Occupy Milwaukee from the 7th Floor

Published 2011-10-15
This is a view of Occupy Milwaukee from our apartment. Arrests start at 10, I'll try and get some footage of that too.

All Comments (3)
  • @shaneonfire420 - Thumbs up on that one buddy! I drive a Civic and work 60+ hours a week. Also we should be protesting the government not Wall Street. Ron Paul 2012! I stopped down at 9p.m. to see what was going on.
  • @shaneonfire420 - Pay enough to live here I guess. Are you protesting the richest 1% or the people doing better than you? Dude I busted and continue to bust my ass to live where I live and do what I want to do. Can't speak to my neighbors, but I can speak to the fact that we voted these A-Holes in (Dem/Rep) and they're the problem, not Wall Street.