Super Smash Bros x 進撃の巨人(Attack on Titan) Opening 2 【Hand-Drawn】

Published 2014-01-31
Somehow, the audio got cut off towards the end....=___=;

After 6 months of working, it's finally finished! Woohoo! (If school wasn't in the way, it would've only taken 4-5 months....)
I tried my best on this...I tried to make this a bit similar yet different from the original Attack on Titan 2nd opening.
I also tried my best to fit in as many characters as I could. I'm sorry for not adding in Dr. Mario and Zero Suit Samus in this, but I had no idea where to put them. (^__^;)

The characters used in this video are not meant to reflect/represent the original characters of the original opening.

Feel free to share on Tumblr or other websites as long as you credit me or add a link back here. Please don't reupload this as your own. I put a lot of my time and effort into this.
Mario: 0:38
Donkey Kong: 0:39
Pikachu: 0:40
Kirby: 0:40
Yoshi: 0:41
Fox: 0:42
Samus: 0:42
Link: 0:430:45
Snake: 0:460:48
Lucario: 0:490:50
Zelda: 0:540:55
Sheik: 0:550:56
Rosalina: 0:580:59
Ike: 0:580:59
Ice Climbers: 0:59
Marth: 0:591:00
Pichu: 1:00
Jigglypuff: 1:00
Mr. Game & Watch: 1:00
Young Link: 1:001:01
Roy: 1:011:02
Luigi: 1:011:02
Peach: 1:021:03
Pit: 1:051:12
Pokemon Trainer: 1:15
Squirtle: 1:22
Ivysaur: 1:22
Charizard: 1:25
Sonic: 1:271:28
Toon Link: 1:281:29
Olimar: 1:29
Pikmin: 1:291:30
Megaman: 1:301:31
Meta Knight: 1:311:33
Wario: 1:33
Ganondorf: 1:331:34
Bowser: 1:34
King Dedede: 1:34
Villager: 1:34
Mewtwo: 1:371:38
Falco: 1:381:39
Diddy Kong: 1:391:40
Wolf: 1:40
Captain Falcon: 1:401:41
Wii Fit Trainer: 1:411:42
Ness: 1:43
Lucas: 1:43
R.O.B.: 1:431:44

Missing: Zero Suit Samus and Dr. Mario.
Anyone else I'm missing has not been announced before the making of this video.

Programs used: Adobe Photoshop CS5 and Sony Movie Studio 12
Time: 6 months
I do not own anything but the hand/mouse-drawn animation

All Comments (21)
  • @b4tfr3ak52
    "done with a mouse" Top 10 people with superhuman powers
  • @skr33nsav3r
    And nearly 10 years later, here I am to view this masterpiece once more before AOT officially ends in the fall of 2023.
  • @Lakanus
  • @Vespidia
    Done. With a MOUSE. You, sir, deserve an award for this.
  • @D3D3D
    This deserves an Oscar
  • @hotshot1325
    Levi should've been Meta Knight. Small but OP as fuck..
  • @DarkNinten
    Wow, this guy predicted the Roy and Lucas DLC before Mewtwo was confirmed. Props to you
  • @ElevenALT
    so basically the trailer for Smash Bros Ultimate?!?!
  • @oolbert6546
    This video aged SO DAMN WELL. I remember when this was first around when Smash 4 was extremely relevant. With Ultimate coming out in less than a week, just sheds a tear to my eye. :,)
  • @Mrfanofsonic
    Wii Fit Trainer is the female titan... Wii Fit Trainer is the female titan..! WII FIT TRAINER IS THE FEMALE TITAN.
  • @justinquan9963
    I feel like you gave Pit at little more special treatment 😂😂
  • @osmondfar2
    I'm officially obsessed with this video. So obsessed in fact, that I've thought of a plot for it. Prepare yourself, for a large wall of text comes now. ----- So the conflict starts off similarly to Subspace Emissary with Gannon as the right hand man of an evil force. (Master Hand, Tabuu, it's up to you.) But instead of turning everyone into trophies, the big baddie wants to turn everyone against each other with its evil influence, ala Earthbound. This explains the somewhat menacing shots of characters like Peach and Luigi. But the first two characters Gannon decides to do this with are Bowser and Dedede, seeing as they could serve as very strong henchman. Thumbnail explained. Meanwhile, we have the first group we see in the actual video. Mario, Yoshi, DK, Pikachu, Link, Fox, Samus, and Kirby. Similarly to Mario's little squad in Brawl, these guys are the pseudo protagonists of the series. They get the most screen time and fight the bad guys. Snake is undercover. He pretends to be influenced by the villain, but it's revealed that he's been a spy the whole time. As for characters like Luigi, Peach, Zelda, Rosalina, Jiggly Puff, Wii Fit Trainer, Mewtwo, Roy, Mega Man, possibly Meta Knight, and one of the Ice Climbers, they could be bystanders or allies that are turned against our protagonists later in the series. I say that only one of the Climbers are turned evil because the other would get an opportunity for some serious character development. Lucario, Villager, Pokemon Trainer, and Mr. Game and Watch are lone wolves. They come in after the first few episodes and try to get to the bottom of this. Pit would also act like this, but likely with Palutena's guidance. Marth and Ike would stick together, but that's it. With Diddy, I can see him having an isolated story too. But rather than investigating like the others, he'd be on the search for Donkey Kong. Diddy couldn't care less about the other stuff. He just wants to reunite with his friend. Sonic, Captain Falcon, Falco, and Wario would more or less be the anti-heroes. They'd be at constant odds with team Mario. Either because they don't think team Mario is strong enough, or because they want the glory for taking out the bad guy. Reasons for fighting Team Mario would vary depending on the character. Ness and Lucas are held prisoner by Gannon. Their PSI powers are being harnessed to make all the mind control possible. R.O.B. is the mind control machine. He's the weapon that uses the PSI for ammo. But because of an overload of PSI, R.O.B. is given sentience. And in Subspace fashion, he betrays the evil force and helps in the rebellion. And of course, he breaks Ness and Lucas out too. Then finally, all the uninfluenced characters come together and confront the controlled characters, Gannon, his master. A massive battle between good and evil ensues, and when almost all hope is lost, R.O.B. finishes it. Sacrificing himself in the process. Then at last, all the characters are free. They can all go back home for a much needed rest. ------- Eh? Ehhh? What do you think? Cliche enough? Lol. Anyways if you actually sat through this whole thing, thanks. Hope you got some enjoyment out of it, ironic or not. Peace!
  • That explosion behind Peach was the most badass thing ever IDK why
  • @demonminer8093
    1:10 i refuse to believe that this blade swing was animated without 3d animation