Woke Cambridge Students HATE Historian's FACTS - Rafe Heydel-Mankoo

Published 2023-03-12
Cambridge University students at the Cambridge Union didn't like hearing historian and broadcaster Rafe Heydel-Mankoo argue that Britain should not pay reparations for slavery & colonialism. Well-established facts about the British Empire, Asia and Africa, which were well known to earlier generations of students, seem to be completely new to many of them -- and some do not want to hear or believe anything that contradicts the narrative they've been taught.

Cambridge Union motion for debate: "The House Should Pay Reparations". Held at Cambridge University in 2022.

All Comments (21)
  • @PabloLaConecta
    I'm British. I want reparations from Scandinavia and Italy for the Viking and the Roman invasions of Britain.
  • Cambridge proves once again that education and intelligence are two different things.
  • @jakealcock5905
    These people aren’t listening, they’re just waiting for their turn to talk.
  • Those kids laughing in the background do not deserve to be at that institution. Amazing argument.
  • That ghastly rude girl behind deserves to be ignored herself. Parents - you did a crap job with these weak, insipid characters
  • @ksiv423
    Well looking at the students inattention and rude behaviour, my opinion of Cambridge is dimished. I had thought it was somewhat prestigious!
  • @jerryogorman5895
    The immaturity of these Cambridge students is embarrassing especially the rude young woman behind
  • @RoxanneLavender
    I'm 1/4 Jamaican, huge close Jamaican family(my mum is half Jamaican). My ancestors were kidnapped in Africa by tribes in Africa, sold to outsiders, who paid and brought them to Jamaica, they at some points were probably treated badly. But, they now have their own country, that is probably nicer than the countries they originated in. So i'm okay with it, because Jamaica and Jamaicans are awesome. I don't need reparations, the country of Jamaica is enough.
  • Imagine being at an educational establishment and getting angry when someone actually teaches you something
  • Why are so many students so disrespectful? Parents….are you watching your brats here?
  • @ZAMINA1985
    "Not just yet, thank you so much." I like this guy.
  • @thesneak536
    The deliberate ignorance of university students is beyond belief.
  • Seeing these students makes it obvious why the world is in such a mess.
  • @suzannehaigh4281
    How ignorant that ginger girl and her friend are, talking and using phone throughout his speech, they just do not wish to hear the truths.
  • @B.A.767
    They just don’t like the truth , they just don’t like the facts.
  • @19.-ke2ld
    Privileged students at an educational institution laughing and smirking at someone actually teaching them facts. Thank you Rafe.
  • He should have stopped his speech and asked these rude, disrespectful kids to put their phones down or get out. This man is amazing and these kids could have learned some truth if they had only listened to what he said. 👏👏 Well done Rafe.
  • @megsh6733
    The student’s behavior is rude, arrogant, and shows their immaturity. Rafe’s speech was brilliant. I hope those students will wise up and listen to his words again in the near future.
  • @ShengProductions
    I always thought that Cambridge was a prestigious university and that the young people learn real stuff there, like history and other things. Not WOKE crap!!