Coaching Demonstration with ICF PCC Marker Analysis

Published 2022-04-14
Coaching demonstrations are a powerful tool for your ongoing learning and development as a professional coach. Are you a professional coach who is growing your coaching mindset? In this coaching demonstration, I have added slides with an analysis of the ICF PCC Markers.

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MCC Coaching Demos with Full Transcripts:

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Chapters by Coaching Questions:
00:00 Anything that you need in order to kind of create some safety and some space here in this moment with each other?
00:41 I'm going to pull down the curtains for myself so that I'm just really focused in my conversation with you.
01:34 Okay if you think of those two, which one is drawing you as the most important of the two?
02:36 So managing this sort of work-life, it almost sounds like a little bit is the piece that seems most drawing your attention.
02:53 What is the importance of that capacity that that managing of work?
04:32 I have this experience of you right now like, and please correct it if it's the wrong one, but I almost see you like juggling, juggling, juggling.
04:47 The juggling constantly. What does it do? Like what, what is the experience you would like to be having at the end of the day from the all this juggling if there's some experience that you would like to have where you're not maybe juggling quite so many things?
06:28 This idea juggling too, towards moving towards satisfaction but the satisfaction if I'm hearing you correctly is really around how you're having meaningful relationships?
07:19 So at the end of this conversation, what would make this most useful as we explore the way that you show up meaningfully in relationships?
08:10 Yeah, there was an interesting question you just asked yourself which is what allows you to be present in that moment?
09:04 What is the experience that you have when you're in that fully present moment with another human being?
10:00 So as you hear yourself say that and there's the minutia that needs to be juggled, but there's this also this sense of this, the meaningful connectedness that you also enjoy. How do you discern? When it's like, how do you discern when you need to shift your attention from one thing to another and then back? I mean how do you make these discernments?
11:40 And how do you discern what things you need to stop juggling for? Like how do you discern what all you're juggling because it sounds like you may be juggling even I don't know? I just have this Steve Martin vision all of the sudden.
12:22 And how do you start to pay attention and do that consciously with intentionality?
13:03 Is there different energy or experience that you have when it is something that is really important that you pick up and juggle? Versus when you're juggling something that you really don't even have any energy for. But you're still doing it because it's on some list somewhere?
13:32 What is that? What is that shift for you?
14:56 It's harder to do on zoom. I'm not hearing, it's impossible to do on zoom?
15:36 So I want to just touch base on where we are in the conversation. I know it was sort of this idea of all the things that you were juggling and life and then towards the satisfaction of meaningful relationships. What else needs to be explored around this topic?
16:18 And what if, what if there isn't a resolution, but maybe something to sit with? As part of the exploration that's ongoing about how you determine.
17:45 You know, what shows up for me is you're saying that it's almost like how do you create the healthy boundary that you need so that you can navigate this balance? It isn't like a hardline balance, like it's not a teeter-totter, right? It's a wavy gray area, but how do you navigate that intentionally?
18:17 So what are you taking away from this conversation? What's showing up is useful exploration?
19:43 And so what action comes out of that awareness for you? Action-actions depending.
20:16 So what holds you accountable to that? The importance of that agreement and honoring that for yourself?
21:10 Yes. Yes. So it's around honoring your agreement with yourself so that you're in alignment with the values that you espouse.
21:32 So then what's your next step?
22:32 And how do you protect that space and time for yourself so that you look in the mirror and they're like yeah I put down that cat?
23:17 Yeah. Is there anything else you really want to say out loud for yourself as we come to a close?

All Comments (12)
  • @Icecandy1882
    Watching this again as I prepare for the upcoming exams. These demonstration videos with markers are so helpful! Thank you for making these
  • @youdoer
    I appreciate the pragmatic nature of these videos. Making the invisible visible.
  • Your coaching demos with PCC markers are like gems in the internet! For months, I've handpicked just few truly brilliant coaching demos and yours has definitely earned a spot on the list! Such generous content - looking forward for more. Thank you so much Lyssa! PS. I realized I've never commented on any Youtube video, this is my first time! That's how amazed I am. Haha
  • @wendyreed3066
    I am very much appreciating your assortment of videos and the time you take to parcel out which competencies / markers are demonstrated. Currently viewing with an eye on taking the ICF exam (next week!), but will also come back to them for further growth and coaching development. THANK YOU.
  • @theamanjhaveri
    I really loved your content! This is exactly what the coaching world needs
  • @dianagroh
    Wow! This was amazing! Thanks for pointing out the PCC Markers. It aids the learning so much! 8:22 & 9:13 & 9:16 - great questions! Check in demo at 16:00 8.1. Mirrors the body language of the client - nice demo! At the end...Competency 8: AWARENESS leads to ACTION leads to ACCOUNTABILITY leads to NEXT STEPS. Say it out loud for the closing, too! Thank you, Lyssa!
  • What a lovely man! And how brave (of you both) to allow this session to be uploaded to YT esp given his reluctance around social media. Enjoyed the Steve Martin reference 🤣. Great example of "Laser-Focused" coaching.
  • I wonder if a coach can offer their own metaphor to a client? And paraphrase everything in different words than the client uses?
  • @humairaomar8440
    I really enjoy watching and learning from your videos, but I don't feel you gave your all in this session. I feel like his problem wasn't really solved here. It sounded more like he enjoyed the communication and creative part of work but not the tedious stuff such as socials and emails. However, that's just my interpretation and I could be wrong
  • @lizz9840
    I would not want to hire her. It's so condescending. Doesn't feel she cares.
  • "Is there anything else...?" - isn't that a closed question again? There were actually several closed questions... I haven't found this session inspiring for me. I think there was nothing explored really, no smart goal, no specific way forward...