Fake Animated Stories Won't Stop Lying

Published 2022-04-21

All Comments (21)
  • I love how they picked basically the one sport where being tall ISN'T an advantage. 🤣
  • As a girl who is 6'3", I can promise that nobody in my life has ever told me "you have the build for gymnastics". Literally I did gymnastics as a kid and was tall for my age so they warned me that I probably wouldn't be able to do it for long because gymnastics isn't as doable over a certain height. Also there's a fuckton of things tall people can't do. I never, in my life, wanted to be a flight attendant until someone told me I was too tall to get hired as one, and suddenly that hurt...
  • @necronerdicon
    Can we appreciate that Jarvis made us premium FOR FREE? Incredible.
    Can we just appreciate how "jarvis" is always so "nice" and "accepting"??? "I" could never do something like that.
  • @Bai_ley.26
    Let's appreciate how jarvis is a "living breathing human being" who wears "clothing"!
  • @DPadGamer
    I think we can all appreciate Jarvis for making this video, he made it a little fun.
  • @terrienr333
    can we just appreciate how Jarvis shows his emotions through his expressions? wow, if you asked me to express my emotions I wouldn't be able to!
  • @bool8362
    im really appreciating jarvis calling me a "premium" person, it really knocks my socks of with joy have a great day jarvitron!
  • To be fair, if I saw "your eyes are so deep I find myself drowning" written in a notebook, I would also laugh like a cartoon bully
  • Can we just appreciate Jarvis’ ability to wear a beanie only on the top of his head? Beanies are really hard to wear. If you gave me 10,000 decapitated heads, I don’t think I could get any of them to wear a beanie like Jarvis does.
  • @sholem_bond
    MSA: "I'm tall and I have the perfect gymnastics build" Rachel in Animorphs, in seemingly almost every book: "man, I love gymnastics; too bad I'm too tall to ever really go pro with it" Me: so what is the truth, MSA?
  • @P4rz1va1
    She was such a bad sister, she talks about how she just wants to help but doesn't listen to her brother when he tells her not to read his journal, and then tries to get him to share his poems with Alyssa at school, wtf. P.S I love your videos and you seem like a really nice person.
  • @pegsies.
    The story gives me wattpad autobiographical story vibes. "She had long brown hair and sparkling green eyes, everyone hated her because she was too tall, she was immediately amazing at gymnastics and won 50k"
  • Can we all just take a second to appreciate Jarvis having eyes so deep I find myself drowning?
  • @hannahalexy
    12:17 yeah, i was great at gymnastics until i had a growth spurt and was then rejected because i was over 6 feet....the shorter you are, the lower your centre of gravity. Makes it much, much easier.
  • @tkdchic78
    "Lie to Kids. Get Rich" I see Jarvis found the Ace Family handbook
  • @sunny__johanna
    Let's all appreciate that Jarvis wears glasses instead of ignoring his bad eyesight
  • @jazz9260
    Let's "all" just take a "moment" to "appreciate" how "Jarvis" "makes" these "videos" 1-2 a month for "us"!
  • Wouldn't the $50k get split among the whole team? Or is Janelle the kind of person that is so in her own little world that she doesn't realize(or maybe she does!) that she just shafted her team out of money because she's just too good a person? 😂