ICYMI: Second chances and the GNU - opposition parties to re-elected President Ramaphosa

Published 2024-06-16
Opposition parties addressed the National Assembly and gave their messages to the re-elected President Cyril Ramaphosa on 14 June 2024.
Here are the highlights of what some of the political parties said.


All Comments (21)
  • @IamTheOne247
    Mmusi any day, proper and grounded. That was a heartfelt speech.
  • We pray for the people and leaders of our country South Africa. May The Almighty One guides you and favour you with Light and Wisdom. God bless South Africa and
  • Let us never cease praying for our leaders and all our beautiful people👃👃👃
  • @brianmate5117
    Mmusi Maimane spoke well in his speech, respectful but firm. Gayton said the truth, and hopefully, all the other parties that are worried about the partnership between the ANC/DA can be able to stand together and hold both parties to accountability, and fight them when necessary.
    Mmusi Mmusi Mmusi, I said it before and I'm saying it again.. I regret not voting for Mmusi Maimane..
  • @lynpetzer2746
  • Thank you, Jesus, for 2nd chances. God bless the President and all the leaders that will make South Africa a better place.❤
  • @bluemotion6229
    People need jobs out there... Not fighting each other there
  • @HellenR70
    It is indeed the beginning of new era. My advise to this government PUT GOD FIRST. Seek his wisdom. Have a spiritual leader used by God to guide you. Pray, pray pray. God has indeed given this country a second chance,for all the parties to unite,forget the past, forgive and move on.
  • South Africa belongs to all of us...GNU...let the nation hold hands n re build our economy.
  • @tainatait1624
    Musi Maimane .... u are going to be President one day ❤
  • @gruesomeloki
    Gayton hit the nail on the head about Julius😂