FASD: Living with a brain and body disability.

Published 2017-05-02
Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can harm an unborn baby.
This can result in a disability called Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).

All Comments (21)
  • Thank you. You just validated me. I'm not a bad or stupid person. I wasn't the horrible kid my parents told me I was. Now at 59 I know why I'm in so much pain, my memory is not good, emotional issues, behavioural issues and social behavioural issues an learning...I hated it because of everything involved including my great lack learning.. It could very well not be fibromyalgia. With everything else, you just connected the dots.
  • I am living with FASD as well. Thank you for the words. I am doing better then i was last year. Starting a band and joining another. Also i have found a job.
  • @tara34952
    More people need to know about this!
  • ❤ ty. This is exactly how it's been growing up. So many including my mom got easily frustrated with the ability to do things one day and not the next. School was always a struggle.
  • @alinareybey3263
    When people use the “you’re lazy, you’re not trying hard” it’s get me so damn frustrated 😭😂
  • @ReinMan1959
    Myles! Love you, dude! You speak truth and you do it from such a good heart! The part that really touches me with this vid is the PHYSICAL aspect of FASD. That's something that I find is more 'amplified' as I get older. And don't get me wrong, I DO feel blessed that I'm getting the chance TO GET OLDER. Not all us folks on the FASD spectrum get that chance. <3 BUT... the physical effects on my body and nervous system have been very hard to deal with. I know they won't go away, so all i can do is work on handling what comes my way with some amount of Grace and Dignity. Thanks again for getting the Word out there, Myles! 🙏🏼
  • Miles please keep doing videos. Especially talking to the kids themselves.
  • @ellessedi184
    I knew nothing about FASD and this is the first video I watched because I wanted to know from someone with AFSD what it was ACTUALLY like. Thank you for sharing your experience and educating people on this disability! It was really enlightening, especially as a person with an "invisible" disability myself (let's just say that people don't really pay that much attention..). Thank you! <3
  • @NickArcade
    Dude, you are awesome. Keep doing what you're doing.
  • @kukuinutzz
    Thanks for continuing to educate and advocate for those affected by FASD, Myles! You continue to inspire all of us.
  • My beautiful Aunt just passed away she lived with FASD although she died from Covid, my Aunt had the same symptoms but far worse such as Bipolar, Paranoia Schizophrenia, along with disassociate Identity Disorder. She could not even take her own medication to maintain her blood pressure. She is not only the only sibling 5 other ones have it as well. When I look at them I get upset at my grandmother for drinking during her pregnancy
  • @shbs-ec8ij
    thank you for this!!!! its actually pretty amazing how successful people with FASD, surely it may be a challenge but even with people with depression or bipolar have uphills. keep up the great work, life is never easy and hard work always pays off.
  • @pipeorganfan26
    WOW! Let Me Tell You It Is SO GREAT TO Literatly See Your Own Reflection Of Your Exact Same Life Thru Another Person. Bravo!
  • Why do we have sore bones with FASD. I thought it was because I have lots of broken bones from accidents and abuse but maybe it's to do with my FASD. I know how you feel. I was told that too. I was told I the same things from teachers. People would ring my parents and say I am being naughty and my parents had to explain that I can't help it, that I have FASD. It's hard because an art teacher can teach me amazing art and my paintings would sell but a week later I would forget what I learnt and have to be shown again same with my stitching classes. I did amazing beautiful stitching but only once a week. So by the next week I would forget the different stitches that I did. The teacher would get frustrated with me and say yes you can do it look at the lovely work you did and not help me. Then I wouldn't get anything done and I would get in trouble. So I quit stitching because it's pointless if I don't have someone showing me daily how do stitch. I do really well clocking and unlocking things on the XBOX consoles.
  • @Loved957
    I love this video! So insightful. Thank you.
  • @bellajean6731
    Thank you for this video. It really opens up my eyes.