What if Anakin Skywalker was TRAINED by Yoda, Not Obi-Wan?

Published 2024-04-22
00:00 - Intro
00:55 - Story beginning
24:52 - Outro

What if Yoda trained Anakin Skywalker and was betrayed? Let's explore the depths of it in this video

Even from his childhood, Anakin showed signs of being the chosen one. It was why Jedi like Qui-Gon-Jin took such an interest in him. But while the evidence was there, the Jedi failed to take the right action and it took Qui-Gon dying before they allowed Anakin to join the order. Even then, they placed Anakin under the watch of Obi-Wan, an inexperienced Jedi instead of someone more accomplished. This raises the question, of what would have happened if Yoda took the responsibility for himself.

Welcome to Darth Theorist, where we explore the depths of the Force, analyze characters, and speculate on what could have been. Whether you're a Jedi Knight, a Sith Lord, or a curious traveler, prepare to ignite your imagination as we begin this journey.

The story begins shortly after the funeral of Qui-Gon-Jin. His former padawan, Obi-Wan had just finished his impassioned speech about how he wished to train Anakin to fulfill his master's dying wish.

The Jedi Council listens to this testimony in silence, letting the words sink in. All of them knew that while Qui-Gon was unconventional, he was also brilliant and accomplished.

Yoda is the first to break the silence.

Yoda: Right you are, young one. Powerful this boy is and the great potential he possesses. But lacking experience you are.

Obi-Wan: I-I don’t understand. What will happen to Anakin?

Yoda: Take this responsibility I will, in training the boy.

Obi-Wan nods and steps back. Although his pride took a blow, he was pleased to see the council taking the situation seriously. In truth, it was a relief, training Anakin was a daunting task that he was not sure if he could handle it.

But the blows to the Jedi Order did not end there. Shortly after Qui-Gon’s death, the Jedi would lose one of their best as Count Dooku would voluntarily leave the order. This last departure was particularly embarrassing to Yoda who had been his former master. He knew that Dooku was having doubts about the Jedi and blamed himself for it, believing he had been negligent in allowing his apprentice to fall to the dark side.

He vowed not to make that same mistake with Anakin.

Shortly after the meeting, Yoda would visit the boy in his room and explain that he was to be Anakin’s new master. This confused the boy, but he was intrigued by the idea. He’s heard the other younglings boast that Yoda is the wisest of the Jedi, who was capable of doing things with the Force that other Jedi could only dream of.

For the boy who had only seen the Jedi use the Force a handful of times, even the youngling's power took his breath away. If he could learn from the best, then there was no telling what he could accomplish.

Anakin: So, you’re the leader of the Jedi? That means you can help free my mom! She’s a slave on Tatooine and Qui-Gon never got a chance to free her!

Yoda gives Anakin a sad shake of his head and a sympathetic look.

Yoda: Do this, I cannot. Interfere with such affairs the Jedi do not.

The grand master sat Anakin down and explained the complexities of Galactic Jurisdiction and how the Jedi had little influence in the Outer Rim. He said that their duty was to maintain the sanctity of the Order. To Anakin though, all he understood was that Yoda wouldn’t help him.

As they sat there, he didn’t see Yoda as some powerful Jedi, but just another politician bound to the whims of politics and bureaucracy. Anakin did not back down. He threatened to leave if the Jedi wouldn’t do something.

For Yoda, he saw the same troubling signs as with Dooku. Anakin was already older than most boys and had developed habits unsuited for the Jedi. His attachment to his mother, while understandable will cause problems if unchecked. If he was going to have any chance of making him a Jedi, those would need to be quashed.

With a deep sigh, Yoda said.

Yoda: Very well, help you I will. But afterward, dedicate yourself to your training, you must.

Anakin: I will.

True to his word, Yoda has someone on Tatooine to buy Shmi’s freedom, allowing her to settle on a quiet farm. Once that is done, he begins his training with Anakin. Recognizing the immense potential within the young Jedi, Yoda resolves to impart upon him the wisdom and skills necessary to fulfill his destiny.

Their training sessions are grueling and intense, stretching from the break of dawn well into the depths of night. Yoda pushes Anakin to his limits, challenging him to master every aspect of the Jedi arts – from lightsaber combat to channeling the Force.

Drawing upon his own experiences and the lessons learned from his past struggles with Dooku, Yoda tailors Anakin's training regimen to ensure he cannot be corrupted by the Dark Side. He teaches the young Jedi various lightsaber forms, emphasizing Form 4 which focuses on defending against lightsaber

All Comments (21)
  • @daeliusdrake7810
    I like that Anakin used force judgement instead of force lightning while fighting yoda and obiwan, because it shows both the extent of his training and control as a Jedi under Yoda, as well as his restraint and care not to hurt the two of them.
  • @Dmoney8787
    I like the idea of anakin being an egineer if he was with the CIS. I feel like aside from phantom menace, his tech savvy skills were not used as much as they should have.
  • @magnawaves
    This is some SOLID voice acting. Aside from Dooku (who can come close to the great Christopher Lee after all) everyone sounds like a great impression of the characters.
  • @a.a.o.t-1213
    Holy shit man your impressions of the characters is fantastic. Almost as good as clone wars voice acting, like wow.
  • @dawgsrule20
    Very unfortunate that you struck down Mace, but it makes sense that Anakin would strike him down in anger
  • @99thJediWarrior
    That slave line hits different. If you really think about it, Anakin had been a slave all his life. He wasn't simply one because he was born in it. He was a slave all his life, even as a Jedi and a Sith. But in the end, it took the love of his son (and the love he had for his son) for Anakin to see he was truly free.
  • Master Yoda would never step down from power unless his guilty conscience sweeps him away.
  • @trainion9626
    "Aw shit! The motherfucking Chosen One is dead!"
  • @jsavage9229
    That intro with the voice is somthin else 🔥🥵
  • What if JarJar tripped knocking over the vase thus revealing Palpatine's Lightsaber.
  • @Kimscrazylife
    There are a lot of up-and-coming Star Wars channels, I follow quite a few of them. If you keep up work such as this, you will stand out among them. You have earned my subscription.
  • If you did this story as a proper cartoon or movie I would definitely support it. This is one of the best alternative stories I've heard or seen on You Tube
  • @kappakiev9672
    Was not expecting a What if __ was betrayed from this
  • @wb7585
    Damn dude was your last job a narrator from the history channel. This was also a very surprising what if. And this makes #7 to force judgement among content creators. Though it has been a long month
  • @sraLLars
    Really liked this a lot. A small point though. When you killed off Darth Sidious I was very surprised. I feel like he would have put up much more of a fight. The shackles he had on in that chair wouldn't have stopped him at all. Anakin opened them up pretty easily in the movie. But the rest was great!
  • @bu55c
    I WISH that had been the story line!
  • @EmperorDarthOP
    Darth Throrist i was wondering. Could you pretty please do a What If Darth Sidious Found and started to Train Anakin before the Jedi found him? (Perhaps almost even from brith). This all behind Darth Plagiuse's & Darth Maul's backs. Making sure that he is trained to be as poweful and as dark as he could ever be. With his name in this case being Darth Ultimus. The final Sith Lord of the Bane Knight Line. The one to end The Rule of 2 Once he killed his master Emperor Darth Sidious. Become the new Emperor. Emperor Darth Ultimus. And forming The Rule of 1. So basicly the most ultimate and complete triumph of the Dark Side possible.
  • @dravenbladesong1
    Good story. But it still fails after Dooku loses his hands. He can still use Sith Lightning without hands. The pain and anger from loses his hand could fuel it more.