Confessions of an Ex Catholic Turned Protestant | Mike Gendron

Published 2022-10-21

All Comments (21)
  • @akwinas_a_o
    The problem with these grievances is that they can be applied to people who grew up in protestant homes with poor spiritual guidance. At the heart of these issues isn’t Catholicism. In fact, as a protestant, I left that world for Catholicism after much discernment. Read the Bible, get under the guidance of someone who knows the faith, but I would not blame the whole of Christianity for an angsty teen who grew up in a lukewarm religious home coming to me and going “I went to church but I don’t get it”. In a similar way, I’d encourage not blaming Christ’s Church for bad catechesis - which is a real thing and needs to be dealt with, and thank God is being dealt with.
  • I just recently left the catholic church after being in it for 24 years, I'm so thankful that God opened my eyes and revealed the truth to me. I was so luke warm I was growing cold. I went to church all my life, and I was still so blind, Now I have an intimate relationship with Jesus. He saved my life.
  • @WhiteBraveheart1
    This man stated something demonstrably false @ 14:35. He says the Catholic Church teaches that penance is needed for absolution. THAT IS FALSE. That is not true. You can read this in the catechism (CCC # 1451 & 1452). I am a Catholic Priest and we teach, officially, that sins are forgiven at contrition -- sorrow for the sin and a desire for forgiveness -- and penances are a means for us to focus our life on the goods of God. They are not required to receive absolution.
  • @NathanThaddeus
    Glad I’m not Catholic 😅 praise God for His Word, it is Truth, and Life. There is no other!! Great testimony brother!!
  • @R_D777
    Thank you for your testimony Mike. I have been a Catholic for 40 years until God's mercy opened my eyes to the truth of His Word. For the longest time I couldn't compromise my faith with what was written in the Bible. I have attended Catholic Bible studies but it seemed filtered and the nuns cannot answer why the truth of the Bible was never taught in such depth in the church. I can relate to Mike's testimony. The things that kept me from truly knowing Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and savior are culture, tradition and other people's opinion. But the truth did set me free. I pray for my family and other Catholics, that God will open their eyes and ears to the truth of the Gospel. They are hard to reach because they have very strong convictions about their religion. They are sincere in their faith but it is more an allegiance to the Catholic church. May God humble their hearts to find themselves at the foot of the cross of Jesus Christ. I encourage everyone to please read the Bible and know the truth for yourself.
  • @user-fs9wj4wj2f
    “This is my body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.”
  • There are spirit filled Catholics just as there are spirit filled Protestants. There are fake Catholics and there are fake Protestants. I am a Protestant but I can admit that the Lord can make Catholics who believe in the gospel and resurrection to stand on the Last day.
  • A very similar story really happy to hear this. 1 Timothy 2:5, For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. Hebrews 10:10, By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.11, And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins: 12, But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God.
  • A-MEN!! This is so similar to my own journey out of the Catholic Church. Thank you so much for sharing!!!
  • @Dwoods91
    I love that statement "I dont have a religion, I have a relationship"
  • @onajifortune2967
    I've watched over 50 videos of Protestants vs Catholics and people converting from one to the other and vice versa. None converting to Catholicism started with "How the Lord save me from protestantism (in a condescending manner)", they usually do their homework and find out the truth shining magnificently before their very eyes and gladly choose with immense joy. Proud Catholic here and an even prouder Christian
  • I too grew up catholic. Turned away for slightly different reasons and because I became one guilt filled depressed mess. Took a long time before I felt the call back at a Baptist service. I grew to love the bible and realise how self righteous and filthy I was. Still struggling and sometimes wonder if any of us have a perfect doctrine
  • I was also raised as a Catholic but I always wanted to have a personal relationship with my maker. While in a good Catholic girls school my thirst led me to questioning the believes and certain unbibiliical rituals practiced by the Catholics. In 1991 I gave my life to Christ and I am have hope for eternal joy in Christ Jesus. Amen.
  • "Mike and Jane - if you want to Witness to Catholics, you need to: - Show who in the first 1,500 years of Christianity interpreted scripture as you do, that the bread and wine in the bread of life discourse are symbolic or figurative only. - Explain how could Christendom have error'd so fast, so universally on this point? - Explain why should one follow the fallible gospel of Mike and not all of Christendom for those first 1,000 plus years? - Show who in those first 1,000+ years interpreted scripture as you do? Citations only please on every topic that you disagree with the Catholic Church. - Explain why one should not trust our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who said the Church is the Pillar of Truth, that the Church is the Bulwark of Truth, and that the Church is where the manifold wisdom of God is made known? - Explain how Jesus was undependable and that he lied when he said that he would lead his church to ALL truth? - Do you feel Jesus is not powerful enough nor faithful enough to mean what he said? - Admit that you are fallible - Admit that since you are fallible, you could be in error with your personal and fallible interpretation of scripture, and the Catholic Church right. - Explain how it is that you trust that your New Testament canon is right, when it was decided 100% by the 4th c Catholic Church, Catholic Bishops who would disagree with your interpretation of scripture repeatedly? - Explain how it is that you believe your Old Testament is right, when those 4th c Bishops said it was 46 writings? - How is is that you trust them to get the New Testament right, yet they error'd on the Old Testament - and they ALL celebrated the Mass which you reject? (note, there were no protestant churches at the time) So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you; 54 he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. 55 For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. 56 He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him
  • @X.Plays.44
    This was very funny thank you so much the host was funny as well 😂 thank you praying for you guys 🙏🏽
  • @phil5457
    I never read the Bible because "the priests were telling me it's too difficult to understand." I've been a Catholic for longer than you were and never once in my life has a priest in all the parishes I've gone to said anything close to that. I find that incredibly difficult to believe. The priests I know promote Bible reading with an emphasis on the ancient practice of lectio divina.
  • @Em_t_
    I feel for Mike, he is a victim of poor catechisis. Most of his issues with Catholicism are not even what the Church teaches. He reminds myself when I was protestant. Praise God he bought me to his One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
  • @bernadettel3738
    Christ is our Lord and savior. Put your trust in God. Read his word. Be obedient and die to self. I put my trust in no man. But in God and God alone. Got saved me 7 years ago. His word is my compass and he speaks through his word. I lift up Christ and Christ alone. Thank you Lord for your sweet mercy which saved me. You pulled me out of the system of religion and pulled me to you. Keep reaching the lost my brother in Christ I too have come out of darkness into his marvelous light.
  • "Penance is like a punishment?" All of what he's saying shows he never understood the Church. Look up Scott Hahn's testimony for a real testimony of someone who really understands.
  • @AndyBCCA
    I was raised a JW, accepted Jesus Christ as Lord, and became a redeemed child of God. Much of what he says here resonates, as there are many similarities between Watchtower and the Catholic Church. his testimony motivates me to do more to reach the witnesses.