Never Do THIS When You Leave Your Cat ALONE

Published 2023-03-15
In this video, we will talk about 9 common mistakes cat-owners unknowingly make when leaving their cats at home alone.

Don’t neglect to arrange for a pet sitter
You might be tempted to leave your pet home alone and head off for a weekend road trip — but you could be putting your cat’s physical and mental health in jeopardy.
You would never leave your dog alone for that amount of time, and your cat is just as social and just as dependent on you. It is important to arrange for a cat sitter who can come over a few times a day to make sure they are eating their meals, being played with, and keep their routines intact.
Don’t Leave Food in One Big Pile
If you pile a weekend’s worth of food into your cat’s bowl, they may overeat due to stress and become sick or run out of food on the final day of your trip. On the other hand, some cats are picky eaters and will turn their nose up at food that is less than fresh.
Instead, have your pet sitter feed them according to their regular schedule.
Don’t Forget to Provide extra Litter Box
It’s simple: No one wants to use a dirty bathroom. Cats are very clean animals. So the idea of using a filthy restroom is just as repulsive to them as it is to us. When you’re gone, the last thing a stressed cat needs is a dirty litter box, as it can be yet another cause of anxiety.
Make sure to set up several litter boxes around the house, and clean your cat’s box before you leave.
Don’t Change Your Cat’s Routine
Cats are creatures of habit, and they depend on us to keep their surroundings stable and predictable.
Any change in their daily routine or environment can cause them to stress out.
You’d never leave your cat without water and food, but the timing as to when they get their food is very important too. Because thrive on predictability, any friend or pet sitter should visit your cat at least as often as the times you give your cat meals.
It will be less stressful for the cat if a normal routine is maintained.
Don’t Close Your Shades
Many people close their shades and blinds when they leave the house to keep the energy bill down and keep outsiders from looking in.
However, for many cats, a window perch can be an endless source of entertainment. If your cat loves watching birds and squirrels outside or basking in the sunlight, leave a few of your shades open for their benefit.
Get them a friend
Most cats enjoy each other's company and they thrive on building intimate ties with other felines.
If you leave your cat alone every day and you can’t provide your pet with enough interaction, playtime, and stimulation, consider getting a second cat to fill the need.
Don’t Board a Cat Who Is Better Off With In-Home Care
Sometimes, boarding your cat is a good option, particularly if they have a medical condition that requires regular monitoring.
That said, many cats are more comfortable and happier in their own homes. It’s typically very stressful for cats to be placed in an unfamiliar environment.
Make sure to weigh your cat’s social and physical needs and the duration of your time away before you hire a pet sitter or board your pet.
Don’t Neglect to Create opportunities for enrichment
It is important to remember that cats need opportunities for enrichment while you’re gone.
Create a little fun for your pet before you go off to work. A cat tree, cat perch, open paper bags, and fun toys create entertainment and can make a difference to a cat who spends the day alone.
If your feline friend is food motivated, then treat based puzzles can be a fun.
Television can also make for great entertainment. Popping the TV on may seem a bit weird, but your cat will love it.
Cats often like videos that show animals like birds and mice running around or fish swimming.
Do cats get lonely?
Cats become lonely when they are left unattended for long periods of time.
Because cats appear very stoic, many people miss the signs indicating that all is not happy in kitty’s world.
A common sign of loneliness is excessive vocalization. A lonely cat will wander through the house, meowing constantly or even yowling looking for someone to answer them.
Another classic sign of loneliness among cats includes destructive behaviors such as clawing up furniture or knocking objects over.
Missing the litter box is also a sign of loneliness.
Other signs that indicate your cat is having trouble with too much alone time include: Changes in behavior, appetite, or grooming habits.
How long can cats be left alone
In general, adult cats are content being left home alone for 8-12 hours.
Cats depend on their owners for regular feeding and valuable social time such as playing and cuddling. Even more worrisome than messes is the possibility of a sudden illness or injury. Fevers, urinary blockages, blood clots — these are common cat-health emergencies.

All Comments (21)
  • @michaelsaintz
    I had a cat adopt me in 2019 and we both were happy with him being the only child. Then COVID set in and I wasn't having people come over like I used to. By mid 2021 I started to notice a change in him. I work 10 - 12 hour days but always made time for cuddles, play, relax etc. I always leave the TV on for noise and something to watch. But I noticed it wasn't enough as he became lethargic and showing signs of depression and I decided to get a kitten. I came across a woman who does fostering for a rescue group who had a foster that just gave birth to 5 kittens. When they were of age I was going to adopt one until she told me momma needed a home and asked if I knew anyone. After thinking about it and seeing momma so sad, defeated and scared and at 8 years old estimated she had a rough life. I decided to adopt momma instead. It was exactly what both needed and in a short time they both came to life. Today, 16 months later, the 2 cats are inseparable and it's such a joy to see them playing, relaxing and being each others best friend as well as mine. 2nd cat was the best decision. 😊❤ I give them about an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening for YouTube cat games but I also play with my cats and I really have to be sure to give equal attention to both to avoid jealousy. If my girl cat gets too much attention but wont move so he can get attention then he sits on her until she moves 😅.
  • Years ago my then cat ( brother) was lost under a pine tree during a blizzard,my neighbor said he may have heard it meowing under the branches.I went out and called it and the visual of him hopping through deep snow to come home will be with me forever.
  • I make sure to let my baby know I'm just running to the store or Dr and I'll be back in a certain amount of time. And he listens for the car and meows for me when I come in the door ❤
  • @Coollovelee
    When my cat was a kitten my cousin came to visit me but I wasn't home. She mentioned that she saw my kitty on the window crying. I felt so bad. I try not to go for too long. Even though he's six years old he misses me very much when I'm out too long.
  • @dougn2350
    A friend asked me to take in his cat while he was on vacation. The poor thing was terrified and hiding the entire week. I'm not sure she ate or drank anything that week. When my friend came in the door the cat immediately changed back to herself and was very glad to see him. I explained what happened and suggested it would be better for the cat to stay home and have a sitter look in on her daily.
  • @HVM555
    I talk to my cat everytime I have to leave him to conduct errands. I tell him a few times before leaving, where I am going to, what time I am going to be home etc. I reassure him I am not abandoning him, & I am coming home. He is such a good sincere companion to me. When I return, I make a huge thing of it, cuddles and more talking. He is so clever and so loved. Had him during Covid lock downs at 12 weeks old. He is 3 now. I am 71. If I go away for longer, he goes to my son, daughter-in-law & grandchildren. He loves their 9yr old poodle. No lack of affection for him, in that home. ❤
  • If you use the tip about leaving out bags for cats to play in, be sure they don't have handles - like that one shown in the video. Cats can get their heads caught and not be able to get it off.
  • @trayc6708
    I don’t leave them at all. I don’t want to. I rather be home with them. I couldn’t relax without them. The feeling is mutual. 🐾🐈🐈‍⬛
  • @TheJoker6789
    I saved a cats life from the shelter a few years back on a whim. She has already returned the favor.
  • The radio is left on, a light in winter, they get a hug & kiss when I leave. Vacation time, the neighbour comes over, feeds, waters, empties litter box, and sits with them for at least an hour a day.
  • @boyasia5874
    T.y. for the info and brought to mind that my cat who passed away years ago that whenever its time for me to go to work, she stayed as always very close to the big mirror in the house and it dawned to me that in order to have company, she assumed there is another cat in the house which was herself on the still feel sad when I reminded of this..😔😭
  • @Meyersci
    I boarded my 9 year old cat during a cross country trip in our RV. At one point in the trip, we met friends for a 5 day cruise, so we arranged with a lovely kennel in a quiet wooded area. The dog did just fine out with the other dogs. The cat was inside, in a multi-level cat cage, window overlooking bird feeder, behind the intake counter. It looked like a great place for him to get attention and be watched carefully. After the 5 days, we picked the pets up, but noticed as we continued on the trip, the cat not eating. Or drinking. Or doing anything in the litter box. A check with the boarding facility and they swore up and down that he had been just fine while with them. Hmmm. After a few days, we stopped longer at a place to get off the road and try to get the cat back in his food and water, litterbox routine. Then to an emergency vet for injection of fluids. We continued the trip, and he still was not doing anything, not even barfing on curvy highways. Second emergency vet, no obstructions found in Xrays, more hydration injected. We cut the trip short, headed for home 2 days away. Finally he began taking water, food followed a day later. He didn't poop until the 7th day after getting him back. No more boarding, ever again for this one!
  • @walsh5238
    Inside your cats, mind, is a great magazine that comes out periodically, I highly recommend. There’s a lot of research saying that cats are more emotionally attached and bonded with their owners than dogs are. Cats don’t have the same facial muscles that dogs do. So we can’t read their face for cues like we can dogs.
  • @Meira750
    I just spent a month in Italy and I took kitty with me. I used a back pack carrier and as long as he was on my back, he was quiet but when he was under the plane seat, he did meow quite a lot. If I tapped the carrier with my foot, to let him know I was still there, he was fine. I was so glad I brought him. I found a pet friendly B&B and he was ok with me being out for a few hours every day. He apparently liked it because he got more cuddly and affectionate than he had been. We Italians love cats and the whole airplane crew was going gaga over him. 😻😻😻
  • @mookyyzed2216
    We just got our 2nd kitty 4 days ago. Another Persian. She's about 10 weeks old and our older one is about a year and a half. The older one is still a bit nervous about the little one.... still growling and hissing, but she's getting better. Can't wait to see them play together and have fun. Update: they're best friends now. 😻😻. They have so much fun playing together and they love going for walks in their double kitty stroller.
  • @Jackie371
    So glad that you pointed out these things to do & not do when you leave your cat alone. Some simple things, like leavng the shades open, are things we just don't think about sometimes, but can mean the world to the cat.
  • My baby watches me leave. I tell him how long I'll be gone & hes still sitting in his window perch watching for my car to pull in when I get back. Then he runs to the door to give me boops ❤
  • @Nh-632
    When my sister goes on holiday or has to go away for a night or two, she leaves her cat with me. This happens about once a month for a night or two and maybe twice a year for a week or longer. Her cat is from the same litter as mine, so they are sisters. They get along great. They instandly play with eachother and my cat even lets my sister’s cat eat her food and sleep in her bed. They are always looking and calling out for eachother. It’s so cute to see them be so good together even when they don’t see eachother that much ❤
  • @xray86delta
    My cat is very punctual when it comes to her mealtimes. She knows exactly when I usually feed her, and she'll remind me if I forget! LOL 😸
  • @julesthecat.
    I adopted two cats as they came in a pair. Was planning on just fostering them but I loved them too much.