U.D.D. - Jason Plourde - ReklamationBikes/igiBmx

Published 2016-04-14
You just got served!

All Comments (8)
  • @lachlancameron
    OG man, so good. Proud this was nailed by a Canadian :)
  • @DezNL
    This was so killer!!
  • That's phuqing rad, but didn't Scott Powell due something similar a while back. Not taking anything from that, cuz it was /is dooooooope! Looked like he was rolling as well and Powell was stationary, I could be totally wrong, but PROPS!
  • @0Ninja0Dude0
    flatland beast mode at its finest. disappointed in the bike hurling tho. got to do equal property damage to something eles to justify throwing a bike that expensive