Static Shock - Kangor and Ferret Back To Human In "Power Outage"

Published 2015-12-06

All Comments (21)
  • @RequiemPoete
    Thank God the DNA in his shoes mutated back to normal as well.
  • @TreyC68
    Lucky for Ferret he didn’t revert back to normal whilst climbing a building
  • Rubberband Man should had been on this episode. It’s possible that he still has his powers. The cure only spread in Dakota not outside of it.
  • @alyssastern6073
    Me as Gear, "What do you mean my dream of creating inventions to help humanity and making tons of money isn't going to happen!!!"
  • @Archon762
    Not even an apology, or a thank you for all they've done.
  • @Nazo-kage
    Considering that the origin of the powers, (at least, in the comics) Is a new experimental gas was used, that was supposed to tag everybody hit with it, so the police could easily hunt down and arrest. What was the equivalent of two street gangs fighting. and for a percentage of the people hit with the gas, they didn’t live long enough to gain super powers. With all that under consideration, it makes sense that somebody else would then decide without consulting those affected that they were just going to use another experimental gas to attempt to remove the super powers. Keep in mind there’s no inkling in the episode that they tested the gas before they used it. So what if the power is just instantly switched off instead of slowly weaning? Something that could be very bad for Static, if he happened to be flying at the time.
  • Of course he did this without the consent of any of the people it would affect. There are good Bang Babies out there besides Static and Gear or perhaps some that had powers that could benefit the world. people like Gear and Tech could make some amazing world changing technology. There may have been someone out there with the ability to heal people. I doubt we saw every person affected by the Big Bang and so have no idea how everyone was using their powers.
  • "Within a few days your powers will be gone... forever...* I would think those who had proven themselves heroic and responsible could keep their powers. Static and Gear do get their powers restored but only after Ebon and Hotstreak steal more of that gas and set it off. The doctor should have known the villains wouldn't just give up so easily.
  • @Sonicfalcon16
    its funny to see hotstreak with them when he looks the most normal.
  • @darkpaw1522
    This should’ve had a tie-in to the Nightbreed and Tech’s search for a cure.
  • @nexus5253
    I like how bang babies powers are so varied but it also means you get powers as lame as bigger feet.
  • @Gojiro7
    i'm not gonna judge the doctor tor spreading the cure without anyone's consent, but I do think it's extremely insensitive to not even offer a token apology to the pair of super heroes he just told were going to lose their super powers permanently, a real dick move there
  • I loved this show when I was a teenager. I still love it now.
  • If you announce that there's a cure for the Bang Babies, most of them probably would have fled, making what was once isolated to Dakota, something that would spread nationwide. I'm not saying they chose the RIGHT option, but I get it.
  • 1:45-1:48 So that's what the season finale is building up to, I was scared as hell when this episode first aired.
  • Seriously, the way this was handled was messed up. Use it as a shot for captured criminal bang babies, offer it to any who want to get rid of their powers/mutations. But to just launch it over the city without telling anyone? I cant even imagine how many laws that violates.
  • @laurynalana1876
    The last episode. Huhhhhh. WHY DONT THEY BRING THIS SHOW BACK??? Not to make new episodes but just to show the re runs. Cartoons today don’t really teach lessons like Static Shock does
  • @MegaManDBZX
    One does wonder why they didn’t call up the League or at least Batman. Wayne Enterprises cured Bang Babies before so logically, Bruce could just give them something to keep their powers.