Timelapse of Future Technology: Next 1000 Years

Published 2023-06-10
Today, we explore a timelapse of the future, specifically future technology. How will technology look 1000 years from now? In the world today, many technologies are accelerating exponentially. Humans are discovering things that would mystify scientists even a few decades ago, but our progress resembles a blip in the grand scale of our technological evolution over the next millennium.


Founder: Peter Schumaker
Chief Editor:
Tristan Reed
Original soundtrack by Joseph McDade

All Comments (21)
  • I'm going to add this video to my favorites so I can watch it again in a thousand years to see how accurate it was.
  • @-ZSOX
    It feels somewhat depressing knowing that we won’t be able to see what humans will invent in the future.
  • Now that we have the technology to save this video for almost forever, I wonder what would the future generation think when they see this video in 1000 years
  • Very uplifting. I'm glad it wasn't just "AI is gonna kill us all."
  • @User-4517
    I think this vid gives humans more credit than we deserve.
  • @Kyle-qd2sy
    Loved this video. Every time I see something like this I can't help but imagine someone in the far future uncovering this video. Would they say "hmm, well in the broad strokes they got a lot of things right." Or will they say "wow, theses 21st century people had absolutely no idea what they were talking about!"
  • @foxdavani4091
    this episode is literally a Michio kaku lecture but with nice animation and simplified information since the work of the great professor isnt always easy to understand for everyone. nice job koranos, as always, you did a great job bringing complicated information to everyone in a beautiful way.
  • @AntonioZL
    When mom was right and Kurzgesagt at home is just as good.
  • @dionysus1_1
    The best video you've ever made, plz don't stop making em
  • @boredmango2962
    Hello everyone from the year 3023!! if you’re reading this, I’m obviously long gone but I hope you guys have a fun time exploring space and other planets, maybe even exploring time itself just be safe out there. The universe is a big place!!! ❤️ -a random guy from 2023
  • @ChrisPtoes27
    I feel both amazed and sad at the same time watching this video. Because on one hand, some of these things would be insane to be able to see, It would be like real life magic, but on the other hand, I know none of us will be alive to witness it. Unless we find a way to expand life expectancy by hundreds of years, we won’t see any of the amazing things humans will make in the future
  • Love the optimism! We can’t even get over the fact that humans come in different colours
  • @Jan12700
    3:43 Why this cursed image? Why not simply put there some Starships and not Spaceshuttles WITH their Boosters, that they ONLY need to overcome Earth high Gravity. 5:14 This shouldn't be necessary, because the brain is capable to save everything and has the amount of more that 2 Peterbyte. Even with more modern processes we can't create a machine like in Black Morror (S. 3 E. 3 "The Entire History of You") 5:53 StarGate Replicator... 9:03 Cyberman 9:43 But this is a Dyson Sphere
  • I like the utopian perspective this video offers. Rather than "OMG AI IS GOING TO KILL US," or "GLOBAL WARMING WILL DESTROY OUR PLANET," this looks at a brighter future, where we can leave such concerns behind us as we adapt and evolve. Brilliant video! Bravo! 👏
  • As technically involved person I think the mankind can do a lot more in this century.
  • @bitxuro
    This video has "writen by AI" vibes
  • I loved the way they showed in this video. It's very astonishing to see such a quality video presentation. Keep up the good work
  • @salaufer
    This is an interesting video, but it is a huge pet peeve to me when people say quantum computers are going to replace conventional computers, or that they're "faster" -- that's like saying that a new GPU or FPU is going to replace your computer. It's not. it's a separate type of processor that uses different methods to perform different tasks. If anything, when they come down to the consumer level, they'll probably end up being separate modules like your GPU.
  • The Quantum Computer would be the invention of the Century indeed. It would change almost everything very fast