The Orc Collective - pre-pre-Beta!

Published 2018-05-30
I've been working for a while on a software tool to automate the generation of 3D printable walls, floors, doorways and such. I'm still a month or so away from calling it "DONE" - and I'm not quite sure how I'm going to "monetize" it. It allows you to generate almost all of the OpenLOCK part shapes along with other useful things like 60 degree curved walls and 3/4/5 right triangle diagonal parts. You can click a preferences button and it'll generate either OpenLOCK, OpenForge, DragonBite connectors or a magnetic lock system of my own design. Then you can apply depth "textures" to get greebling and mortar lines - and to cut doors, windows, trapdoors, add half-timbering, sci-fi wall structure, etc. It has a feature to allow you to add on decorative bits like skulls or picture frames or whatever as you desire. Once you design a "theme" (which takes just a few minutes) you can basically churn out STL part designs for all more or less automatically. My hope is that it will free professional designers to do what they do best (ie, NOT walls and floors) and let the casual user make their own designs for ANY of the OpenLock (etc) standards. It can do 15mm or any other scale just as easily. It runs in a browser window - so there is nothing to install and it works on Windows/Mac/Linux/Android just fine. At some point, I'm going to be asking for some beta-testers...and some thoughts on how I can earn enough $$$ to expand its capabilities in the future.

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