Ultimate Security System (Minecraft)

Published 2011-12-09
I show you my self-made secrurity system. I made it for a "capture the flag"-Game! The gold-block is the flag xD

I made the intro music with garage band on my iPad. So I have the rights to use it in my videos.

All Comments (21)
  • @stocktonjoans
    over complicated and deadly to yourself, ultimate security FAIL
  • @ArcadeFL
    Ultimate Security System falls in lava
  • @fallenfalcon
    How to Break in Step:1 Break the iron door. Step:2 Don't go through iron, go up stairs. Step:3 Press button go under water. Step 4: Use Blocks to build your bridge and not get burned. P.S DONT FORGET FIRE RESISTANCE! Step: 5 Run Through the lava hallway and keep a potion of healing. P.S Fire Resistance! Step: 6 When your in the room... BREAK EVERYTHIGGGG!!!!! utill you find hole, then break all the pistons in the way. Step: 7 Break the iron door (AGAIN) Step: 8 GRAB THE STUFF IN THERE and go back the same way, or break through walls. Step: 9 You Win!/ YOU'RE RICHHH!!!
  • @brync8296
    If I made this, I would literally be too lazy to go in and out so I would not even use my door and just break my way in through a wall or ceiling...
  • @Ronin777z
    All that security for a single gold block...
  • @MacieJay
    This is an awful security system, it's just an obstacle course of death. A good security system would be something convenient and safe for the owner but dangerous for the intruder.
  • Would suck if this was your real house and you go to leave to find out you forgot your keys inside...
  • @legospecopsPGX
    "Hey man I forgot my sword. I'll brb" Goes back to bedroom to get it.
  • @SyphistPrime
    This security system is so good that you can't even get into your own base.
  • Woo! wipes forehead I'm so glad I found all those diamonds :) walks home get to lava parkour falls in lava NOOO
  • @popebender1351
    I like how 2000 people disliked this, me and everyone must of thought it was bad
  • @kungfuninja55
    i remember i saw this three years ago when i first started minecraft. I built a trap pyramid with a maze and lava chambers and everything. Sure it wasnt practical but it was fun and awesome.
  • @ahmadshahed8474
    dude i can just get a PICKAXE and break through because in case u are wondering its made out of STONE!!
  • @clr.1128
    or they could just mine there way through or place blocks lol unless on adventure mode
  • @Kevashi
    it's a nice build, but it's more a survival course than a security system to me.. still a good job building it :-)
  • So you built a security system which is defeatable with a wooden pickaxe. And one which even you fail to navigate, which fatally dunks you in lava. A much simpler device which achieves the same effect is to build a chest next to your nemesis's home, put all your diamonds in it, and then go hug a creeper.
  • @ShiftySetax
    This reminds me of the quote from Burn Notice, about how all defense systems are a trade off between Security and Accessibility.