4mplitude - Fudge Served Fresh Ft. FudgeMerchant

Published 2019-12-03

All Comments (7)
  • Well Good morning everyone welcome to the café The name is fudge merchant and I hope you'd care to stay Got all the goods from all over the land The flavors galore you can't begin to understand and the things that we sell? Sit down and I will tell Once you take a bite of these You'll be feelin' real swell! Take a look around and if you'd like to make a purchase Just remember the Fudge Who's also the greatest merchant We got Green-Tea Ice Cream Freshly-Roasted cocoa-beans but not only that We got A salad made of Lime cheese?? Some weird thing that I think is called a Feijoda And if you get thirsty you can order up a soda Have our Nachos Tacos or a Burger with cheese Some bacon? Some Fries? And any chips that you please! Are you feelin like a pimp? Well order up a shrimp and if you're feelin a lil warma then you must have had the shawarma Did you come in with a toga? Well here have some Yoga! And aren't you the cutest? Man you deserve some Gyoza Sorry what?! YOu can't make a choice? Have a ceasar salad you'll feel the flavors rejoice Forget your fitness I'll give you my word with you all as my witness The taste of these goods will make you start pledgin' Your allegiance to THE MERCANTALISM LEGEND Now I know what you're thinkin' Got anything for drinkin? We'll be quenchin' your thirst like Abraham Lincoln A coke or a sprite? Yea I think that's alright but a water in ya hand will keep you safer at night You're nearly at the end The flavors of these sweets will surely transcend Your existence Fudge with some wafers This options surely safer Try it today and you'll see why it's definitely in the paper Need another hand? Don't worry I'm your man I'll serve up the damn best JIGGALICIOUS FLAN A monster came in Just to have a lookie Well that greedy bitch just BOUGHT OUR LAST COOKIE And the only thing left that's better than a coconut is this little ring that you humans call a Donut.
  • @Nonksa
    This is heat -candycane