What it's like Studying Mandarin Chinese in Taiwan ? MTC at NTNU

Published 2023-09-19
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What it's like Studying Mandarin Chinese in Taiwan ? MTC at NTNU. Nowadays, more and more foreigners come to Taiwan to study Mandarin Chinese. The most famous school among them is the Mandarin Training Center at NTNU. I am curious about their feelings about learning Mandarin Chinese in Taiwan and the National Taiwan Normal University? I hope you will like this episode. .

Sophia www.instagram.com/sprosonyaa_/
Lijakwe Milne www.instagram.com/1ij4kw3/
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All Comments (21)
  • @ritajeng9668
  • @Tigger7994
    I’m amazed how these foreigners can speak Mandarin Chinese 😮
  • @lawrencenztp
    Sofia, please to forget and forgive this guy at 7-11. The person didn't know what the words are negative, not helping. Don't worry, just happily learn and experience everything in Taiwan. I did that at the time I immigrated to New Zealand. ❤
  • @jm7578
    1994-1997 我是在台灣學習國語,在台北很多人一直想跟我說英文。 離開台北以後我可以跟當地人說國語或者台語😊
  • @user-rh8ps5lx1m
    當你(妳)在學另外一個語言的時候,就不笨嗎? 也是說起來笨笨的,哪怕是在學台語也有笨的時候,所以那位7-11的店員很沒禮貌... 繆可若很可愛,我還滿喜歡的..哇哈哈... 其實我個人覺得,遇到外國人,我們講話速度還是要放慢,讓他們比較好理解,講快一點有時候自己的朋友都聽不太懂了,更何況是外國人,這點還不包含講話口齒不清的人
  • @davidwu1234
    Textbooks can be quite expensive due to copyright issues, and this is a concern in any country. Learning Chinese in Taiwan may be comparatively easier as the Chinese accents in China can be quite complex, even for native speakers who may face difficulty understanding them.😎😎 I believe that 7-Eleven clerks who smile at Russian beauty do not necessarily have poor Chinese language skills; perhaps they are using a smile to respond to your awkwardness!😉😉
  • @user-dt2sx5se9o
  • @user-by1bg4vc2n
  • @chuangcash184
    蠻想知道留學生都做什麼打工 或是free time 期待可以做什麼事情 因該蠻多人有興趣帶他們完成心願順便練習英文
  • @CoolAsIce3927
    其實各地都有好壞人,不過台灣超商店員素質有些真的不太行,不只外國人反感,台灣人也一樣覺得 不過在異地生活,最先要想到的就是語言問題,而不客氣的說,作為外籍人士的確應該遷就在地文化,而不是在地文化遷就外籍人士,這段話是給那些說可以用其他語言交流的人,畢竟國語才是台灣的主要交流語言,只希望這些如果真的想在台灣生活,可以多用點時間學習在地語言,雖然中文是真的不好學,更別說有些人硬要說你要會台語才叫台灣人,但至少要日常交流可以更流暢一點
  • @user-cm1et7fp2n
    We have to make effort to learn a new language. First,Set goals and move forward,such as read Chinese news every morning. Next,We can learn Chinese through foreign TV shows.We can also search for topics you are interested in YouTube. Then,It is important to make friend with foreigners.We have to continue to study and keep our mind active.
  • @user-bc8vc9mk2v
  • @user-on8hm1ef6z
  • @takushe0823
    By the way, I once taught some foreigners to learn Hakka
  • @TIME0414
    9:46 我的目光被左後方的松鼠吸走了😂😂
  • @user-ch2lw6cr1b