Royal Vessel Fishing - The Boys Try To Get Ignis To Say "I've Come Up With a New Recipeh"

Published 2018-05-04

All Comments (21)
  • @vtheory7531
    This is a small detail but as someone who wears glasses I appreciate Ignis taking his off before jumping
  • @shamishing7422
    Everyone talking about them breaking the fourth wall but is no one gonna talk bout the fact that THEY JUST JUMP INTO THE SEA TO GET THE FISH
  • @nil8392
    These four are just the best VAs that break out of character and the fourth wall.
  • @BeeWaifu
    Is this game just 'Me and the boys' with more graphics?
  • @mskiara18
    I enjoy that you can take time to do small activities like fishing with Noctis while Ardyn is patiently waiting for you.
  • @annabauman7837
    The little hand movement prom does towards himself and gladio upon hearing they're gonna havs sushi makes me think that he and gladio probably frequented a sushi place back in the city. They probably had a contest to see who could eat the most, knowing them
  • I love the way that everyone goes to jump in but Ignis and Prompto stop, look at each other then nod simultaneously, and then Ignis takes his glasses off and they both jump in simultaneously
  • Reminds me of the LAVA twitch stream where Mr. Daymond, Mr. Chase, and even Mr. Croasdell were trying to get Ignis to say his ever popular catchphrase
  • Hold on a fucking second, Prompto made a joke in reference to Japanese, meaning that the country of Japan is cannon to FFXV.
  • @TaggXero
    I'll allow you to hate XV. I'll even allow you to think it's the worst of them all. But you cannot deny that XV has the single most personality and character of the Final Fantasy franchise.
  • @KillerGothChick
    In Opera Omnia Ignis attack is called Quick Recipeh XD Edit: it got better when he use the move his attacks become dishes he summons a table out of no where to cook XD
  • @Nixahma
    he is RIGHT sushi is supreme
  • @Reviwitha6
    Noctis actually says his line in the moogle festival event whenever he gets food at some restaurant without ignis
  • i feel like this kinda thing is gonna happen in ff7r-2 except it'll be about tifa and showering