Ruth Ben-Ghiat Discusses Project 2025

Ruth Ben-Ghiat is Professor of History and Italian Studies at New York University. She writes about fascism, authoritarianism, propaganda, and democracy protection.

Ruth joins the Rural Progress Summit to detail the threats to our democracy contained in Project 2025 and the overall rise of authoritarianism at home and abroad.

コメント (21)
  • @timothyoo7
    As a Christian, I do not endorse Project 2025!!!
  • My parents lived through the Mussolini era. Apart from aligning with Hitler, he played to the desperation of a poor and illiterate population. Open your eyes USA! YOU have the power to keep Drump out, it's called VOTING! I'm grateful everyday that my parents came to Australia, where I was born. 🐨🇦🇺🦘
  • In Australia, I've been watching American politics since Putin's invasion of Ukraine, so I've been watching Trump and MTG all the while thinking, 'He wants America to be like Russia, he wants to be another Putin.' The maggoty MAGA crowd worship him, but I've long thought they're being paid by someone. Thanks for this interview and for educating me about Project 2025, my suspicions were confirmed. I hope you keep safe to continue this important work.
  • @Roe524
    Excellent BREAKDOWN on EXACTLY what 2025 is 👍💃
  • Thank you for this! I want to see the Dems and people with platforms talking about Project 2025 every single week between now and election day. Better late than never.
  • Ruth is brilliant. Thank you from Canada. What happens in the US affects us and the rest of the world. 💙🇺🇸🇨🇦🇺🇦💙
  • Down Right Scary!! We have to fight for Democracy!!
  • Thank you, thank you, Professor Ben-Ghiat, for discussing this vital subject in full detail. I wish mainstream media networks would stop lining up behind Trump, enabling him and, more than anything, obeying him in advance. I wish they would be courageous enough to expose Trump in all his cruel, corrupt and abhorrent behavior, starting with in-depth discussions about Project 2025, such as this one from today. They need to invite you to their news programs, so you can talk about it and reach more people with the truth. Our democracy is at stake!
  • @allan6021
    This movement is alive and well here in Canada. Our newly elected Conservative MP recently sent out a pamphlet requesting support for “parental rights”. I was shocked and very angry. “Parental Rights” is a smoke screen for far right Christian Conservatives who promote very un-Christian attitudes and behaviours. I have a step-sister who has heavily bought into the so called “Freedom Fighter” movement and sent her kids to a Christian school. This all hits home for me and it’s very alarming.
  • Ruth is awesome, love this lady. Her words are so valuable and her energy and support is boundless
  • I am so deeply grateful to Ruth Ben-Ghiat for her work. She elucidates the current political situation very well. Thank you, rep. Scholten, for this great interview.
  • Thank you for having Ruth on… she is incredible! She should be everywhere. Please share this conversation in your feeds!
  • They think they can overthrow or steal it. They already tried with no consequences. I think the next time they are totally prepared. They have their justices( if thats what u want to call them) in place.
  • @Arulane
    Preach, hon. I have been telling people to read Project 2025 for months. The more people talking about it, the more people will hear. Thank you!
  • @sempressfi
    So glad yall talked about the link between project 2025 and overseas + how Heritage Foundation is actively pushing into other countries. Liz Truss (former UK PM who tanked their economy to the tune of £8bil overnight) has come and been a big speaker and PDFs from Heritage and other GOP groups have been passed around hy the Tories. Viktor Orbán is a huge Heritage buddy. The links and global connections between authoritarians worldwide is one of the undercovered aspects and it needs more attention, esp since we who want to protect democracy need to start coordinating and supporting each other
  • Thank you for this program. We need to pay very close attention. This is frightening down to my bones.
  • @cdorman11
    13:30 I run into so many working class people who fall for Trumpism. When my dental hygienist argued for parent rights in schools against the homosexual agenda, I asked her what she thought we teachers were doing in schools, why she thought we were trying to turn children gay. We're teaching anti-bullying, not try-out-homosexuality. We're teaching that it's bad to throw someone down the stairs or into oncoming traffic for being gay. We're not sexualizing students. If there were even a whiff of that coming from a concerned student, the admins could pull the levers to get rid of that teacher--not easily, but with enough lying they can do it.
  • Never underestimate the American people 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💙💙💙💙🧢🧢🧢😎😎😎😎forwarding this to family!!