We Defibrillated a Steak

Published 2020-12-02

All Comments (21)
  • @purpleYamask
    "Home-made" and "Defibrillator" are not words that go together, Kevin.
  • "This is my homemade defibrillator" are possibly the most terrifying words I've ever heard.
  • @gerowen
    7:34 My dad did something like this when I was a kid because the earthworms loved eating the roots of my mom's cactus plants. He just took a big extension cord and wrapped it around large barn nails, drove them into the ground on opposite sides of the garden, then sprayed the ground with water. We'd crouch down and used insulated pliers to grab them as they came out of the ground. Obviously, we made sure to wear shoes and not touch the ground with our flesh.
  • @Lukelins1
    When I worked food safety in the beef plant we had a stimulator. Made the entire side of beef jump. We locked it out to inspect for cleanliness and it was still super scary
  • @Kariyu101
    2010: surgery on a grape 2020: we defibrillated a steak
  • @whoever6458
    I defibrillated my very first patient who came into the ER and he absolutely did jump, heart first, up from the table. Dude came back twice and I personally wheeled him to the cardiac ward. I hope he's still alive today, since he was only 40 back then.
  • @auralynn3862
    "don't buy a defibrillator for cooking fish" No, just use a homemade one LOL
  • “This is my homemade defibrillator” is just one of those sentences that makes your hair stand on edge
  • @MrChristianDT
    That worm thing was fascinating. Maybe something like that can be used to deal with more dangerous invasive worms?
  • @chairger
    Breaking News: Local man uses hospital equipment to electrocute dirt
  • @junegloomy
    Waiter: How would you like your steak sir? Me: Medium defibrillated
  • @LittleGibler
    What I've learn about ventricular fibrillation, is it's easier to compare it to swimming. If you do dedicated strokes, you'll move. But, if you flail, you don't go anywhere. Instead of moving water, your heart moves blood. And when it sputters, it isn't moving blood
  • @lifehasdied6410
    Taking ‘so raw it’s still moving’ to a whole other level
  • @thefiregodzapp
    2010: surgery on a grape 2020: defibrillator on a steak
  • @LucianLazuli
    5:17 usually if you have the words “homemade” and “defibrillator” in the same sentence it’s not gonna go well