ranking all conceal-mint family plants / pvz2 tier list - pvz2 rank (episode 5)

Published 2022-05-07

All Comments (21)
  • A tip for anybody with Shadow Pea, plant it at the back, so its hide ability doesn't detriment you.
  • @R.A.P2006
    The Conceal-mint family is the perfect family. Shadow Peashooter can attack umbrella zombie, excavator zombie, jester zombie. Moonflower can be a great sun producer for the shadow family. Dusk lobber can attack zombie snorkels and ignore tombstones so they can directly attack zombies. night shade is similar to peashooter but deals a lot of damage. Gloom vine can attack and give power to shadow plants. Nectarine is similar to Cherry Boom and can also provide energy for shadow plants. Murkadamia nut can be a front line of defense if you want to use the perfect shadow family strategy. can attack and regenerate. Grimrose, a shadow plant that can defeat a gargantuar in three strikes. Shadow Shroom, best used at the beginning of the level like using a potato mine. Shadow Vanilla, can create a small shadow whirlwind that can weaken zombies and slow them down. they can be used together on one level
    All peashooters special: shoots a lot of peas Shadow peashooter: N U K E
  • @Bumblz12
    I mostly agree with your list, however there are some things I feel I should nitpick here. Shadow Shroom and Moonflower are the only Shadow family plants in this video that you don't showcase a powered state for. Shadow Shroom's powered state is a stronger poison attack, which would get his placement much higher on the list. Moonflower's powered state boosts her sun production, as well as receiving 25 extra sun produced for up to 4 adjacent shadow plants, which arguably could easily put her in first place. One of your main Weakness points for these plants throughout the video was that the majority of them cannot attack Snorkel Zombie, most attacking plants in the game can't target Snorkel Zombie when he's underwater, and there are plants that easily counter this. One last thing, it baffles me that you've put Conceal-mint in first place when for one, it's an instant use plant, and for two it has more Weaknesses than Strengths lol. Also fun fact: Moonflower's shield blocks Surfer Zombie when he's surfing, Fisherman Zombie's hook, Hunter Zombie's thrown snowballs, Troglodyte (and assumptively Medusa and )'s blocks, Dodo Rider Zombie can't fly over, Excavator Zombie's shoveling ability, Punk Zombie's ability to kick plants a tile back, stops Imp Cannon's imps, can also be used to keep Jurassic Marsh zombies from being launched farther down the lane, this also applies to Infi-nut's shield.
  • The conceal familly is one of my favorite plant classes. Even moonflower can be used as a sun producer without any shadow plants in your deck as she self enhances herself. Two columns of moonflowers gives you an insane ammount of sun and at a very reasonable price compared to a Twin Sunflower strategy. Now imagine what you can do when adding Dusk Lobber and Shadow Pea to the list.
  • Might be late about this but i'll only rank my top 5 1. ConcealMint its boost is ludicrous especially with moonflower which gives more suns 2. Moonflower my Cute favorite plant, its shield lasts more than wallnut 3. Shadow Pea if used correctly and spammed, it can stall and kill gargs(assuming max lvl m200) and its dragging system can be a clutch 4. Dusk lobber When spammed, it can shred zombies in seconds despite only about to enter the lawn 5. Gloom vine imo its a better version of gloomshroom, i think its still has a dmg value same as gloomshroom(assuming max lvl m200) and combine with murknut and dusk lobber it has a good synergize
  • Personally, while there have been some reasons to use Nightshade especially in Modern Day early on, I genuinely could not think of a single case where Murkadamia Nut is a good option, especially given its bizarre weaknesses (doesn’t deal damage to machines, has to be actually eaten rather than just close by, needs to be powered by Moonflower for its effect to occur). It’s just Endurian with more set up, and at that point, I'd rather have Endurian or Explode'O'Nut. Murkadamia Nut should've been 10th by a landslide.
  • Another one! 10. Murkadamia Nut 9. Noctarine 8. Gloom Vine 7. Shadow - Shroom 6. Grimrose 5. Nightshade 4. Shadow Peashooter 3. Moonflower 2. Dusk Lobber 1. Conceal - Mint
  • @MoongrainsYT
    What I like most about the Conceal-mint family is the design, I like the blue and purple design because it look's really great. Every single plant in the Conceal-mint family is great for almost everything, they don't have much weaknesses too. While some other Mint Families are more powerful, Conceal stands out.
  • @James-ym9sv
    After seeing others do their own ranking, I figured todo the same. Note that the mint will not be ranked and future updates may make my ranking of plants obsolete: 9. Noctarine 8. Grimose 7. Shadow Shroom 6. Murkadamia Nut 5. Gloom Vine 4. Nightshade 3. Dusk Lobber 2. Shadow Peashooter 1. Moonflower
  • @ironbundle33
    that 'weakness' sound never fails to burst my eardrums.
  • @NathanLim64
    Really good as it's pretty powerful. Plus, it is cheap and has a fast recharge, making it a good last second damage
  • @user-gt9cz6lg1t
    The best and the worst in my opinion: Best: Moonflower. Worst: Noctarine.
  • Shadow peashooter and dusk lobber are like the perfect duo when powered up
  • Why Grim Rose nothing special? He has secret ability : 1. Can drag Zombie from behind 2. Can do three Drags if powered 3. Drags a Zombie from another Lane (& Damage increased as well PF attack) and then He can do one more drag. Weakness : 1. Can't deal with ton of Zombies in a Lane 2. Can't drag Flying Zombie 3. Having delay each drag & having random priority 4. Instant plant that stays & drag every kind of Zombies encounter First. So bit waste In Early even if the next Zombie just Imp, Basic & Cone Head and any weak Zombies
  • my top -10 Nightshade -9 Noctarine -8 Shadow shroom -7 Macadabria nut -6 Gloom vine -5 Grimrose -4 Shadow peashooter -3 Dusk lobber -2 Conceal-mint -1 moonflower
  • My ranking. (IMO) 10. Nightshade. 9. Noctarine. 8. Grimrose 7. Murkadamia Nut 6. Shadow Shroom 5. Gloomvine 4. Moonflower 3. Shadow Peashooter 2. Dusk Lobber 1. Conceal-Mint Hmm, it seems that I'm the only one who ranks Shadow Shroom higher.
  • ill be ranking my top 3 personally (not including conceal-mint cus we all know all the mints are wonderful) first on my list is Murkadamia Nut, when boosted its like Infi-nut but better, Infinut + Durian and when the jelly got eaten up it still got defense 2nd: Shadow peashooter, when boosted, its like cactus but nightshade, can pearce through door/shovels, and counters jester 3rd: Moonflower, the mother of the conceal plants