Assassination Rogue/Marksmanship Hunter 2v2 - VS Devastation Evoker/MM Hunter - World of Warcraft

Assa Rogue/MM Hunter can be a great combo. Game 1/3, Svisj playing some 2v2s with Chistoc.

Enemy team is Devastation Evoker/Marksmanship Hunter.

Dragonflight Expansion, PvP, Player vs Player.

#Rogue #Arena #WorldOfWarcraft

コメント (3)
  • @rebjorn79
    Just a few fun games, I sometimes hit record and I thought these were some nice wins.
    - Please vote/sub/share - there's no better support - thanks :-)
  • @Quest777
    That setup is a lot of fun, but also requires a lot of practice at higher ratings.