Fanboy Prewrites “Clark: A Superman Story”

Publicado 2020-01-08

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Music Used:
Various Tracks from the "Man of Steel" Official Soundtrack by Hans Zimmer
"Man of Steel: Superman Theme Zimmer Vs Williams Cover Version" by BennieMusic
   • Man of Steel: Superman Theme Zimmer V...  
"Man of Steel Theme: "An Ideal of Hope" - Remix of Zimmer's & Williams' Themes" by IronPixelChef
   • Man of Steel Theme: "An Ideal of Hope...  

This video is a review/critique protected under fair use. All clips used are transformative as they accompany my commentary and are therefore within my legal rights to use.

This video is NOT INTENDED FOR CHILDREN. Though it is possible that the topics and characters I discuss may appeal to some children, the language and visuals that I use are, at times, not appropriate for young children.


Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @rjafa65
    >using the Reagan scene from All-Star Superman >using All-Star Superman IN GENERAL >using Reagan AGAIN dude that's know my heart can't take these feels.
  • @gabethehoward
    Dude, you almost moved me to tears. Out of ANY YouTuber who makes these kinds of videos, you wrote something that I not only want to see adapted to the big screen, but NEED to see. I have not read many Superman stories, but one thing is for certain - it doesn’t matter about the expanded universe, or have dumb CGI monster fights to stave off boredom of the audience. I think the perfect metaphor for a Superman movie that you encapsulated is not being like everyone else, or in this case, to be like every other movie. The main point is to be a man - or a movie - that gives even just ONE person hope, that in turn, can give more people hope. Bravo, Troyo. Bravo. 👏
  • For fun, I decided to cast this pitch Clark-Tom Hanks Lex-Christoph Waltz Lois-Jamie Lee Curtis Jimmy-Jack Quaid Regan-Millie Bobby Brown
  • @quarxfps
    Dude you're an awesome storyteller. The finale had me in tears. Keep up the great work <3
  • @gwenlovesmovies
    If I was running WB, you'd get the job on the friggin spot. This pitch had me in tears.
  • I looked up "narrative coinky-dinks" and it is, in fact, an official term. Trust me guys I'm a youtube comment.
  • @troyoboyo17
    Hey everyone! Thanks so much for watching. If you've been following my social media, you'll know that I've been working on this video for months. The character of Superman is really important to me, and I wanted to ensure the video was quality, so I apologize that this took forever, I just knew if I did a Superman video I was going to have to do it RIGHT. I had to cut down a LOT of content from this video, probably about 10 minutes worth, so if you want to see the stuff that was cut you can head over to my Patreon. I have extended audio, behind the scenes updates, and scripts as well as all videos 2-3 days early. So if you're interested in that, be sure to check that out with the link in the description! But again, thank you for watching. If you liked this, I would love if you could hit the like button and subscribe if you haven't already. I also don't normally like asking for this, but if you could share this with your friends and as many people as possible that would be greatly appreciated!
  • You said it at the beginning of the video: "if Joker is the movie we deserve, this is the movie we need". This hypothetical Clark movie would be what I wished Man of Steel was, and what many superhero stories seem to be avoiding nowadays: an inspiring tale made with care, love and a heartwarming feel that gives the audience a message of pure hope and kindness. And it might possibly be the most Superman thing ever made. Also, yeah, even just being a conceptual script pitch, I almost cried at the end. If I saw this at the cinema, rivers would flow through my cheeks.
  • I love how understated this is. I never pictured Tom Hanks as Superman either but, seeing that photoshop, he really just kinda slots right in, doesn’t he? He gives a dignity to the costume. This feels like the kind of movie that would impact the character forever, where every Superman interpretation afterwards would have it be a given that he can age. There’s just something so ‘platonic ideal’ about this interpretation, like it was always meant to be this way.
  • @Chenso2099
    I never thought of casting Tom Hanks as Superman, but now that you implanted that idea in my mind I can’t stop geeking out about it—he’s perfect! Hell! If he doesn’t ever get to play Superman, I can really see him fitting the role of Pa Kent. Hanks as Clark/Superman? Don’t care if he’s too old, just make it happen!
  • how am i about to cry from a movie outline 😭 this film would be everything i’ve dreamed of in a superman movie
  • @officerdan8324
    i can tell how much heart you put into this story man. thankyou
  • @dylanlewis5113
    I used a Christopher Reeve quote for my senior quote. "I believe a hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming odds." Due to several things I went through in high school, that quote was a source of inspiration for me.
  • I also had a concept in mind for a Superman movie (it's part of a pitch I had for a reboot version of the DC movies): The movie would open in Smallville, where a young Lex Luthor would be watching the stars, when he see something falling from the sky. While Lex picks the truck from his drunk dad, the Kents would found the spaceship, with a baby inside. The couple decides to adopt the child and so they take him away, along side the spaceship. When Luthor arrives he only founds a strange green rock. [Roll the title : Superman The Man of Tommorrow] After that, the movie opens 14 years after, already introducing Clark as a shy, but nice and kind hearted boy who would start to develop his powers. After causes a accident in his school, Clark talk to his parents, Jonathan and Martha Kent, and they would take hum to the garage, where they show the spaceship where they found him years ago. When Clark touch the rocket he activate a holografic message left by Jor-El, revealing that Clark is his son Kal-El from the planet Kripton. Once the message is over, Clark run from home, scared with the discovery. Jonathan goes after him . Clark would say he doesn't want to be a freak and just wants to be Jonathan's son, and Jonathan hugs him and replies: “You are my son”. In the following day, Clark uses his powers to save his friends from a storm, which inspires him to decide to use his powers to help people. The movie jumps 7 years ahead, and Clark (Matt Bomer) would move to Metropolis. Once there he would see the big city, with modern buildings, but his super senses and interactions with the town people allow him to see the dark truth of Metropolis: the whole city is victim of crime and corruption, the peole are afraid and distrust others, thinking that is all a plan to steal money from them; and most of the city is exploid by Lexcorp. Clark starts his job as reporter on the Daily Planet, the only newspaper in the city that stands up against Lexcorp corruption. This is where he first meets his supporting cast: Jimmy Olsen (Asa Butterfield), Cat Grant, Steve Lombard, Perry White (Danny Devito) and Lois Lane (Morena Baccarin). When a spacecraft suffers a accident and stars to falling, right in collision to Metropolis, Clark, using a costume that his mother made for him (which she would say was made based on the uniforms of the JSA, heroes that she heard about when she was little) stops the collision, revealing his powers to the public, surprise with the arrival of this mysterious hero. In the next day Clark and Lois start to interview all the citzens, asking their opnion about this “Superman”. Some praise him and call him a savior while others distrust him. One of the persons who is totaly against Superman is Lex Luthor (Michael Rosebaum), who is reveal to be Lexcorp CEO. During the interview Lois would make some questions that imply that Luthor had something to do with the spacecraft incident, since if the spacecraft had crashed in Metropolis, the government would cancel their contract with the rival company and sign with Lexcorp to build a better one, plus Lexcorp would also gain mutiple contracts to fix the damage caused by the crashed. Luthor, of course, dismiss them, but Clark agree with Lois and is certain that Luthor will cause much problem for his alter ego. The following days, Luthor start to turn people against Superman. To face off against this, Superman would have a interview with Lois Lane, asking her to give his message to the people of Metropolis, that he is not here to harm anyone he just wants to help. This proves tô be a great move and people start to approve the hero's help. However Luthor will not accept this. This is when something comes to his mind: what if Superman is the mysterious alien who though he saw falling in Smallville years ago? To test his theory Luthor manipulate a event where he test the kriptonite on Superman, after seen the effects the rock has on the hero (in which Superman fails to catch some thiefs) Luthor contacts the USA army, covincing them that Superman is a alien invader. He also gives one of the soldiers, the war hero sergent John Corben a special armor to fight the Man of steel. Luthor reveals Superman is alien to the media and, the army set up a trap for the hero. Superman is able to escape but Corben tries to attack him, causing his armor to overload and explode. Superman is framed by Corben aciddent, with the army invading the Daily Planet, shoutting down the newspaper, and Luthor even convive them to spread drones all over the city to capture Superman if he shows up or tries to fly. Things are so bad that Clark has a dialogue with his parents deciding what he should do. While that happen, something goes wrong with Luthor's drones, and It start to attack civilians. Seeing the people in peril, Clark opens his shirt and throw off the glasses, becoming Superman once again to save them. Superman is able to destroy the drones but this is one he comes face to face with Luthor's secret weapon: a revived John Corben, nos transformed in the cyborg Metallo. Metallo is so obsess in defeating Superman that he doesn't care who's in his way, putting civilians lifes in danger. Metallo start to saying that once he kills Super he will be the world's greatest hero, but Superman say his wrong, that a hero is someone who cares for life and does his best to protect It, everthing that Metallo isn't. After a big showdown, Superman defeats Metallo, however he still has to deal with Luthor and the army, who still sees him as threat. The public comes to Superman's aid claiming that he is his savior. This is the momen lt where Superman had enought. He stand between the two sides, alongside Lois and the people who helped during the fight, and said that he's not a threat nor a savior, he's just someone trying to help people and that's all he wants from the people: to stop been dependent of someone and instead to help each other. The people are inspired by Superman's words and the army stop chasing him. At night, Luthor meets with Superman and say this is not over, that the city belongs to him not to a alien, but Superman denies his argument, saying that Metropolis belongs to everyone, and he's not gonna let him ruin this In the next day, Clark meets with Lois on the Daily Planet rooftop, where he reveals his secret identity, only to Lois reveals that she already knew, but decide to respect his secret, becoming hi ally and maybe something more (giving hints of their future romance). The movie ends with Jimmy interrupting the two, telling about a crime that is happening in the city. Lois tells Clark that this “looks like a job for Superman” and goes to take the Uber, while Clark transform into Superman and flies, passing to all the people of Metropolis, all helping each other just like Superman does for all of them.
  • @quakywacky8048
    Lois "Who are your people?" Clark "I don't have a people"
  • @rohanann4914
    It says only three waiting maybe there’s only three waiting Because were all not waiting I really can’t wait fo this