Historian Educates Ignorant Race Activist About Winston Churchill's Legacy

Published 2024-01-07
Historian and Broadcaster Rafe Heydel-Mankoo, who has 30+ years experience in Churchill scholarship and serving on the boards of Churchill-related organisations, defends Sir WInston Churchill's legacy against ignorant attacks.

All Comments (21)
  • @pushnpow
    Optimist: The glass is half full Pessimist: The glass is half empty Leftist: The glass is racist.
  • @andrewk1965
    I find it totally exasperating how the non-British inhabitats of this Island totally denigrate our British heroes.🙄
  • @r0b0coffee
    Calling people racist is the easiest way to silence dissent.
  • @taqiya3504
    I don't care that Femi Nylander hates Britain but I do care that he spreads his hate in Britain while pretending to be British.
  • @thinadlamini4671
    As a black person I feel second hand embarrassment for this guy.
  • My grandmother admired Churchill. She expressed he helped the citizens of this country believe that defending this island was possible, when countries had already fallen, and Britain stood on its own. She would be horrified to see what is happening to this country, and how ungrateful those enjoy our democracy trash this country at every opportunity. She was the generation that saw sacrifices made and loss great. Of the war generation what a disservice, I believe these minorities this day may be best to find a place where they feel they belong without appalling racist narrative against the majority population of this country. I’m shocked how uneducated this gentleman was. Rafe, great as always
  • @EDL_433
    Damn that guy might be ethnically Asian but he’s the most british man I’ve ever heard😂
  • As a proud educated English born black male,..i most certainly agree with you,..is this person implying that black people would have been better off under the German/muslim alliance in Africa?.... You have more patience than i sir..🫡
  • @peterfield2229
    I feel sorry for you Rafe having to contend with this seemingly endless flow of pig ignorant drivel. You do however handle it perfectly.
  • @Liquid278
    "Should we celebrate Sir Winston Churchill" How the fuck is this a question
  • @gvnrchmnd
    Can we stop giving Femi airtime. Poor guys lost in denial.
  • I'm a part Aboriginal Australian and I'm grateful to be here living under this way of life . We dodged a bullet from china islam Indonesia....no thanks ..😅
  • @roslynj5263
    As a black person brought up in this country, I absolutely love this country and wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. Thank God for people like Winston Churchill.
  • @georgecash4584
    Britain wouldn't exist without a leader like Churchill. We respect him in America. Have absolute ZERO concern with what immigrants or white liberals think of him. One of the greatest!
  • @batersieiron
    Femi's dishonest narrative was smashed to pieces!! Hilarious 😅
  • @alanknight8439
    Every word uttered by the "guest", in our country proves that Churchill was right.
  • @1229patriot
    Femi you lost!!... Re-educate yourself !!..
  • @Supergeologist
    When asked about Churchill following the riots and statue topplings after the George Floyd affair a prominent black activist and an advisor to the Met police replied with something along the lines of 'well I've never met him'. Says it all really.
  • @uniquehandle1999
    From Wikipedia "Femi Nylander is an activist, poet and actor of African descent hailing from Manchester in the UK." I think that says it everything. lol!