Senator Kamala Harris On Education, Criminal Justice Reform & Why Debating Is Important

Published 2018-04-23

All Comments (21)
  • @mikebanks8961
    Reading the comments makes me so proud of my black ppl seeing the truth.
  • @ttmazz1
    Kamala is born in Cali raised in Canada, married to white man, mom is born and raised in India, dad is a born and raised in Jamaica. So zero connection to Jim Crow.
  • African American - where? And why does this interview try to present her as someone who grew up in Oakland and completely ignore that she was actually raised in Canada from 7 to 18
  • Your vote isn’t safe with her. She is a wolf in sheeps clothing. She built her career incarcerating young black men instead of trying to rehabilitate them. I will NEVER!
  • @jfiah1332
    Just off the comment she made saying she's not buying that this country is divided is absolutely stupid where the hell she been at? Division built this country and is still the fuel that runs it
  • @Ainttrippin
    Breakfast Club asks rappers the tough questions but folds when a liar politician shows up SMH
  • Why does this interview seem so scripted. As if they were given a list of questions to ask one by one. She is definitely a shady character.
  • @jemineye02
    Senator Harris: "We have to speak truth." Me: "I agree strongly. Senator, can you explain why you didn't prosecute Steve Mnuchin during your term as Attorney General of California?" Senator Harris: smile and silence Don't fall for the talk everybody. Look her up!
  • @Searchforuhuru
    If Kamala Harris or even Cory Booker are considered the front runners for democratic nomination we might as well give Trump the 2020 election.
  • @giiemm2633
    All skinfolk ain’t kinfolk she ain’t one of ours
  • I hate the breakfast club is so uninformed. They did not ask her any tough questions about her record as A.G. in California. This woman is not for the black community.
  • People just because she's so called black doesn't mean she's for us. Do your research first on ANYONE before you just automatically root for because of the color of their skin.
  • Obama 2.0. Won't fall for the same trick twice. And at the end of Kamala's presidential tenure, she'll talk about how she couldn't do anything because her hands were tied.
  • @Anomaly2592
    I watched the interview and all I saw was empty words. I am from the State of California and her record on helping Native blacks like the ones she spoke so fondly of while at Howard is pure garbage. You judge a person by their actions and not their words. I expected more from this interview which was pointless. Bottom line she is no friend of Native black descendants of slaves so don't be fooled by this act she's putting on!
  • @carrieholder134
    I feel hopeful after reading the comments. Kamala Harris is Indian & white with a splash of Jamican. She grew up in Canada. When in S.F., CA, she dated the Mayor who was married. She refused to prosecute Mnuchin in the housing crisis in California, then accepted campaign contributions from him. She's got baggage.
  • @lurelover7065
    Its so good hearing all the replies of people who see thru her bullshit.
  • @tmcfootball96
    This is Hillary Clinton interview but in Blackface.