The *HIGHEST* Skill Deck in Clash Royale is BROKEN

Published 2024-05-14

All Comments (21)
  • @aithor07xd
    every time you say little prince a zap gets cycled in your mouth
  • @nateglancy4874
    watch deathnote (NOT the live action 😭😂) u can pick whether light or L is you or Ian haha
  • @DennGreenIII
    I recommend death note for an anime to watch. Probably easily the best entry level anime out there. Unique and well written plot, character designs lean more toward realism than fantasy, more mature rather than over the top but not overly mature, really solid English dub, and a prefect length episode pool. There are people who don't watch anime at all that are death note fans. It's very entry level friendly.
  • @raul-mg1dh
    Death Note is a good starter anime, short, suspensful, not too supernatural, there are no fights like your typical anime because it's mostly about brain games. It's generally appreciated I feel like by everyone who is just starting out and you will probably like it even though it has some strong downsides (only a few characters are smart and capable while others feel like filler). If you want some fighting you could probably try Attach on Titan even just first season to get a feel for how it is. Lastly, do whatever you want and don't feel pressured to do anything just because your audience wants it 😊
  • @Artemis-y7n
    Death note is a great starter anime and a pretty short one too if you're looking to start somewhere then it's a good choice
  • @Quackl0
    14:14 Ryley almost cussed when he saw the pekka void and xbow, vaild reaction
  • @xdBluu3
    When Ian’s playing it it’s the lowest skill deck But when ryley‘s playing, its *the HIGHEST skill deck in Clash Royale
  • @hugo9846
    "Being annoying" is going to be my new CR strat
  • @rrxphvel871
    7:34 Ice golem pushed the hog away, he couldn’t activate the kingtower
  • i think you’d like death note since you like breaking bad so much, it’s kind of a similar premise with the main character changing drastically from the beginning
  • @abdullah3605
    I actually ran this deck for a bit on pol this season until i hit champ and couldnt anymore due to my ice golem being lvl 14 i also dont have the evo tesla so unfortunately cant use the strongest version of the deck, it feels so comfortable against beatdown and heavy mus but the slower cycle can be fatal against cycle matchups like drill evo bomber getting the nerf will make this deck a lot better tho
  • @kethenbt4215
    Love the hog rider decks. Made that mine main deck 2 seasons ago and I appreciate the tips!
  • Please let me know how to upgrade my deck. It’s evo knight, barrel, fireball, goblin gang, tesla, princess, log, ice spirit. Not maxed on the spirit, log princess or tesla. Do I use this deck?!
  • Wait at the 2 min mark how did he have his firecracker positioned to be played followed by him setting down his hog rider, then his firecracker was dragged back to his hand? How do you do that???
  • @alim6563
    I was using this exact deck last season because of how much dagger duchess was pissing me off lol
  • @alim6563
    Death note is a great anime for someone new to anime
  • @phil98990
    I went to play an evo bomber deck and I was literally heartbroken they've changed it to two cycles instead of one. Love the content!