
Published 2023-12-11
Zhu Yuanzhang is known to everyone. He is the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty. He can be regarded as a miracle. He became an emperor from a monk. He is a very remarkable person. Zhu Yuanzhang died in 1398. His temple was named Taizu and he was buried in Xiaoling Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty. This mausoleum established the layout and shape of the tombs of more than 20 emperors in the Ming Dynasty for more than 500 years.

Explore the mysteries of China|lvtu.page.link/01
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#Travel #ChinaHistory #Mausoleum

All Comments (21)
  • @user-kf4ki9pt4w
  • Thank you for bringing us with you in this journey ❤❤❤❤🙏
  • @user-tx3qk4jc5k
  • @user-tg3vz4mq3h
  • @clean615
    順天者昌 逆天者亡, 禍福無門 惟人自召, 善惡之報 如影隨形, 但行好事 心平氣和, 萬惡淫為首,百善孝為先, 善惡因果 自作自受, 不用去算命,不用改名字, 修行顧生活孝養父母家人, 行孝守戒 懺悔斷惡 行善積德。 南無觀世音菩薩. (過去世 朱㭎) (今世人 劉家子孫)
  • ❤平民革命的先驅偶像!也是中國「另類民權運動」的楷模‼️
  • @user-gw9lq5cg2w
  • @garyliu219
    你的视频如果再配些背景 音乐就好了
  • 朱元璋👎極度自私👎,民脂民膏🕵️,任己揮霍👎~嚴以律人👎,寬以待己!👎
  • @wchen315