Which primarch is coming back next?

Published 2023-09-19
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Music used:
The Caretaker - A5 - Slightly Bewildered

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All Comments (21)
  • @Bread-nx9fo
    I hope Jaghatai Khan returns, he's just so cool and not uptight like other Primarchs, and the White Scars are a really interesting idea.
  • @jamesf3871
    A Fulgrim/Clonegrim double release would be amazing. Clonegrim is the Chekhov’s Gun trope writ large across 40k. You don’t introduce such a character just to have him stuffed away in a museum doing nothing. Sooner or later, Clonegrim will be released. I believe this wholeheartedly.
  • @hikaru248x
    I think if they bring Dorn back they should do it opposite of bringing Perterabo back. They can bring the Imperial Fist/Iron Warrior feud to the tabletop properly. I've also got a hairbrained idea for what they should do with Rogal, to match him opposite of Daemon Engine Prince Peterturbo: make Rogal a Primarch Dreadnaught. Think about it: 'ol Rogal got pretty messed up when he "died". Put together some sneaky group of loyalists who got what was left of Rogal out and have spent the past several thousand years trying to put him back together. Ol' Peterturbo comes stompin' out of the Warp to lay seige to... something only to be stopped by some giant yellow dreadnought of a pattern never before seen.
  • @bbbbKeJodddd
    I'm from the future and I can confirm Dorn is next to return. Spoilers for the book: When he reappeared and said "it's dornin' time" and then dorned all over those guys, I nearly cried. Chris Tester did an amazing job delivering that line.
  • @daverage4729
    Lets be honest, we would all love to see Rogally Don-Don come back after his portrayal in TTS. Also, it would mean Perturabo would probably come out of his hidey hole and to be honest...he's the only traitor Primarch thats' truly interesting (unless Magnus somehow recovers his noble shard or something.) Remember folks..."The lemon is a mighty fruit: my favourite!"
  • @NightLordShadow
    I'm pretty sure Dorn disappeared later on, not at the battle of Pluto. I'm certain he was like the last Loyalist primarch other than Vulkan to disappear.
  • @Gus-oc6ie
    I think it would be a realky cool twist if they brought back clonegrim and fulgrim at the same time, even though its not super logical
  • @pedropierre9594
    I think as the Emperor is getting ready to be more involved, maybe Rogal Dorn would be his next piece to come back, the Tyrannids seem to be unstoppable, the empire needs a glorious defense to hold the line
  • @Epsilvonic
    I see Jaghatai coming back first, and how that fits narratively (Vashtor’s current nonsense being the obvious setup) and, more importantly to GW’s bottomline, in the tabletop. Looking at the Space Marine range, specifically generic HQs because we know what GWs about, do you see the thing that’s both missing and highly requested? Bike Leaders. You know what’s a total GW course of action? Temporarily giving a chapter a shiny new model exclusive to them to drive up interest before releasing it to the faction as a whole.
  • @thebrithorse8669
    You kinda missed Loyalist Fulgrim returning. Lore-Wise you can do alot more with Fulgrim than you can with Dorn, plus Loyalist Fulgrim and Fulgrim is connected to a lot more characters. Loyalist Fulgrim returning arising from Trazyn's Museum (maybe from the final chime of the Bell of Saint Gerstahl) causing multiple parts of Trazyn's museum to fail like what it did last time. This not only results in Perfect Clone Fulgrim returning but maybe also the other notable stuff in the museum like the Krork or the really strong Eldar (i forgot its name). With Loyalist Fulgrim in the setting, and Daemon Fulgrim sensing his other self, Slaneesh could become a lot more active meaning the Eldar become more active as with the Slaneesh forces being distracted and mobilized by Daemon Fulgrim, the Eldar just send out another hail mary force to acquire the last chromesword
  • @tevin4006
    I mean, I love me some Rogal Dorn and the Fisting he does on the enemies of the imperium. Just narratively speaking. Games work shop needs to work spicing him, and the imperial fist/successor chapters up with more lead-up lore. With the Dark angels we Had in 9th edition of them gathering up a fleet to find the Luthor and the large gathering of the fallen that he (and probably still is) mustering up with unknown intentions. Then the great rift happened and the arks of omen series. We get introduced to the demon Vashtor. Vashtor came in and invaded the rock, then the dark angels invaded his home turf and got almost annihilated until The lion and blood angels showed up. The white Scars have a Similar set up. We heard in 8th edition that Jaghati went to hunt down some Dark Eldar after the Heresy and theres been rumors and hints from the Dark Eldar themselves of somewarrior who hunts them in the webway. Maybe has shown up in Commorragh. Then we got a brotherhood (a space marine company equivalent for the white scars) in the webway currently looking for him. Then the final thing is, Vashtor's fortress daemon world "Wormwood" is now able to go in the webway. It sure would be convenient for a primarch to throw a badass wrench in abbadon's and Vashtor's plans. Just saying, there's a lot of good set up to return and I cant wait to see if Jaghati had his warp powers awaken to become one with the speed force and actually fulfill that Duel him and Fulgrim talked about during the Heresy. Remember that he is also one if not the second best duelist/swordsman among the primarchs, and that'd be cool to witness against daemon fulgrim. Its also chance for games workshop to make the white scars pretty awesome. I'm have some faith given these events will have Jaghati be next.
  • @randomomega9966
    I want to like Corvus more. No justification, no real reason, I just want to like him and the Raven Guard more. Get on it GW. Get on it.
  • @swennils4584
    I'd place some faith in Leman and Valdor returning at some point fairly soon since the not so long ago reveal of the King in Yellow suggests Valdor's return is soon(ish). And because of the relationship between the Apollonian and Dionysian spears, Russ's return has a possibility of being linked to Valdor as well.
  • @CJBerdomas
    The Khan rides out of the webway in “borrowed” dark Eldar bikes and looks at Gulliman and says, “Sup”
  • considering I was right last time (for once) with this logic, I'm gonna stick with GW releasing Primark's that would be actively fighting against chaos and the tyranids, but would be too self interested to help stop the inquisition or repair the Imperium. which means, unfortunately for some, it's probably gonna be Leman Russ....... I mean I'd love to be wrong... I miss Vulkan also, going off your logic of Primarchs being released with versus boxes, how fucked would it be if one of the new releases went off the premise of "oh, those last 4 artifacts? yeah. Trazyn stole all of them. Salamanders vs Necrons, bitcheeeeeeees!"
  • @lexcalibur6581
    I agree with the Rogal Dorn theory with him not having a hand and getting the Emperor's claw. However, you're forgetting that Russ already has an artifact, the Emperor's Spear. So in terms of the order of artifacts that each primarch gets I think the artifact they get from daddy is the last thing on GW's mind when deciding their return. Also while the Wulfen theory is intriguing, some of us Vlka Fenkryka fans are really tired of the wolf this wolf that shit and our primarch being a literal wolf would not help. I instead hope they lean more into the Norse mythology inspiration having Leeman Russ be an Odin-like God of War possibly stabbing himself to learn the truth as that's what the Spear of the Emperor shows to whoever gets stabbed by it. I also think this theory is more founded as Leeman has been shown to know the Rune craft that his legion practices regularly communicating with the psykers in his chapter to guide them. Another thing of note, not all of the 13th great company succumbed to the curse of the wulfen, as they have their Wolf Priests there to guide their feral brethren. It would feel really dumb if some high-ranking chaplain/apothecaries could resist the curse in the warp yet their literal primarch can't. Also, the cognitive dissonance between Leeman communicating with his psykers through runes and then turning out to be a literal werewolf is kind of ridiculous even by Warhammer 40K standards, like the wulfen are supposed to be feral bloodthirsty ravagers I have a hard time imagining that if Leeman Russ was a wulfen he'd actually take the time to communicate with his sons instead of rip and tearing his way through hell.
  • @entrippyZ
    i like your Dorn theory a lot. here's my Corvus idea for whenever he shows up: Guilliman or Lion are tracking Lorgar who has been seen in realspace(hes fleeing Corvus). They catch up to Lorgar's location just in time to to see a closing warp portal and a gigantic enraged bird demon trying to claw it open wider. this causes whoever went to attack Corvus, mistaking him for a greater daemon of tzeentch. chase scene bullcrap ensues for like 2 books that culminates in Guilliman striking Corvus with the Emperors sword but it does nothing, or Lion somehow figuring out that its Corvus through some memory of his fighting style from a sparring match they had several millenia ago.
  • @zetsuz3828
    I would say that same pattern with 4 Chaos gods may be applicable to Loyal forces, as we do have our divirgent chapters with their unique units (such as Deathwing, Sanguinary guard, Wulfen, etc), so it is logical to assume that these legions will receive updates first of all, along with their primarchs, because GW loves money.
  • @Geraduss
    My wildcard prediction is Sanguinius. Why? It would make the in game history rhyme. There are already plenty of callbacks to the Unremembered Empire books from HH. And what's more iconic than having Bobby G, and the Lion be in friction only for the Bird boy to come and calm everything down as the new Emperor. My other hints him returning? Plenty in the lore actually, calling how his soul is still there, how his body is intact and how his speaking to ahm.. Certain people.