Rewriting Reylo to Save the Sequels

Published 2023-06-10
Kylo and Rey's romantic relationship COULD have saved the sequel trilogy if they wrote it out better. In this video I explain how they should have written the story and how it could have made the Sequels actually good.

#reylo #KyloandRey #shipping #sequels #kyloren #reypalpatine

Let the comment wars begin.

All Comments (21)
  • I definitely believe if the focus of the sequel trilogy would have been on Ben and Rey the films would have been better. The chemistry between the actors were incredible, the characters should have been both the lead. I also agree that if Kylo would not have been able to kill Han and other lives, it would have prepared the next two films for a much better plot.
  • I will say, I don't necessarily agree with everything in here, but with how you utilised Palpatine coming back to life to help grow Rei's character was fucking genius instead of being just nostalgia bait.
  • With Ben Solo not dying but having a happy ending with Rey this of course would have been a much better script than that what we have now.
  • @Stratuji
    Personally, I always thought their romance was underated. Great video critique! Wish we could have seen more of your ideas.
  • @ashleyliz1234
    Just finished watching the sequel trilogy and I hate that Ben dies in the end! Would have been so awesome to have a Skywalker Palpatine baby continue the story!! Why do they always have to kill off one of the main characters of the romance? Their light vs dark was the only interesting thing of the movies and they killed it - literally. There’s no Rey without Ben. I like your version better.
  • IMAGINE! A future Star War character who was half Solo/ Skywalker/ Palpatine. MOST Star War fans do not want Rey unless Ben Solo(,Adam Driver) is around. If not Ben , a child from Reylo.
  • @molliethomas2585
    While I'm sad that this version had Finn die, overall this is SO MUCH BETTER than what the movies gave us.
  • Wonderful video. I recently watched the sequel trilogy and felt that the reylo relationship should of been the focus especially with how much visual context was using light vs dark. I enjoyed how you mentioned that Rey’s light was pulling Ben and ben’s dark was pulling Rey creating a neutral shade (grey) which makes sense as the world is not light or dark, black or white. It is a multitude of shades. I think the writers had the blueprint for this to come to light but didn’t want to take the risk. Then again, it gives fans the option to diverge and create new theories and ideas that may have been on the writers table but never made it to screen. Wonderful video!
  • we deserved the happy ending, we want REYLO to continue! Bring Ben Solo Alive again! we want Ben Solo alive!!
  • @laurelloaf
    So much better than the actual movies!!!! Thanks, I love it ❤
  • @rheaalum875
  • @Ironcabbit
    Good, but one change: don’t physically bring back Palpatine. Instead, let him be a voice in her ear that she trusts because it preaches light and wisdom at first; let any physical presence be imagined, so that we all know who he is but she has no idea and is willing to listen because his advice is bringing her a place and relationships.
  • @emperorxander666
    Eveyone know kylo was best part of this trilogy and this force bond is most interesting part in the movies and only thing didnt 100% ruined it.
  • I never mentioned what a great plot you've written!!! I just wanted to say that your idea would have made a great film for The Force Awakens and next installments.
  • @mrgw9249
    I like this version but palpentine should not be in this trilogy imo
  • @RyanTheDark
    I don't agree with killing off Finn. Their relationship could have worked with him alive. Just give him love in Rose Tico who could have been a better character. Finn could help Ben redeem her though she fell out of fear instead out of wanting to bring him back obviously.
  • @jessamyers8761
    I loved that version so much. Thank you for your thoughts and bringing an amazing video and story
  • That was great!! Disney should hire you and any friends you have to direct the next star wars movie.