One of the Most Bizarre Near-Death Experiences During Surgery

Published 2024-05-23
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All Comments (21)
  • @nairyao9948
    I was in car accident at 17, in coma for 5 days, nothing. Had open heart surgery at 54, heart stopped for 66 minutes, had NDE and it was heavenly, didn't want to come back but had to, was told I was going to help a lot of people less fortunate in the world. It's been hard because the people I help don't always appreciate it, but I can't stop or quit, it's my purpose now. God bless!
  • I broke my back a few years ago and had to have a double fusion surgery on my spine. During the surgery I flatlined and had the out of body experience. I can still remember the serial number on the back of the light used for my surgery. After they unsuccessfully tried to revive me the doctors put me on a Steel table and put me in the hallway. I’m pretty sure I was on my way to the morgue because when I did come back, the doctors and nurses were arguing about who was gonna tell my family. I’m not going to talk too much about what I saw but all I know is after I told my neurosurgeon, who performed my surgery he wouldn’t see me again. I had to go back to his office after I got out of the hospital and he wouldn’t even look at me. The afterlife is real but most importantly GOD IS REAL…
  • @scottbee501
    Absolutely! I was an ER trauma nurse for 26 years. A guy told me he remembered “medical people” doing things to him. He thought he was near the ceiling looking down on himself. He then went for a walk around the ER and then came back to his room. This is when he was revived. Believe me, truth is much stranger than fiction.
  • @raevj
    I had a NDE, I floated above my body and floated through a wall into a different dimension. It is real, my deceased grandfather was there to meet me.
  • @slamhead
    I had a psychology teacher at ASU tell of his NDE. It is one of a few lectures I remember. It was a wild story that made me a believer in near death experiences. The classic tunnel of light story after a car wreck when he was a senior in HS. He was pinned under his vehicle and came to when the lifted the vehicle off of him. He was pronounced dead on the scene and was under the vehicle with a wind wing pierced through his back for over twenty minutes. He scared the hell out of the firemen when he rolled over and screamed. He was able to tell his friends the details of the scene looking down from above. He said he did not want leave the place he was at but felt himself being sucked back into his body. Knowing this I hope to find apprehension rather than fear when I face death having now started the journey of walking with our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • @FilmGrouch
    The only shocking thing to me is how long it has taken the medical community to finally truly investigate and validate this truth.
  • @karenking5357
    Shawn thank you for this channel...My oldest Brother served in the Army 82nd or 101st Airborne, Green Beret Paratroopers/Sargent 1st Class....A hero he was...he lost a foot, had to pretend to be dead for a couple of days and was finally rescued...and taken to Walter Reed Hospital because be got gange green and they had to cut off more of his leg up to the knee... plus parasites in his stomach... three months of recovery...He was a wonderful Christian young man before he even went into the Military...Married his HS Sweetheart, they had three kids and one grandchild before he died in an vehicle accident down in Gainesville FL, in August 1998. My younger son served in the Navy both Iraq and Afghanistan 2005 & 2006 first as a medic with the Marines...then as Special ops in SWCC but he has NOT spoken about his experience at all...but his Sr Chief came to visit after my son left the Navy to let me snd his wife know that Randall served well. My father served as a Sergeant in the ARMY WW2 IN JAPAN...he taught me how to say "thank you" in Japanese, but otherwise, NEVER spoke of his experiences. THESE STORIES MEANS SO MUCH TO THIS 73 YR OLD DAUGHTER, SISTER AND MOM OF FAMILY MEN WHO SERVED THEIR COUNTRY BELIEVING THEY WERE DOING THE RIGHT THING TO HELP KEEP THE US SAFE... THE EVIL WE NOW KNOW IS WITHIN OUR OWN BORDERS. UNFORTUNATELY, I BELIEVE WE WILL IMPLODE... THE CORRUPTION IS SO DEEP, THERE IS NO RECOVERY... PEOPLE: ...PLEASE CALL ON THE LORD JESUS WHILE HE CAN STILL BE FOUND .. REPENT AND CALL UPON HIS HOLY NAME. 1 CORINTHIANS 15:1-4 TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION...DECIDE RIGHT NOW...CHOOSE YOUR OWN WAY AND EXPERIENCE HELL FOR ETERNITY...OR CALL UPON JESUS AND BE BORN AGAIN BY THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD...CHRIST DIED, WAS BURIED AND ROSE AGAIN THAT HE MIGHT BE THE FIRST ONE AMONG MANY BRETHREN...HE IS OUR BROTHER, OUR SAVIOUR, OUR KING...AND OUR GOD. DON'T WAIT I BEG OF YOU, CALL UPON JESUS TODAY...TIME IS EXTREMELY SHORT...
  • @cameronbdaily
    A transformative journey led me to a pivotal moment where Divine Intervention changed the direction of my life. A severe migraine became the catalyst for my decision to cease drinking a 1/2 gallon a day cold turkey. This choice plunged me into a week of intense withdrawal symptoms, known as delirium tremens, where I encountered visions of the so-called "Hatman," which tested my spirit. In this trying time, I felt a divine presence of the Virgin Mary affirming the value of my soul. The ordeal continued with another week in the ICU, where, amidst a manic episode, I found myself escaping the confines of my room, only to be gently guided back by my family’s comforting embrace. What I believed to be a late Thursday evening was, in fact, a bright Friday afternoon—a humorous twist to an otherwise harrowing experience. Reflecting on these events, I’m filled with gratitude as I approach a milestone of four and a half years of sobriety, coinciding with my 33rd birthday. This journey serves as a testament to the belief that anything is possible and that a higher power watches over us all. Peace, love, and blessings. 🕊❤🙏
  • @desimarie4362
    Alright, I’ve had two NDE and each time what he explains is exactly what I told ppl every experience and you get an overwhelming feeling of love after going through a tunnel which is hard to explain and when you float you have a body but you can’t see it and you just see colors you’ve never seen before and it’s just hard to explain that to ppl who haven’t had the experience. I told them exactly what happened and they were in complete shock that I had just explained what I saw to these surgeons. It was the most beautiful experience and I now know what comes afterwards and I’m not scared to die now. You do go somewhere and it’s just pure love.
  • @pickle7769
    Can confirm it’s called Midas Rex. I’m a medical device rep and I’ve heard of these stories every so often, where patients can remember the surgical team conversations and what music is playing. (And when shitty teams make fun of the patient’s weight or body)
  • @truecrime98
    This is exactly why and I’m a nurse. Tell people not patience, but family and friends never to listen to the doctors when they say that there is no brain activity and encourage them to pull the plug.
  • Had an NDE. i rememeber the very last breath i took, was filled with euforia and bliss, then my soul left my body. When i saw my own body, from up under the cieling, i got terrified and flew back into my body. ive never been afraid of dying since then.
  • Thank you, Shawn! What a great episode! I had a NDE when my Son was born.....I knew things that happened in the operating room that I could not possibly have, both surgeons took their masks and gloves off and were having a conversation over my bleeding body, after a Caesarean Section..... Doctors NEVER REMOVE THEIR MASKS AND GLOVES BEFORE SEWING A SURGICAL PATIENT that is flayed open after incision! They pulled my Son out and shortly after, I coded. I watched the Doctors remove their masks and gloves, all my attention on my newborn only concern was his well being and safety. I don't know when I returned to my body, but it was sometime before the next morning.... I remember being in my hospital room, breastfeeding my young son. I can tell you there is more to this life..... And when we leave, we don't leave our loved ones behind, unattended! ❤.
  • @bobbyhughes4895
    Shawn, you are THE MAN! You have the most kick ass guests on the planet, then you change gears and have THIS AMAZING CONTENT. UNBELIEVABLE SHAWN. It’s literally giving me continuous goosebumps.
  • @Dion_Mustard
    I am a 'rational-minded' British man, now age 40, and I have had 2 Out of Body Experiences and various Lucid dreams states throughout my life so far. These experiences changed my opinion about consciousness because during these experiences i could perceive things in a different location and thereafter I could verify it was real. I sometimes question whether it was an hallucination but considering these experiences felt more real than my current waking reality , and the fact I witnessed things whilst my consciousness was seemingly separated from my body, makes me think I am wrong about the hallucination theory. It must have something to do with the "non-locality" of consciousness , so to speak, and quantum states. I am not sure we will ever understand , but my experiences were literally out of this world, and I hope I can have more.
  • Then I had another one & learned to keep my mouth shut when I got to the hospital. Which was heart breaking.
  • @barrywood7234
    The age-old problem. Jesus said, " they won't allow themselves to believe, even if one returns from the dead." 😢
  • If you’re interested in near death experiences. A old man named Howard Pittman tells a compelling story of his. Really made me think. He was running for sheriff and he was a preacher I believe, I won’t ruin it. I suggest looking it up. It changed his life.