10 Star Wars Fan Theories Better Than What We Got

Published 2022-09-07
The fan theory reason behind Mace Windu's Anakin Skywalker jealousy makes too much sense!

All Comments (21)
  • An extension to the Palpatine killing Padme, I would add to the theory that it is likely Plagueis's technique of Life extension that was employed. A force ability to drain life from another to survive mortal wounds sounds right up his alley.
  • Vader told Boba “No disintegrations”… Referring to the disintegration rifle you can see him and later Mando use. This gun does not leave behind skeletons…Maybe he used his flamethrower instead haha, but we all know it was flame troopers
  • 1.21 thats just stupid, ever heard of Character development, he learned from the Tuskens, grieved and avanged their death, and started ruling the people he cared about with respect and a kind heart. thats just character development and not another person
  • Along while ago, I saw two that interested me. Chewbacca is an agent for the Jedi/Yoda working to push people to where they might need to be most. Stormtroopers are actually highly skilled, but were given orders to not kill Luke, and Leia thus when we see them they always look bad. This one is one I've pondered on a bit. Han is probably force sensitive though not very strong only getting minor physical buffs at times.
  • @SamButler22
    Han Solo was bullshitting about parsecs to see what reaction he got from Obi Wan, so that we could gauge how much he could get away with charging them if they were clueless bumpkins. Rather than, he got really close the a space octopus, on the same week he got his surname, gun, ship, ship's AI, and dice.
  • Oh and as for Obi-Wan recognizing R2, I believe in the New Hope novelization (which im 99% sure is technically considered non-canon, though I don't like that), or maybe even the aforementioned FROM A CERTAIN POV book, there's a small part where on the Falcon Obi-Wan pats R2 on "the back" (lol), and says something like "good to see u again old friend," or some shit.... its obviously a "fan service" acknowledgement of a forgotten part that just needed a simple retcon, but it's there
  • He didn't act like he didn't remember. He just said that he didn't remember owning a droid. R2 was Padme's droid. He was saying he doesn't remember owning one at that time
  • The vast majority of fans were not asking for Fin and Poe. Weren't asking for Rey and Ben either. Personally not looking for a love story in star wars. I want light Saber duals, blaster bolt shoot outs, and fast paced space battles. Hopefully with a decent story to get the hero from point A to point B. Unless you're taxing trade routes. Leave the politics and virtue signaling out of it please.
  • Finn/Po romance? I definitely think the "band of brothers" approach was more impactful because of what they both endured during war.
  • The Luke training in Empire entry... I always took it as a couole of things. A) prequel era and earlier Jedi were way more powerful and better trained than BBY Jedi (though Luke was to become/is the most powerful). They just needed to "ensure" Luke wouldn't fall to the dark side, and his small-ish amount of training would be enough. Also, Luke was a Jedi in war time, so he had more real world chances over the years in between movies, to hone his skills. Of course so were the prequel Jedi, but they were already Knights or Masters, as opposed to younglings and eras prior where missions were scarce. Then B) I always felt that the reason the Jedi took them as babies was because growing up Force sensitive can be confusing and dangerous, and even can breed a dark side user if they aren't properly watched, brought up, and trained. Plus, there's more chances to make childish, selfish, angry decisions growing up Force sensitive where you'd almost certainly fall to the dark side. As opposed to adults, who already know the difference between right and wrong and if they're already good people like Luke, they don't require as much training. Adults can obviously grasp the magnitude of what's going on, need to just hone their physical skills and be made aware of their feelings and to be very careful not to fall. So that's why he and other adults BBY, seem to pick up on The Force and being a Jedi early...
  • @mpznidarsic
    The whole way the birth\death\birth\death scene is shot definitely adds to the Palpatine killing padme theory. The doctor droid even says "for reasons we can't explain she's dying" and as she dies vader rises. Then Palpatine lies about the situation to make Anakin even more angry.
  • My head-cannon is that Palpatine was keeping Padme alive with Plagueis' Life Extension technique. He kept her alive to build Ani to the brink of insanity. Once he had Vader's loyalty, he let her slip away.
  • I always thought Degoba (sorry for spelling) was already helping warp time, and Yoda was only manipulating Luke's awareness of the change of time.
  • @C2YY
    for Obi-Wan recognizing R2, he found the messege from leia superfast. like just a tuch
  • @emory442
    I was hoping (and knowing it wouldn't happen) that the Obi Wan show would reveal that Obi Wan was actually the father of Luke and Leia. Which would have really fucked shit up