst of a pandemic/lockdowns/fear of the unknown/seeing life around you change significantly and in a much more restrictive way from how you may have dreamed or naturally expected at the age you are at now, to be. On top of that, adults around you and people in authority many look like they have no idea what is happening or how to resolve it, or there is such opposed views on what to do. 99.9% of the people alive today have no experience of dealing of a global pandemic. Putting the politicisation aside, which has contributed to many people feeling the way you are, we are all learning at the same time. I was reading an article this week on research that is finding that the part of the brain that deals with decision making and emotions in young people, does not settle until the age of 25! So, know that how you are feeling right now will evolve and change. You will be able to process your feeling in such a way that (in general...) you won't feel so overwhelmed. The pandemic is calling ALL of us to go deep, to heal, and let go. Some of us have a few decades of doing this already, and hence the pandemic was not as horrible as it has been for many others. I can imagine how disappointing then devastating it may feel to be starting out, looking forward to the next growth exploration of your life only to have it squashed through no fault of your own! However, we must all deal with what is, this new "normal", that is bound to flux and change many times more within the next few years. Remember, you are not alone in having to navigate through this. Lee gave you some healthy tools to investigate. Accept what is and research and reach out for facilitators/councillors/therapists experienced in trauma to help you navigate into creating YOUR new "normal". We all are being asked to let go of the old: behaviours, beliefs, outdated thoughts etc and embrace a new way of being in the world. Seek out emotionally intelligent people to be around, talk with, who can help give you perspective on how you are processing what you are feeling. We really do manifest our own reality from our thoughts. So put the energy into understanding why you are feeling the way you are, and shifting negatives thoughts out of your head, reframe them, and look to see where you can create something positive in your life, even just something small like taking a shower to help shift negative energy. One step in front of the other, that's how we all have to travel through life. Be gentle with your dear self, you are pretty new to this game none of us come in with a rule book! And where you can...enjoy the ride! πŸ€—
  • Question Number One ❀️! Love this. Feeling similarly.
  • @fran_jk
    I loved your compassion and the myriad of possibilities for the young person who was feeling hopeless. I think most of us have had these dark nights of the soul and because of it choose to have more trust and hope for the world. My heart goes out to this person and hope that they have gotten some clarity from your thoughtful answers.
  • @malunachow
    Few days ago in my recognizing something "click" that I knew but I didn't feel in full way: don't give anything from place of seeing someone incomplete - in any %, in any theme, in any way. I know it is obvious that everyone has the same Love, we are Love, we are One, but still I find it helpful in practice to remember no one is incomplete πŸ’•
  • ... "if things were perfect" ... perhaps it is, instead, "since things are perfect" ... ... the wisdom of the human community tells us that this is the case ... if our leap of faith can manifest in that point of view, then we are in a position to see that the conditions of life which we are experiencing are perfect, chosen by us ... yes, difficult to imagine sometimes ... and can give exactly what is needed for deeper and fuller conscious comprehension of the fullness, the perfection of our being and of our participation in Being ... ... thank you for all you provide, Lee ... it is profoundly appreciated ... many blessings of the day to yourself and to all your community.
  • @tessag5699
    Thank you... I resonate with the first question so much. Blessings to all who listen.πŸ’œ
  • Dear Lee, it seems that you know precisely what my dilemmas are. You give a lightly precise answer to each of the questions I carry inside. It is so nice! Thank youπŸ’Ž
  • Thanks Lee I love your positivity in the times of our shifting universe πŸ™
  • Thank you Lee Your messages are kind and practical. Appreciate you
  • "Our soul desire is our humanity". I love that. It's a great phrase to ponder.