Explaining the Worst Superbowl Of All Time

Published 2024-02-14
The Broncos Seahawks Superbowl is probably the biggest let down in Superbowl history for how big of a blow out it is. Just a very rough game

All Comments (21)
  • @Metcalf.
    As a Seahawks fan, this was the greatest night of my life.
  • @YourAbeFroemann
    Worst? That was a 5-star azz woopin' I was hoarse for two days Go Hawks!!!
  • @sethrich5998
    As a Seahawks fan, this was the best day in sports history. It’s really a shame that the national attention for the Seahawks was defined by that one play the following Super Bowl, it seemed to entirely erase the memory of sheer dominance from the Legion of Boom the year before, and now that’s the only thing that gets talked about. One bad play erased the most dominant defense in the modern NFL. Seeing the Chiefs go back to back can’t help but wonder what the national narrative would be if that one play had gone differently. That loss the following year broke the Seahawks.
  • I don't think this is even the worst Super Bowl the Broncos ever played in, XXIV was worse.
  • @Shadowbot074
    As a Seahawks fan. I’ll never ever forget this day, or all the shit I had to hear before the game. There was no stopping the LOB that season
  • @ThePadi94
    Worst? As a defense player this was the greatest SB ever!
  • That Denver offense wasn't just a great offense, it was the most prolific offense of all time. People were handing the Broncos the trophy for 2 weeks before the game was even played. The general belief was that the NFL was now an offensive league, and that the Seahawks were about to get a rude awakening when they met a truly great offensive team. Side note. The NFC championship that year was the real Superbowl. A down to the wire game with the 49ers decided by a tipped pass for an interception in the end zone to seal the game. Warren Moon was commenting and screamed like a little girl. The 49ers also had a punishing defense that also would have throttled the Broncos had they won the NFC championship.
  • @scottydude456
    This game was divine retribution for Super Bowl 40 where the refs literally admitted that they fucked up and screwed us. Go Hawks!
  • @thedaileyspecial
    I was living in TN at the time, Manning has a house just outside my hometown. I was the ONLY person in a Seahawks jersey in the whole bar, EVERYONE was wearing Manning jerseys, and I got so much trash-talk pregame. Then the first snap, and it just kept getting better. Bar went completely silent, except for me losing my-ever-loving-shit. Nah dude, this was the greatest SB of my life.
  • This was the best super bowl outcome for fans of that era of Seahawks defense. Total dismantling of a record setting offense that nearly every analyst said would win the game.
  • @PuppetMa5teR
    That era for the Seahawks fans regardless of losing by one of the dumbest play calls to lose the following year was an amazing experience and SB 48 was the best SB for the fans, not just because how dominant the game was but because that Broncos offense was historically one of the best offenses of all time and many pundits didn't think the Seahawks had a chance only for them to prove what's been proven time and time again... Defense wins championships!
  • I believe Denver was touted as the best offense of all time before that Super Bowl, while the Hawks D always seemed to be downplayed compared to the 85 Bears and other great D's. Even here you said the D was led by the LOB, and yes, the LOB was incredible and loud about it, but the D-Line, Edge and LBs on this team were incredible as well. Brandon Mebane, Red Bryant, Chris Clemons, Michael Bennett, Cliff Avril, Bruce Irvin, Bobby Wagner, KJ Wright, and Malcom Smith as well as other rotational role players that were undervalued in the league. As Sherm said about the second game against the 9ers that season, "Y'all thought this was a matchup....Mismatch!"
  • @loganb.1984
    Unbiased fan in Seattle here: this was the best Superbowl of all time!
  • @aszhara2900
    3:04 good to see Wagner getting some credit for being part of that defense, but that's not Bobby Wagner, that's Earl Thomas
  • Ehhh still say rams vs patriots is the worst one, more people was more excited about the damn NFL 100 year celebration commercial than that superbowl
  • Worst ever? That’s a bit hyperbolic, don’t you think? What it WAS was one of the most impressive defensive performances in NFL history. That’s the lens this game should be viewed through. A historic defense which absolutely dominated a historic offense. Doesn’t make it “bad” - it makes it all the more impressive.
  • @zachstolpa6521
    Worst? No joke this game got me hooked to watching football with how dominant the performance was of the Seahawks.
  • Literally the best football game I've ever watched. Only way it could have gotten better is if it'd been a shutout.
  • @ironfossil9963
    2000 Ravens vs Giants (34-7). Had it not been for a blown kick coverage, NY would've been shutout. They were absolutely incompetent on offense and the Ravens defense was unbeatable that night.
  • @dhv2852
    Man, why do people hate dominant defenses so much? It is super cool seeing the picks, fumbles and sacks.