The 13 Crystal Skulls Of The Apocalypse | Myth Hunters on Odyssey

The Crystal Skulls are some of the ancient world's most striking artefacts. That is if they're real of course. Discover the truth behind these enigmatic objects and wether they really foretell the end of the world.

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コメント (21)
  • @TheCimmerian6
    I got a crystal skull that I drink whiskey out of, and the world seems brighter every time
  • @DirtyDuramax
    I could not believe for a second that an elder or shaman in that population of people would allow a foreigner to take something so priceless in their history.
  • @holisticpoet
    What I find amazing so far in trying to discover how old these sculls are is the fact that they do not even consider that there could be an advanced civilization out there using tools that we as lowly humans have yet to even imagine. It seems to me that anyone with a sharp mind would realize that we are no where near the most advanced civilization that has ever existed.
  • @artthemandan
    People frequently told me I should have my skull examined. Glad I'm not the only one.
  • Whatever the myths and legends and yet lies behind the story the three skulls are beautiful objects of artistic craftmanship.
  • @jwbrown9240
    Just because it doesn't fit your narrative doesn't mean its fake. Only our culture would say such a thing.
  • I would be interested to see one of those sculptors rebuild the face of what it may have looked like.
  • @ericswain4177
    I remember my mother showing me a newspaper article back in the late 60s with a picture of the Crystal Skull. We lived in the North San Fransico Bay area at the time and Hewlett Packard Labs was just 20-30 miles south of us. The Crystal Skull was not big news per se but did make an indelible impression in the Bay Area due to the times being the height of the Hippie movement and what is now considered new age Bla de Bla. Likely we will never know the real truth of where it really came from but I believe the old adage that "The Truth May Be Much Stranger than Fiction".
  • @dsmolks1
    So no consideration of possible ancient technology… I’ll never get this hour back 😪
  • Constructive criticism: lose the background noise. The subject & your narration of it is great! The addition of distracting, monotonous & annoying music ruined the vid.
  • @SpaceManAus
    There is no way this was carved by man, why do people believe there was not more advanced life on earth before us when there is so much evidence there was, it may even came from another world and was given to others as a gift.
  • @mniblick1
    Any expedition in the 1920s would refer to Belize as British Honduras.
  • @gizahgin1
    My mom went to see the skull Anna Hedges had on display in Kitchener in 1970's. The announcement of Anna and the Skull coming to our city was published in the KW RECORD newspaper.
  • @holisticpoet
    After watching the entire video this is my take on it. It is possible that the video is depicting the truth and that these sculls are in fact recently made. On the contrary, it is possible that some have been made by means that we have no comprehension of. If you notice there was little convincing evidence of the last crystal scull being made by modern means. This could mean that there are those who do not want others to take any interest in these sculls. They would prefer to keep all this information to themselves and as such are using this video to dissuade people from their desire to know more. There are the pyramids in Egypt and monoliths in South America that scientist cannot figure out how they were made yet. We know their age is far older than any modern civilization's tools.
  • @D3vastat0r116
    oh dear ! its got straight lines on it ! im sure the Smithsonian would be totally honest and up front with the public, fake or not the Smithsonian has lost all credibility !
  • I'm surprised they don't do the face for the crystal skulls so we know what they're faces would look like.