2 Strategies To Help You Get Housing Fast(er)

Published 2023-01-04
The two strategies that you can use to get housing, benefits faster is 1.) finding coordinated access programs in your area and 2.) applying for housing in cities with low populations.

 Coordinated access is a program that is funded by HUD.  Funding from this program is distributed to local nonprofits and homeless shelters in your area. These organizations, then look for individuals who desperately need housing assistance and award them with coordinated access funds.  The funds can be used to help with one time emergency rental assistance, payments, or connect someone to permanent supportive housing if they are chronically homeless or have a long-term mental health diagnosis. If you want to find organizations that offer coordinated access you want to consider contacting nonprofits and homeless shelters in your area, there’s a good chance that these organizations have some form of coordinated access funding.

The other way that you can get housing faster is by applying for housing in smaller cities and towns. Simply put the smaller, the city, the smaller, the housing waitlist. If you live in a large city, like I do, which is Houston, your Housing Authority likely has a 2 to 3 year wait list, you can move up a housing waitlist faster if you apply for housing benefits in a city or town with a low population. Essentially, if you live in a large city, you would need to travel 45 minutes in any direction and find a town with a smaller population than the one you are currently in. One website that you can use to find cities with open housing weightless is called affordablehousingonline.com.  This website offers lots of resources related to open section 8 in public housing weightless that you can apply for.

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