Flute Player (Page), Royal Capital Leyndell, Elden Ring

Published 2022-03-07
Heard this flautist from afar, winds nicely with the area bgm.

Kinda want to capture all the ambient music players, I've seen 3 and feel there's at least a handful.

All Comments (21)
  • @ruddyman4928
    I love Leyndell so much. The whole city almost seems heartbroken. You can just feel it in the air.
  • @rufus.a8968
    This IS peak souls. While not as opressive as Bloodborne and previous titles, Elden ring is a somber game, where you must come to accept that every grand spectacle has suffered against the passage of time. However, like ocarina of time, you stick with it, for every time you see a spark of humanity flicking in this dark landscape, you are filled with newfound courage to save this world. This extends to the enemies, with this lone page showing artistic merit that could have been developed if it had not been his duty to fight. Its a beautiful and tragic moment.
  • @cobian2006
    As a flute player this completely blew my mind. I randomly found him. I did not kill him.
  • @XDivi
    I love the Pages, such interesting and skillful enemies. They always seem to surprise you with how smart and deadly while calm in a fight they can be
  • @Shoebil
    I discovered this page's flute when i invaded a world, spawn right next to him. I just stopped and listened to the song. Sit down gesture and all. eventually, the host and his buddies found me, then we exchanged pleasantries while the page was still doing his song. I dropped a warming stone for them and left. This page is a peace maker.
  • @Checkyourmail
    I think you can tell how much the designers loved Leyndell, because of little details like this, the envoys, the praying knights... How many times have you felt like you had to stop and soak in the atmosphere in a game? Leyndell will forever, to me, be one of the greatest levels ever made. Overwhelmingly sad, almost hopeless, but still containing beauty.
  • @Vernamor
    finding this on my own while exploring was SUCH a treat. such a small addition but it was so beautiful that i teared up while soaking in the atmosphere.
  • @prutata
    The really interesting part about this playing is that it is accompanied by the background music.. Other enemies do this too like the bat enemy that sings and the trumpeters at the haligtree. Fromsoft implemented songs into their world- INTO their world. Can't really think of another game where background music does that.
  • @tinyRedLeaf
    I was floored to discover that the flute playing in the background music actually came from this page. I noticed only after I killed him(her?) the first time, to find that I had also killed the mournful melody. I was instantly riddled with guilt. It was bad enough, as it were, to see the frozen bodies littered about the streets of the capital before I got to this lonely garden, and the perfumers apparently doing what they could to tend to the remaining wounded (not that it mattered, everyone had long since lost their wits after the Shattering, but still). In Leyndell, more than anywhere else in the Lands Between, I could truly feel the heavy sorrow of lost grace. The last days of the siege of Leyndell must have been truly horrifying, to the extent that what few commoners still left alive are either comatose from the trauma, or literally reduced to ravenous revenants wandering the lower slums. Needless to say, I left the flute player alone ever since.
  • Elden Ring is a masterpiece. Among many reasons are the connection between the music and gameplay.
  • @alienjay7703
    I refuse to kill this one when I see him . I always sneak by or avoid the rout that alerts him . Just too beautiful to kill
  • @LAK_770
    And it's a really elaborate, full improvisation too, not just a loop. It sounds like they even took the time to use a wooden transverse flute, though it would have been infinitely easier to find and hire a studio musician on a regular modern flute. They really put everything into this little descant that maybe 5% of players will notice, and it adds SO much to the atmosphere and quality of not just Leyndell but the game as a whole.
  • @Ginggernaut
    What a moment. After everthing I've been through, finding this random mob giving me a moment of peace and beauty..only video games can bring you this feeling.
  • This was honestly such a shock to me. Not just this Page, but all of Leyndell. Up until now I was so used to Souls games taking place in “decrepit” lands that were destroyed long ago and where no sane people reside, and when I went into ER I was expecting the same thing. At first, it was what I was expecting, all the common enemies were mad and attacked me just like the Hollows of DS, and everything seemed normal. But when I entered Leyndell and saw this one Page just standing there and chilling, it felt so different and sudden. A feeling that was immediately amplified when I went into a random room and saw a Page and a perfumer f*cking drinking at a bar like a pair of buds who just got off a long work day. It was so different, going from these broken lands with broken people into Leyndell, who’s residents seemed completely sane and, according to a cut quest line, seemed to have a functioning society with a counsel and a king who actually ruled them and, unlike most From Soft bosses, wasn’t just standing around in his arena waiting for another player to come fight him. It also kinda made me feel bad because I was actually murdering sane people and not just “putting them out of their misery” like I did in previous games. Especially Morgott, who, as I stated before, was an actual ruling monarch and not just another guard who sat around waiting for players to challenge them. Felt like I just destroyed an entire city’s government just to further my goal
  • @Tulip_bip
    i love stuff like this a lot. like with the bats singing and the merchants playing their instruments. it makes the world feel so much more real, that these are more than just enemies and npc's
  • I thought this was background music but when I found the guy I was in awe, I didn't kill him. I listned and left