Combinators: A 100-Year Celebration

Published 2020-12-07
100 years after combinators were first presented, Stephen Wolfram shows how the computational paradigm moves closer to the idea of combinators through a series of examples and an eye to the future. See the announcement blog:…

Combinators and the Story of Computation:…

Where Did Combinators Come From? Hunting the Story of Moses Schönfinkel:…

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All Comments (21)
  • @avramcs
    why the hell do i just wakeup and my phone or computer is playing wolfram videos
  • Great Teacher, eyes opening - it's personally. To go down to basic underlying computational structures and to get a' kick' by getting connected to Life's expressions of Nature (!) To start to vibrate with, what a gift! Another aspect: A Man of Power in science,who managed to survive and to succeed . A marathon runner of personal scientific intuition , an Athlet of dignity. How becoming is it for S.W. to celebrate this historical milestone of sense-of- life field -the combinators(!) I ' love' both - the content and the feeling! Of course, nothing should escape an acid of criticism. Nevertheless it's one of triumphant moments of life! Somehow, a Justice of Nature... Congr.(!) ❤❤❤
  • @parmenides9036
    Woah! Thats Henk Barendregt! (Lambda calculus syntax and semantics) Dana scott was here as well!!
  • @firSound
    Stephen is the ultimate Senpai.
  • Big fan of Raymond Smullyan's logic puzzles! Nice to see his book briefly discussed!
  • this is embarrasing to say, but you are my favorite teacher and voice on youtube, Prof. Stephen. i'm sure if half of the world spent time to listen to your livestreams, everyone will be a lot brighter, creative and composed, as a result. thank you! (i am hard to give a positive criticism lately because my standards have been rising because of the sea of fake news, science, public figures, products and data, so i am really honored to have found your podcasts this summer. all the best to you!)
  • @parmenides9036
    It's heartwarming to see Schonfinkel was so excited to got to Gottingen and talk to David Hilbert 😊
  • @Earzone63
    I "skimmed" the 150 page blog post in 1hr30. Takeaways: Genuinely I LOL'ed when Stephen started introducing novel ways to visualise and escalated the investigation to plotting the number of bracket pairs IN 3D, how could that ever be useful, how wrong I was! Also the parallelism with hypergraphs (for the Fundamental Physics computation) were intriguing, sort of like introducing a new mechanics framework a la Lagrangian Vs Newtonian Vs Hamiltonian ; BTW my skimming rate was inversely proportional to my comprehension rate; If I understood more I would have spent longer
  • @goddamn4012
    In the Upanishads, the absolute reality Brahman is defined by the phrase "Neti, Neti" which means "Not this, not that". Sounds pretty close to NAND which is also a universal generator of logic.
  • ::Tiny Toons Theme:: “We’re combining relations, all across the nations! And in this presentation, we’ll help to show you why!” ^.^
  • @Anders01
    Interesting that combinators are still fairly obscure. Combinators seem to be a powerful and fundamental construct. For example I wonder if it's possible to compile computer languages into combinators as a general foundation instead of into specific machine code.
  • this was on when i woke up late today. im on new meds and have noooooo idea how i got here, yet i definitely belong. I have some anxiety as several of my "pots are simmering right now". im taking a screenshot for later research. ahhh uuughhh so good though.... so so so good though. ouchie
  • @uku4171
    My favourite part about this stream was watching all the facecams lol
  • @alan2here
    If combinators are turing complete then you should be able to build things like iterating down a binary tree shaped data structure following a binary sequence of directions? or for something like a hash-map. But maybe time complexity works differently for combinators.
  • @barfyman-362
    This is amazing. I can just barely understand the gist of what he’s talking about
  • Only if I knew enough maths and physics in addition to my CS degree, I would've understood it better... Too late to learn now gotta do my office work lol
  • @ryoung1111
    The two ostensible Rule 30 diagrams (short and extended version} at 33:25 don't agree about the binary caption. The "30" only seems to work for the short version.