Let's Get Sync'd ... about the Mother of all Parties with Jean Houston & Anneloes Smitsman!

Published 2021-10-20
Interstellar Party Planners? ... on behalf of a televisionary B'earthday Party for the Planet celebrating every living being?? ... broadcast live worldwide???

Stranger things have materialised; like Wars. Climate Crisis. Pandemia. And a Global Identity Crisis.

When the Ancients found themselves in dire straits, they went straight to celebration. On behalf of their Civilisation. They shouted out to the heavens in songs and dance and artistic expression "Here we all are! See us! Help us to help ourselves!".

And thanks to the strides in Technology there is no better time nor reason to make history in synchronicity on behalf of an urgency like no other: Humanity in sanity.

Let's have some serioUs fun.
Let's party.

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