The TRUTH About Hormone Therapy (HRT) for Menopause... | The Menopause Doctor Lisa Mosconi

Published 2024-06-14

All Comments (21)
  • @poppet808
    I've learnt more from your channel and the doctors you've brought onto your show about Menopause than the 7 doctors I have visited in the past few years. It's utterly ridiculous and appalling at the lack of knowledgeable doctors for menopause in this day and age! Thank you for caring enough to bring women's health in the spotlight!!
  • @vhelma21945
    Quality of life for women on pre-menopause & Menopause should be a priority since we are most likely loving half of our lives without periods! HRT is an essential component to protect our heart & mind
  • @chicky895
    The fact that doctors think that itā€™s all in our head itā€™s mind blowing
  • @ivy3839
    As 45 Year old , I was preparing for menopause . To my Shock I have discovered I am 5 weeks pregnant .
  • @LaSnob711
    Brain fog was the first thing HRT aleviated for me after two years of thinking I must have dementia. It took three weeks and it lifted!!šŸ˜Š
  • @crystalkirkman
    Iā€™ve been on progesterone for the last yearā€¦ SOOOO helpful! It helped with sleeping and terrible, terrible anxiety. Iā€™m 45.
  • HRT brings my old self back!!! It kicks away - brain fog, hot flashes, night sweats, etc.
  • @melwest6769
    Hair loss. Memory decline. Hot flashes. Increased appetite. Weight gain. Mood swings. So fun.
  • @pilateshub
    I think we tend to hear from people when they are in the earlier stages of taking HRT. In that stage where it feels transformative we have a tendency to shout from the roof tops about how great it makes you feel. I took it for 2 years between age 43 and 45. It was amazing for the first 6 months, good for the second 6 months, nothing for the third 6 months and then physically stressing for the last 6 months. I listened to my body and stopped taking it and felt better when I ceased. It's being pushed as some sort of answer to everything atm, but I don't think it's as great as it's being made out to be. I also think it's like many things in that it stops working when your body gets used to it; and a higher dose is definitely not the answer. I'm currently getting better results with intermittent fasting, cold showers and meditation.
  • @PinkelefantZ3
    As I make my way through all the perimenopause videos I am seeing the same type of comment from the ā€œnaturalā€ older woman. Itā€™s a boasting of not using medication and a shaming for those who have. Iā€™m tired of it. Ladies, we should support each other and make informed decisions based on our own personal experience. We have no idea if people leaving comments are being honest or getting feedback by their loved ones. Maybe they never married? Maybe they lived a quiet life? Maybe they were diligent about their health? Maybe they dont have children? We donā€™t know the whole situation so take it with a grain of salt and make sure you make decisions for you. This truly is a journey and worth educating yourself about it. I am a bit biased as I clearly remember my mom going through this and I was very concerned about her but 20 years later she claims it was smooth and easy šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m a witness that it was NOT.
  • @PS-qn4oz
    48 year-old woman here, expressing my gratitude to you Steven for taking the time to talk about menopause. Thank you to your guest. Based on this interview, I suppose I'm in early perimenopause, and it's not exactly easy here in the trenches. I get angry with myself for not being healthier than I am (though I am reasonably fit, thin, etc.) The symptoms still feel like failures and it's frustrating. I need reminders to have compassion with myself.
  • As someone who went through early menopause last year I'm loving all of the specialists in this area. I had no symptoms but then out of the blue I spiralled into a bizarre depression and could not get enough sleep. I went to three doctors who tried to put me on anti-depreesants before I found a specialist menopausal doctor who took everything into account and was able to help me. It took me three months to make the decision to go on HRT and it's not for everyone and not everyone needs it but for me it saved my life. I've never experienced hopelessness like it so for me HRT is a life saver .......but the key is to look at your overall health, your nutrition and your muscle and make sure you're lifting weights. In addition anything you've suppressed through your life will come up......prepare for anger, rage and in my case sadness which is all connected to what you have been pushing down. Coming through menopause is incredible and now at 45 I'm medically considered post menopausal and am now educating women from 35 years to start learning and preparing for menopause.
  • Iā€™m so very, very thankful that I was able to eliminate hot flashes by eliminating processed foods, sugar and carbohydrates from my diet - and lost 30lbs! Itā€™s a very tough diet but, if adhered to, works very well for me. Much cheaper than doctor visits and trips to the pharmacy. I hope everyone here is able to find what works best for them.
  • @YogalignKauai
    This is a very important discussion and I want to read Dr. Mosoconi's book. I was one of the fortunate women who did not have any menopause symptoms or issues. Even at age 70, I have had no loss of libido, or suffered with hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disturbances or dry vagina. I am also a breath based posture educator and creator of FitAlign Posture Training. I have a theory that poor posture habits prevent the adrenals from making the androgens that contribute to libido, sexual arousal and orgasm by increasing dopamine levels in the central nervous system. The reason why people shrink and go forward is because of a weak and restricted breathing apparatus that affects most people in modern society. Chair sitting is one of the main reasons that the breathing apparatus weakens because the knees are positioned too high making it difficult for the diaphragm to descend and the ribs to expand. Most people age and go forward or collapse downward leading to a lack of blood and lymph flow starving and weakening many cells in the body including the kidneys and adrenals. The cells lack nutrition, oxygen and waste removal. So many women are under stress or even doing core exercises like keeping navel pulled to the spine. These exercises can create tension in the pelvic floor and lower back. There is also a gland in the pelvic floor of women called the Bartholin's gland which makes vaginal lubrication for the vaginal wall. This gland is parasympathetically mediated. In other words, people must be in a relaxation response in order for the gland to function.Poor posture habits signal the nervous system of danger or issues. I have seen by correcting posture at the nervous system level, people have less anxiety as well. The vagus nerve has branches in the neck that must carry the serotonin made in the gut to the brain. Weak spine and neck muscles restrict the serotonin flow. Also forward head posture restricts blood flow to the brain as people age and the brain is literally starved for oxygen creating plague in the cells that are not getting the nutrition, lymph flow and oxygen needed to thrive. Another set of glands called the Skene glands are two small ducts on either side of your urethra. They help lubricate your vagina during sex and protect it from certain infections. FitAlign uses breathing exercises that strengthen and lift the torso from the inside out supporting all cells in the body. I have clients telling me their sex drive is back and lubrication too. The answer is NOT doing kegels as the isolation of these sphincter muscles can actually weaken the pelvic floor. Another interesting piece of this puzzle is that some cultures do not even have a word for menopause and they are more indigenous people with stronger upright posture. Check out FitAlign. I have spent 30 years working with thousands of clients and developing these methods.
  • I am on my way to 64. I have only had some bioidentical hormones, but what happened with that I had fibroids growing as soon as I stopped Iā€™ve got better. The main thing is to keep active with exercise and good food, and not listen to What itā€™s supposed to happen to you in menopause our minds are greater than we can fathom. I donā€™t subscribe to decline on aging. I subscribe to vitality at all ages, I rarely got hot flushes nor any of the other symptoms that people go through. I look at least 10 years younger, and no itā€™s not genetic my sisters who are younger look older than me but they are on medication and donā€™t exercise . The key is nutrition good health practices ,exercises good mindsetā€¦I not on any medications the most effective, but takes longer is Annaā€™s Wild Yam cream, and also Vitex chaste berryā€¦. every time you put things in your body that are synthetic. Your body will not work the way nature intended. Hope this helps someoneā¤
  • @lizsegal5328
    I can confirm that hrt helped reduce my brain fog and anxiety
  • Hrt is good helping women all over the world šŸŒŽ to have a good quality of life