Watch These Animals Being Freed For The First Time | Best of 2023 !

Published 2024-01-12
The only thing animals have is freedom, but sometimes they lose even that. Today I'm gonna show you the heroes who've decided to fight so that every four-legged or feathered animal can come home... to freedom. So hit that bell to start!

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All Comments (21)
  • @xlr8tedzoom
    The neighborhood cat left me an offering under my door mat. Upon returning home I saw the mat move. I lifted it and saw a baby flying squirrel. I called a rehaber but they couldn't take it and told me how to feed it and make it ready for release. Upon release he came back daily for 2 years to get his pecan treat. I emailed Blue Diamond Pecans and let them know my squirrel preferred their nuts to other brands and they sent me a 5 lb bag! LOL
  • @calcat7375
    These people risked their lives to give freedom to these beautiful animals Thank you so much. Much Love to you all πŸ’œπŸ˜‡
  • I love the reaction of the animals when they realise they are free & I especially love the reaction of the circus lion feeling dirt & grass under his paws & rolling around on his back for the first time in his life , it’s priceless β€οΈπŸ’™β€οΈπŸ’™β€οΈπŸ’™β€οΈπŸ’™β€οΈπŸ’™β€οΈπŸ’™β€οΈπŸ’™β€οΈπŸ’™β€οΈπŸ’™β€οΈπŸ’™β€οΈπŸ’™β€οΈπŸ’™β€οΈπŸ’™β€οΈπŸ’™β€οΈπŸ’™β€οΈπŸ’™β€οΈπŸ’™
  • @rikkejensen786
    I personally have been rescuing animals for > 50 yrs - the toughest one beeing a polar bear and her 2 cubs stranded on an icefree island. I arranged for a helicopter and a hunter to provide food for the mama bear until the sea was frozen again so the family could go to the north pole. ❀❀❀
  • @serenaspry9365
    The bear that had 20 years looked up and lost her sight is beautiful. I'm so happy for all of these animals getting freedom. Thank you to each and everyone of you that made this happen and come true for these beautiful animals
  • @DanandDonna1
    My sister has always loved animals. She became a vet tech. The work she's done with so many animals brings a tear. God bless the rescuers.
  • @nikinewton7917
    It's extremely beautiful to see them all free. As it should be ❀❀❀
  • @timberwolf5631
    I used to be a vet tech. We rehabbed several wild animals and sent them back to nature (opossums, raccoons, skunks). The one that stands out to me the most was the one who I'm about to tell you. I was on my way to work one morning. I spied an animal sitting right smack on the yellow line. I pulled over immediately, and saw that it was a barred owl, just sitting there. I grabbed my coat, walked into traffic, and slowly moved toward it with my coat open in front of me, hoping to scare it off the road. It just looked at me with those bottomless yellow eyes. It had to have been knocked on the head to behave without fear. I walked right up to it and scooped it up in my coat. It didn't struggle at all. So, the owl and I went to work. I placed it in a smallish cage, so that if it freaked out, there wasn't much room to hurt itself. He was uncharacteristically friendly, so everyone who worked with me got and up-close look at it, and it even appeared to enjoy having it's head petted. My boss said I did the right thing, so he gave the owl an exam, and found it to be otherwise healthy. He had me move it to a large enclosure, where it perched on a step ladder. We offered it water and dead mice. It wasn't interested, so we left it alone for awhile. Next day, he began to snap his beak at us, a good sign of recovery. We offered a mouse again, using tongs this time. He took one appraising look at it, snatched it up and swallowed it. Aggression and appetite intact. But it had made no effort to escape the enclosure (we had to be sure he could fly). The following morning, I found him way up in the rafters. Time to go home, buddy! I turned off all the lights, and opened the door (a garage type door). it took him about 5 seconds to see freedom. Then he was swooping down over my head and sailing out into the sky in all his glory. What a beautiful experience!
  • @sharonbeckett721
    I love seeing these precious babies jump and run to freedom but to me seeing the birds flying, stretching their wings in the thing that brings a tear to my eyes. Thank you all for your love and dedication to these babies ❀
  • @pcfultimes
    We've helped many animals over the years. It's so rewarding to watch them go be free the way they're meant to be.
  • @meanhe8702
    We rescued a pair of baby skunks whose mother was hit by a car. They were so cute and friendly. Luckily there is a little animal rescue sanctuary in our area that took them in. It was so sad, they were running around on our road crying for their mama, fortunately we were able to capture them before they made their way to the busy road where their mama was hit.🦨🦨 Another time I rescued a butterfly with a broken wing. It stayed absolutely motionless as I β€œoperated” on it by taking the exact tiny portion of a dead butterfly’s wing, cut it, and super glued it to the injured butterfly. When the procedure was over, it slowly flapped its wings to exercise them, then started flying around the livingroom, we gently captured it, and took it outside and released it, which it then flew far up in the air and just flew away, and we never saw it again. πŸ¦‹
  • God bless all animals, and humans who are kind. What a beautiful sight to see when these amazing creatures are free.❀❀
  • I worked in a late night convenience store many yrs ago. A car came in and a couple said they had a small owl trapped inside the grill. They had hit it in mid air over 150 miles from where we were. It was a rare saw-whet owl. There is na small colony up in the NC mountains. I called a friend who had a bird cage and then gently removed the owl. That was hard., I put it in the cage and covered it. Then the next morning I called a older friend from my Boy Scout days who worked with birds of prey rehab. We had a new rehab center a few miles away and he took it there. The bird had a broken wing but they healed it and my sons and I were invited to visit the new center as it was opening and we got to see all kinds of birds of prey being rehabilitated. They let me know that 6 months later it was releashed up where the colony was.
  • @user-gc3yh2hz7y
    It is so beautiful to see how animals react when they are set free into the wild They have feelings because they hugged each other as if they were telling one another....We are finally free. I love it ❀
  • @BJones-yw4dd
    I'll never forget my time on an Earthwatch expedition to St. Croix V.I. where we studied leatherback turtles, tagging and measuring adults, helping baby stragglers out of their deep nests and into the water and even catching the eggs of laying females when they'd chosen a bad/dangerous place to lay their eggs. I will never ever forget lying on my stomach on a windy beach under a full moon, as cold waves rushed over my shoulders and into a laying female's nest. I had the privilege of catching her golfball-sized leathery eggs as she lay them and handing them to my teammate so we could rebury them in a safer spot. The most worthwhile 3 weeks of my life. A great shout-out and best wishes to our team scientist Anna Navarro, wherever you are. We learned so much from you and your partner (whose name I've sadly forgotten.)
  • I have worked with wildlife for many years. Just a few years back one of our Great Horned Owl eaglets fell from its nest when the nest was attacked during the night. The little male spent the night in our home crated by the open window so his mom could maintain vocal contact with him. His sister had been taken to another tree. We returned him the following morning. Many years ago I used to have a full blown rescue facility for all wildlife. I truly miss those days, but getting on in age now. It does drive me crazy though when people have exotic animals for "pets". You simply CANNOT TAKE THE WILD OUT OF THE WILD. I have 49+ years of professional years as a dog trainer and the same as an Animal Behavioral specialist. It can't be done.
  • @jamilahana1728
    Heartbreaking...humans are the cruelest of creatures, yet, thank God, many are good. Thank you ALL for helping these beautiful creatures from abuse, and setting them free.πŸ™πŸ’–