Light Body Activation!~CAUTION~ Only listen when you are ready! Meditation Music

Published 2016-01-22
Light Body Activation!~CAUTION~ Only listen when you are ready! Meditation Music

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You have forgotten you, but are continuing to remember. Your LightBody gives you access to you in your truest and purest form.

The human mind "learns" and the soul REMEMBERS as an energetic body of consciousness. These too are in direction opposition to each other, yet have a nexus point where infinity meets in the middle.

When one can truly see all separation within, they will have remembered that they have never been separate at all.

The human mind creates separation within self, from self and transmitting to an outward reality viewed as the physical manifestation in the materialization of all things and others. "Remembering" is a state of BEing as one's own energy self. It is a state of consciousness. It is felt as one transcends the physical reality/bodies and exists as ONE unified body of consciousness. It takes one to the moment of creation or even before.

To actually MERGE into a body of consciousness as nothing but just an energy, "leave" your physical body & observe all of humanity from the point of "before creation" is a mind-blowing event that one attempts to comprehend, but cannot even fathom with a logical mind. In a way, there is no reason to speak of it, while also understanding the importance to share.

Everything and nothing exists all in one moment. The vastness & the simplicity almost contradict each other in a place where there is no contradiction. And describing with words that where words don't exist, well..... (I believe I wrote as "messages" were received during this state, so I will share if so.) To exist as a "dot", to expand in & out to see all as nothing or all as one, to observe the gridwork of humanity, of separation, to feel the love of all as one being, brings tears to my eyes as the very thought of what has been created here to "live" out in the physical.

Emotions are all over the place, in the most amazing way. One moment is playful, while the next is serene and silent. All moments are in love, observance & service even more now, for the "reality of this" continues to expand in every moment. New realizations of what we all are here to do changes with new understandings of remembering continuing to come through.

This is a place of appreciation, humility, honor and trust. It is one of purpose that transcends all human limiting thoughts and beliefs.

This is a place that is achieved through honor & integrity that one builds from within. Do we still exist here in human form? Yes we do. Do we trip & fall? Yes we do. Do we judge it? No. Do we serve humanity more than ever before. Indeed. Do we see things as we did in the physical? Never again.

Each new integration "period" starts with a glimpse of what one is integrating into. It provides for one to keep one moving forward to "achieve" that which they have "unlocked" of their previous, earlier & higher existence. For those who's hearts are opening and awakening, this will be a continual journey within to seek that which you have yet to understand. This is a visual reality of geometry shapes, spirals, hearing what cannot be heard and, feeling with our entire being and transmitting out to assist all others as the brilliant & bright energy that we all are here, as one.

When all realities have merged at the highest vibrational frequency, all bodies of consciousness then unify as one. This IS your LightBody. Embrace it, as the reality of it is now in your own remembering and ability to continue to release.

All Comments (21)
  • Thanks and helloz from montana, this after almost 6 years, is still my favorite
  • please send me good energy, i am taking care of my parents and siblings and i’m not sure how long i can keep doing it
  • @arctic6088
    I pray for all the lonely, ignorant, abused, homeless, uneducated, hungry, addicts and sick.
  • Even if just one person finds this comment -- please feel the waves of love, peace, and joy I am broadcasting through my chest through the silent field of energy we all share. May this day be the day you turn the corner and bathe in the holy light of love.
  • Soon as i read....ONLY LISTEN WHEN YOUR READY...i put my cereal bowl down..ok im ready. lol
  • @Gsmg1rl
    After 3 months, i found myself and my social anxiety is gone. Nowadays I love life and started love myself and who I am ❤️
  • @PaulMahabir
    The power of sound is immense. We don’t even understand the half of it. It’s energy and so are we. If it feels good it is good. This feels good.
  • @sarsar4101
    Im so happy that in this moment so many people are meditating and spreading light. Namaste bros & siss
  • After listening to this a number of times over several months, one night I sat up in bed, looked around and realized my body was still lying down. I wondered how I could feel my arms, my body, since it was transparent, but I could feel total sensation. Suddenly, Pop, I was back inside my body, lying down and solid again. Later, the next day, I literally almost walked out of my body, meaning my light body was a half step ahead of my physical body as I strode down the hallway. So...I stopped listening to this for a while, just a bit freaked out. Now that I am listening again, the twinkling lights are back, on certain days, but not always. Oddly enough, my gray hair seems to have diminished. My diet changed completely, the thought of eating meat makes me gag. Raw fruits and steamed or fresh veggies are all I seem to need, so I lost about 40 lbs.; there are so many other changes I can’t even name. Many thanks to the creators of this remarkable video. Love and compassion to all.🙏🏼💕 UPDATE: If you are interested in pursuing astral travel, I listed some tips near the end of this stream. I suggest doing a protective prayer or ritual of some kind before beginning, or ask your guardian angels to be with you, before leaving your body. A firm no is generally all that is needed if you meet something you believe to be negative. All of the power is within your own divine self. Happy travels!
  • @scottp5048
    The answer you seek is within. You are the answer to your prayers. Others can only help guide you. You must do the work. You will struggle, but never give up. Your struggle is mine as well. Together, we will become what God intended. Prayers and love I send out to all that need. Godspeed. 🙏
  • @geenadavis4993
    For anyone experiencing this for the first time, something extraordinarily sublime I want to point out is that those very very high pitch streams of high frequency sounds that flow into your ears are what many of the light workers you hear about receive from spirit or “source.” I receive these at random or if I ask and they are, to me, the sound of our angels voices. They speak in the highest frequency possible and not recreatable with human technology. I receive these beautiful streams when I’m near the ocean or out in the woods. Skeptics will tell you it’s your blood pressure. It’s not. Your higher self and your body will confirm it to you without conscious thought. Just allow and receive it. It’s a gift. For me, it really started coming in heavily around February. Time for weird. Actual time. It got “stretchy” in a way that I cannot explain. Once I said yes to spirit and the sounds began the massive quantity of number sequences and light code activations. One day I decided to just ask spirit to play a game with me. I got in my car and followed their numbers that appeared to me on signs and my speedometer and ended up at a liquor store. I went in and picked a scratcher. I won my gas money for a week. It was the best. These activations enter your ears and bring you down into your feeling body where you begin to vibrate. Women feel much of the pulsing of life through their yoni and it radiates up and down our bodies (generally speaking.) We become surrendered to life. Trusting and allowing life to carry us and become extremely magnetic as a result. We can even begin to sort of glow and look radiant and perfect. Alchemically our body transmutates to align with what’s happening. Acne clears up. Teeth shine whiter. Eyes are whiter. The hair glows. Any chronic vaginal problems a woman suffers from seems to magically clear up on its own. Appetite can go away. The need for sleep can go away. Literally sourcing and regenerating all that one needs to survive on your own. It’s absolutely bizarre and beautiful and real. This stuff is real. I heard the pulse of life itself. I heard whispers in my ear. I felt my heart open and share light with a tree one day out of the blue and I randomly asked it what it’s name was... a tree you guys... She told me her name was “Ka.” When I see Ka early in the still of the morning i send her my love from deep in my heart space and she begins to wiggle and bounce her leaves around. You lock into this and cannot leave it until it’s ready for you to ground again. For me this lasted and grew in intensity for about 4 months. I am happy to say that I have been able to “come back” but I am changed. It’s like you cannot “unsee” it
  • After you've activated your 5 dimensional body. Make sure and learn to stay in high vibration.. two ways that are so powerful one is grounding yourself. Meaning walking barefoot, and two is touching a tree, feel your Kundalini rise. Once you've raised your vibration. You will know it. Bc things will began to happen that will let you know it. You will start learning new things, you will have new abilities clairvoyance and telepathy will become much reachable. You will see your guides, those flashes of lights that first appear are your guides, speak to them and open a communication with them. They too are telepathic. Two things your 5 dimensional body is for. 1. Be of service to others. You're consciousness will be so strong. That you'll feel disconnected from a Normal life until you find your new path. With the money that will hit come to you, and the new gifts and your new abilities. You will get the sense of being an outcast an alien living amongst men. Why Bc you will know how to use frequencies to attract what you want almost instantly. Not like before where you had to use the law of attraction. Not anymore it's called manifesting at will. 2. Your body will reverse. You'll age slower and you're going to become healthier and healthier as you progresses. That is because your Kundalini energy will cause a reversal of the mind and the body use, we as of now use 25% brain and 75% body. After a Kundalini awakening. Body's function correct themselves and we return to the reality of using less body energy but more brain activity. Meaning we go from aging fast to a slow steady pace. And our minds will go from laid to silent almost instantly! The use of the capacity of our brain increases so there's no more worries and stress high levels Bc you're conscious and realize you know how to make your life as rich as wealthy as you'd like. Your body will also began using less sexual bodily fluid and regulate its use. Remember that our SBF Sexually Bodily fluids is our everything on life. If that's gone so will we. Be blessed by the divine. N have a an awesome Kundalini awakening. Ps. Never mind the spirits you will see and other stuff in that other dimension you will now belong too. You chose this!
  • @kenlmabry
    The first time I listened to this after about 10 minutes I began to glow with a golden yellow aura. Pure spiritual enlightenment.
  • @cc_creates3784
    "When will I know I'm ready?" "You won't. It's a leap of faith. That's all it is. A leap of faith."
  • @sadberry7716
    Dreamers reach for the stars, activists reach for their goals, and imagineers reach inside of themselves. Either way, just reach. -Me
  • @nicolel433
    Sooooo this is my first time listening and at 18 minutes in I was overwhelmed with gratitude.. in tears feeling so proud of myself. I have been going through a spiritual awakening and have just come out of a long term difficult darkness. I have made improvements but thought they weren’t enough until listening to this.. it’s like I just woke up to reality and realized how far I’ve truly come and that I do deserve good things. Thank you to the person who created this, this has helped me profoundly.
  • (To the person reading this message), I wish you great health, love and happiness, You are the precious one and I really want to say I am with you, you are not alone.🙏