What happened to Jeffrey Sinclair after he left Babylon 5? | Valen

Published 2020-06-20

All Comments (21)
  • I think it was very admirable that the show’s management let Michael O’Hare leave the show when he became mentally unstable, yet kept him as an integral character of Babylon 5 story line. It was also admirable that not only did they keep him in the story line, but they also made allowances for his mental health when he was brought back briefly to close out his characters story. It was very gracious of them to keep his illness a secret. They even would have kept his health a secret forever, but O’Hare asked that they give the real for his departure when he died so that it might help others who suffer from mental health as well. Hollywood was not known to be kind to those who suffer from mental health back then.
  • The fact that JMS had the entire series laid out from the beginning to end is amazing. Even more amazing is that he had to change it all after the actor who played Sinclair asked to be released from his contract over severe anxiety issues.
  • @the_sixxness
    Michael O'Hare was amazing as Sinclair. I hope that in the new series we get more about Sinclair and the first Shadow War. RIP Michael O'Hare you were big reason we loved Babylon 5.
  • @gemmel3197
    Sinclair was my favorite character, so sad what happened to Michael O'Hare. Thanks I learnt something, though I knew all the lore.
  • @Elsorkora
    Wow that's awesome Delenn was a descendent of Jeffrey St. CLARE/Valen.
  • "To Dream in the city of sorrows" by K Drennan is the official canon story.
  • @hogheadtb6489
    So many stories to tell. I hope someone will carry on the tales. In Valen's name!
  • Well, if he went beyond the rim and joined the First Ones, then he and Sheridan ultimately caught up with each other!
  • @popmonika
    I'm pretty sure Sinclair knew delenn was a member of the grey council in the first season? Didn't the soul hunter tell him that she was satae? (sorry for spelling)
  • Good video, but I think it best left unanswered. Some things are best left as mysteries.
  • @Andy13april64
    The message from Jeffrey Sinclair was from season 3. It was the episodes 16, (The message) and 17 to complete the story, that started in Babylon Squared.
  • @JonBowe
    Wasn't Dukhat a descendent of Valen as well, as most of the Minbari on the flagship did not know the Vorlon's were onboard? He knew the Humans would be needed to fight the next shadow war and was on a secret task to find them.
  • @bbbabrock
    While I didn't warm to B-5 until after Sinclair left, I did prefer him to Shereden.
  • @lencolgan987
    I had the paperback that touched on this years back ( wished they could have filmed it as a special etc)
  • I really like the footnote that Babylon 4 was not destroyed and is still out there somewhere
  • @uliwitness
    Would be nice of you to include sources for these claims. Some of this comes from tie-in novels, and some of this from comics.