My Biggest Mistake Playing Starfield New Game Plus Too Soon

Published 2023-09-17

All Comments (21)
  • @DarkChaoto
    Trouble with rushing your first playthrough is you miss out on all the dialogue differences and you won't gain as much experience. There's more to it than just new armour and ship.
  • @Sabrinaionescu20
    My only complaint with doing NG+ because its to late already that ive done it 10 times but i wish you weren't completely stripped of everything you had in youre inventory. Maybe keep a small handful of it which would be better but not completely gone like you just made youre character again.
  • I feel sorry for people who listened to the advice to rush newgame +. Rewards and gameplay changes(Junk armor/ship) are not worth not enjoying your 1st run on a new game. I got all of the powers 1st run from temples so I think you are confused since you don't even have them all.
  • @my0866
    I have 15 powers at level 54 and only done one NG+ Star Born once. I think you missed a few powers. When that Star Born final mission appeared, I just kept playing, speaking to Vladimir and getting the locations of Artifacts then going to the Final mission. I am not doing a new game plus again until I level up more first, but I’m in no rush. 😊
  • @HJK242
    I heard some of the quests are different on NG+ so if you just do main quests on first play thru you miss that whole part of the story
  • @dancrile5640
    NG+10 is wild to me. I'm only level 25 and barely scratching the surface. Kudos to you sir
  • @Execution8r
    So if I don’t finish the main quest and play all of the factions it won’t glitch right?
  • @visionturd1587
    I was planning on doing all powers through ng+.. but doing around 240 temples isn't worth it at all. The best power is when you go through unity lol.. Maybe when 100% complete the game i"ll make a new character just to level all the powers to lvl10
  • @WarMonkeyPlays
    Well in your defense, Phased Time and Personal Atmosphere are easily the best powers to have. Moon Form has its limited use too. The Dash can be useful too if you're doing melee; otherwise just use Personal Atmosphere for traversal.
  • @MrDavepassey
    I only got my powers when I did the short new game plus runs, you have the 6 artefacts to find and also speak again to the black fella on the eye who gives you about 12 temple locations each run (some new, some that are the same so they level up). Phased time levels up each time you complete the game so is an easy way to see how many ng+ you are on, also probably one of the best powers but often causes a game breaking glitch which is annoying.
  • Please note: if you decide not to speed up, do not complete more than 2 faction questlines. The main quest may break if you do and you will not get any new Artifact or Temple missions. One day this will be patched, as of now it's a huge bug. For some reason, doing NG+ fixes the bugged quests you can't complete in a fresh game.
  • I had the ending spoiled for me because of youtube recommendations. It doesn't bother me all that much. It actually made me more excited to do all the side missions and faction quests. Im 120 hours in, and I think it's going to be funny knowing the answers to everyones problems, you know? (Imagine already having the heart of Mars and taking it to the person. Yeah its a pretty pointless sidequest with only a rock as a reward, but what would they say?) *edit Spelling with no sleep is diff um hard.
  • Just a quickie for someone who's not gotten to NG+ yet but striving towards it without doing any of the other quests in game. I've currently just got the one power. The gravity one. Can you obtain ALL these powers BEFORE NG+? Or are some obtainable only once you're into a new NG+?
  • @defmoon900
    Looks like to me it only levels up what ever power you have activated when complete the game.... Makes no sense that phased time is level x then another power is still level 1.
  • @SKRWdFaLife90
    Only problem with the cool spacesuit is your only getting 3 legendary perks. But if you have suit helmet and pack you'll have 9 possible decent perks. I have a lvl 75 and on ng+3. I recently started a new female character and plan on never going. I wonder if the normal NPCs buff up each run. They are super easy even on very hard.
  • @shadowdragon041
    All powers lever up, I’m on NG + 5 and all my all of them are at lever 5 with the exception of parallel self, because for me, Barrett’s quest is bugged and is level 3. I also didn’t hit NG+ until I as level 80, now at level 200
  • @shakerentree2344
    A tip as someone who got all their powers maxed temple’s names stay the same the temples sometimes don’t move even if vlad says they do so for instance temple omega will always be particle beam, and it was on Frost for me but I know the temple locations are different for everyone