Should President Biden be DENIED Communion?

Published 2021-11-03
The question of one's worthiness to receive communion as a pro-choice politician has surfaced with the election of Joe Biden. Many Catholics have debated this topic. I'd like to just say something about the Eucharist.


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All Comments (21)
  • @nbenefiel
    Many years ago, my church had a Vietnamese priest. He had spent many years in a Cambodian prison camp. One Corpus Christi, he gave a sermon, telling us how Red Cross workers would smuggle consecrated hosts into the camp for the Catholic prisoners. One of his friends, a Buddhist monk, told him how he envied the unity the Catholics had with the Eucharist. That was 40 years ago, but my friends and I remember this.
  • @keanureef271
    Fr Mike Schmitz put it well, “Communion is medicine for the sick, but it is not medicine for the dead. Confession is medicine for the dead.” The wages of sin are death, so we must first be reconciled to God before entering into this covenant, otherwise we are guilty of nothing less than the murder of Christ. It is for this reason that such a restriction is an act of charity.
  • @frsandquist3952
    It's true, the Eucharist is medicine for the [spiritually] sick, but not for the [spiritually] dead. We have another sacrament for that - the sacrament of Reconciliation.
  • @dave1370
    "The publicly unworthy are to be kept from the reception of the Divine Eucharist." Canon 915 Promotion and championing abortion certainly deems one publicly unworthy, especially if that person is the President of the United States.
  • @jde5272
    I completly expect a calm, civil, and kind comment section
  • As someone who is currently homebound and receives the Eucharist at home (in addition to watching mass online) this was so important to hear and really listen to. Even if my experience of communion and community is from afar to some extent right now. And loved that Fr Casey brought us back to our own conscience, our own path of conversion.
  • @davidvollstedt
    "Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof. But only say the word and my soul shall be healed."
  • @Ralph_Malph
    I appreciate your take on this issue. Communion is truly significant in the lives of Catholics. God bless and may this channel prosper to unlimited heights. 🙏
  • @nysef8161
    as someone currently in RCIA, this was extremely insightful thank you for touching on this topic
  • @jaredhall6994
    Saint Paul the apostle told the Corinthians in Chapter 11: 27Therefore whosoever shall eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord. 28But let a man prove himself: and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of the chalice. 29For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh judgment to himself, not discerning the body of the Lord.
  • @12369ja
    My Grandma was denied communion a couple weekends ago, we were at a TLM mass, and because she can’t walk good she had to stay at the pew, so Grandpa tried to get a host to bring to her, and the priest denied my Grandma communion, I get the fact that with it being a TLM grandpa not being able to bring her communion as only the poorest can touch the host with hands, but the priest should have walked over to the pew and given her communion rather than denying her communion.
  • @Powellonia
    I think that the focus on politicians and their worthiness to receive the Eucharist, we are ignoring a larger issue; there are likely many Catholics who receive communion unworthily—whether it is a person who is contracepting, a person who skips mass and doesn’t go to confession, people who are living together in a sexually active relationship outside the bonds of marriage, and the list goes on and on. This is not just about Joe Biden, and you are right—we need to examine ourselves as well.
  • Canon Law 915: "Those who have been excommunicated or interdicted after the imposition or declaration of the penalty and others obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion."
  • @Jeremiah5691Ma
    That beautiful moment when a political issue becomes a beautiful reminder of what happens at mass
  • @davidsnead7728
    Dude, good job. Thanks for the great take on this. I'm a Protestant, so we have some differences on the meaning of communion, but I love the idea of "covenant vs. commodity", and I think your take is VERY elegant and eloquent. Blessings!
  • @sumdumbmick
    'judgement from afar is a dangerous game' this is a quote I will absolutely be using the rest of my life
  • @nicksteven1112
    Like I’ve always said. I have no qualms with those who are pushing for Biden to be denied communion. But what annoys me is the fact that many seem to be doing so out of spite, rather than out of love. Denying someone communion while in a state of mortal sin is supposed to protect the person, not to cut him off from the grace of God. Thanks for the reminder that the Eucharist is a covenant, Friar Casey.
  • @kellykangwa7460
    Thank you Father, the wisdom of God is beyond theological knowledge depth
  • @paulwojcik6339
    "Therefore whosoever shall eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord." [1 Corinthians 11:27]
  • @brecky384
    To an outsider, the way people talk about this issue makes it seem like abortion is the only sin Catholics actually care about.