Wilesco D32 steam engine first Steam and Thoughts

Published 2021-02-11
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After fact checking I noticed i got some things wrong in the Wilesco´s star system:

D6: 2 stars
D16: 9 stars
D32: 50 stars

Saw M53 1 star
Hammer M58 2 stars
Press M59 3 stars

All Comments (21)
  • @flyer55jrt
    While I think this is an excellent introduction to a complex steam plant operation (balance feedwater, RPM, and power output) I am a little confused and concerned about one feature. I'm sure the boiler has a proper relief valve (safety valve), but watching you unplug the system because it was raising a higher pressure than desired indicates that this safety valve wasn't properly calibrated. I think the better solution that Wilesco could have done was to include a pressure transducer to switch off the heating element once a certain pressure was reached. This would have been a 'belts and suspenders' solution, but would have allowed the tachometer to continue working even when no heat was applied to the boiler. I have experience with live steam locomotives and our fireboxes use butaine, spirits, or coal. Butaine can easily be shut down, but spirts or coal is not so easy. Mains power is certainly a luxury for ease of firing! Thanks for a great video!
  • @Aiwaz9393
    Ich muss den negativen Kommentaren irgendwie Recht geben. Ich besitze auch eine D 32, eine aus der "alten Produktion" aus den späteren Jahren, aber ein Original! Läuft alles einwandfrei und leichtgängig, nichts eiert herum, die Pumpe ist in jedem Betriebszustand smooth, keine Krawallgeräusche zu hören. Meine Maschine läuft traumhaft und ist ebenfalls "fast" neuwertig. Keinen Plastikmüll verbaut UND ich kann meine Stromzufuhr mit Schalter ohne Steckerziehen regeln. Bin echt froh dass ich die hab´. Dennoch möchte ich Wilesco loben, dass sie es gewagt haben diese tolle Maschine nochmal aufzulegen. Immerhin, besser so in der mittleren Qualitätsklasse als gar nicht ! Ich bin auch echt froh, dass Wilesco existiert und in Deutschland produziert. Ist mit allem drum und dran noch immer meilenweit besser wie alles andere, was weltweit in dieser Preisklasse produziert wird. Auch der D32-Klon wird in nicht allzulanger Zeit eine sehr gesuchte Maschine sein und ihren Werterhalt leisten. Da muss sich kein Besitzer, auch des Klons, Sorgen machen. Somit ist es meiner Meinung nach KEIN FEHLER auch den Klon zu besitzen. Wilesco, macht weiter so, nur wenn´s geht, ein bisschen mehr Qualität bitte !
  • @JPM788212
    The flywheel on the left is loose and you can see it shaking. That's not cavitation. That's a mechanical problem. Should not be rattling like that.
  • @cedarcam
    A beautiful engine I have number 086 and am very pleased with it. It makes far more steam than needed so I run it on a variac. The Tacho still works but may not be as accurate There is a tiny magnet on the left fly wheel. I never run it fast only up to about 500 rpm and it can generate 12 volts at that speed. My feed pump is not so noisy. It normally works well with most water going in the tank and a small amount in the boiler doing that I can keep it running at constant speed, I find you have to keep the boiler well filled so there is not a lot of cold water going in at once and cooling the boiler
  • What a wonderful presentation of the Wilesco D32. My is coming 03/22/2021 and I only hope it comes as pictured as yours. You presented very well the steps to start the engine and how to run the engine and the explanation was clear and well understood. This is my first Wilesco however I do have 4 Jensen's two being the #55G and the #20G. I do not wish to compare wilesco to Jensen to me it is not a fair to compare ...Wilesco is more show like and Jensen is that heavy look but nowhere near the features of the wonderful D32. The value is there if it makes you happy and gives you joy...Wilesco D32 does that. Thank you for a wonderful presentation...really really well done
  • @robertliskey420
    This is great! Never saw one this large. I have an old D-20 bought about 30 years ago at a vintage toy shop.
  • @dedogster
    Amazing machine! Its is really a work of art!
  • @mcburcke
    That thing is amazing! I want one now.
  • @rogerselway8725
    Nice demonstration lovely engine. I need one better start saving.
  • @tacfoley4443
    The 410 grade steam oil that you are using is very common over here in UK where there are literally thousands of small steam engines, like mine, running around on backyard tracks and in clubs, Here it is very cheap to buy in large amounts - I buy it in half-litre bottles for around eu15, but you can get it cheaper at a train show.
  • @ericipericie
    For power reduction use a Variac. I use one for my D32's and works like a charm. When using a Variac the speedometer keeps working too. Your D32 makes a weird rattling sound which makes me think something is not aligned correctly.
  • @VixNoelopan
    I like it! Anyhow, I don't get why Wilesco provided a 180° crank offset angle. At 90° it would start immediately when pressurized.
  • @GRAHAM1514
    Great video ,After seeing this I am thinking of buying a stationary steam engine , I like running my live steam trains but at least with a Wilesco I could run it when and where I want to !
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